The tent fell silent.

The elder also knew what the sect masters were thinking, but he didn't care about that. He cared about whether he could take over this war zone.

He continued: "There are not many demon kings with five stars or less under Niu Le's command now."

"There are not many we need to pay attention to."

The elder pointed to the sand table in the middle.

"After this period of research."

"The easiest place to break through is here."

Everyone looked in the direction of the elder's finger.

"Tomorrow, we will use this as a breakthrough point."

"I will only give you five days."

"I don't care what you think of, whether it's tactics or human lives."

"If you can't take it, leave your life for me."

"Yes!" The sect masters replied quickly.

Most of their strength is four-star and five-star martial kings.

But in this war that is like a meat grinder, at best they can only be regarded as higher-level cannon fodder.

At the end of the meeting, more than a dozen sect masters looked ashen.

At this moment, Gou, who was listening on the side, frowned.

After Hu Xiao let him go, he had been trying his best to find out the truth about the war between the human and demon tribes.

But no matter whether he asked indirectly or directly, he could not get the answer he wanted.

In the sect, whether it was the great elder or other elders in the sect, the reason they answered him was for the human race.

He also found that his master had disappeared during this period.

The ancestor who loved him the most before also disappeared.

But he could feel that the human race seemed to have disregarded everything for the war.

In their eyes, human life was like grass.

He also asked this question, was it too radical to cause too many deaths?

But the answer to him was that these people died for their own good and died gloriously.

Only then did Gou know that this war between humans and demons must hide unknown secrets.

Taking advantage of the dead of night, Gou left the tent and quickly headed towards Hu Xiaodi.

On the demon side.

Hu Xiao had absorbed all the Tian Yao Fruit.

But what Hu Xiao regretted was that he did not reach the world's peak, but only the early stage of the fourth level.

But this already made Hu Xiao very satisfied.

It was not good to improve strength too quickly.

At this time, Hu Xiao suddenly felt that Gou was approaching him, and realized that Gou must have news to report.

He left the tent and came to a remote place.

Gou had been waiting here for a long time, and immediately stepped forward when he saw Hu Xiao coming.


Hu Xiao glanced at Gou lightly: "Have you found out the news?"

"Master, I have been looking for news since I went back, but I haven't been able to get any useful information." Gou lowered his head quickly.

Hu Xiao's expression did not change at all.

Gou's answer was within his expectations. After all, such a big thing, if only a disciple could easily find out, it would not be considered a secret.

"Tell me, what are you doing here this time?" Hu Xiao asked again.

Gou's expression also became more serious.

"Master, the great elder of my sect has just issued a death order."

"The sects that request to participate in the war must break through the war zone of the demon clan within five days."

Go Wu took out a map with a red mark on it.

"This area is their breakthrough point tomorrow."

Hu Xiao took a look at the map and said, "Okay, I know."

"Anything else?"

"One more thing." Go Wu told Luan Hanan's story again.

Hu Xiao frowned after hearing this: "Your great elder is so cruel to threaten the lives of the entire sect."

Go Wu did not answer.

He also didn't know why the great elder's temperament changed so much after the war between the human and demon clans began.

"Okay, I know, you go back and continue to find out the news. Come and report any news as soon as possible." Hu Xiao stopped asking and waved his hand to let Go Wu leave.

"Yes!" Go Wu nodded, turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

Hu Xiao returned to the tent and handed the map to Xiong Er.

"Go check which demon king is on duty at this red-marked place."

"Yes, my king." Xiong Er took the map and turned to leave.

Not long after, Xiong Er hurried back.

Before Hu Xiao could speak, he heard Xiong Er say, "My king, I have checked it out."

"Your father-in-law is on duty in this area."

Hu Xiao's face changed slightly.

Since the human race wants to use the Qingqiu Demon King as a breakthrough point, the Qingqiu Demon King will definitely experience a hard battle tomorrow and may die.

Because of Bai Yun, Hu Xiao does not want to have any intersection with the Qingqiu Demon King.

However, Simin and the Qingqiu Demon King have a very good relationship. If Simin knew that he did not help him, it would probably cause a rift between the two.

The next day!

Hu Xiao and his demon soldiers will join the battlefield again.

After yesterday's battle, no one will fight Hu Xiao again.

Hu Xiao is like a sharp blade, piercing the opponent's battlefield and killing the opponent.

But Hu Xiao did not go deeper, but focused more on the direction where the Qingqiu Demon King was.

After a whole day, Hu Xiao had killed three martial kings.

But there is indeed no change on the human side. It is still the same as before, allowing these low-strength monks and demon soldiers and generals to fight.

Gao Xing's King Wu was blocked by Niu Le and his demon envoys.

Until the evening, Qingqiu Demon King had just killed a two-star Martial King. At this time, he was already a little exhausted physically and mentally.

Today he was constantly being pestered by two five-star Martial Kings, and from time to time there were also low-star Martial Kings nearby who would make sneak attacks.

Fortunately, he was strong enough, and with the help of Fu Sheng, he was able to barely hold his position.

At this time, Qingqiu Demon King suddenly felt that there were more than a dozen powerful auras blasting towards him.

Qingqiu Demon King suddenly felt something bad in his heart and yelled quickly.

"Quickly retreat!"

The two turned and backed away.

Suddenly, the space in front of them opened, and three five-star Martial Kings came out of the gap.

"If you want to leave now, I'm afraid it's too late!"

When Qingqiu Demon King saw this, his pupils suddenly trembled, his face was extremely gloomy and he gritted his teeth and said: "Space Spirit Soldier!"

"In order to kill me, you are really willing to spend a lot of money."

"There is no way, you will die today." One of the Martial Kings grinned, "Let's go together to avoid a long night and many dreams."


"Die to me!"

Boom boom boom...

No one held back.

In an instant, more than a dozen powerful attacks came towards the Qingqiu Demon King.

Spiritual energy surges, and the color of the world changes.

Qingqiu Demon King frowned and stared at everyone with eyes that were about to burst.

"Even if I die today, I will still support you."


The surrounding spiritual energy suddenly rioted, and a five-tailed cyan demon fox suddenly appeared in the sky.

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