Three flying monsters lined up and flew quickly towards Donghuang City.

Along the way, they passed through many monster kings' territories, and some people wanted to stop them.

But when they saw the token given by the Monster King, they stepped back and made way.

Luo Shuiyan sat on the monster's back and looked in the direction of Tiger King City.

"I don't know when I can come back."

For Luo Shuiyan, although Donghuang City is a symbol of status, Tiger King City is his home.

When he first followed Hu Xiao, Hu Xiao was just an eighth-level monster king.

She accompanied Hu Xiao to grow up step by step, and watched Hu Xiao build Tiger King City.

She also spent a lot of effort, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Tiger King City is half of hers.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Ah, my stomach hurts so much, maybe I'm about to give birth."

Hu Xiao looked back quickly, only to see Shuang Yingxin lying on the chair with a painful face, holding her stomach, and dense beads of sweat oozing from her smooth forehead.

Shuang Yingxin was the woman that Xiong Er had captured from the human clan.

Her pregnancy time was later than the previous three.

"Quick, find a place to land."

Luo Shuiyan ordered hurriedly.

Soon the flying monster landed on a flat place, but this wilderness was not suitable for childbirth.

"What should I do?"

Luo Shuiyan looked at Shuang Yingxin, who looked painful, with a worried look on her face.

At this time, Xiong Er suddenly felt that someone was approaching this side quickly, and immediately took out his weapon.

"Who? Get out of here quickly."

I saw a little demon soldier trembling and poking his head out from a big tree next to him.

"Who are you? How did you come to our demon king's territory?"

Luo Shuiyan was delighted when she heard this, and hurriedly stepped forward.

"Is your demon court far from here?"

The little demon was stunned when he saw Luo Shuiyan.

"Human race? Why should I tell you?"

As soon as the voice fell, the little demon soldier felt a murderous aura coming from behind him.

He wanted to look back, but saw that Xiong Er had already grabbed his neck with a big hand.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? If I ask you a question, you answer it."

"If you don't answer, I will crush your neck."

The little demon soldier was so scared that his whole body was shaking.

"Not far, not far, just nearby."

"Trouble you take us there." Luo Shuiyan said quickly.

The only way now is to find the local demon court and ask them for help.

"Okay." The little demon soldier didn't know what Luo Shuiyan was going to do, but if the other party dared to go, then he would make him go without return.

Soon, under the leadership of the little demon soldier, Luo Shuiyan and his party came to a lake.

There are wooden houses everywhere here, which is a world apart from Tiger King City.

But it is also better than the wilderness.

Seeing that the little demon brought other demon beasts back, a ninth-level giant wolf who was responsible for staying here jumped out immediately.

"Are you looking for death? You brought an unknown monster to our territory."

"When the Monster King comes back, I will make you live a life worse than death."

Without giving the little monster soldier a chance to speak, Luo Shuiyan stood up immediately.

"Hello, we are from Tiger King City, we are Tiger Xiao's wife."

"Now we have a pair of sisters who are about to give birth, and we want to borrow your precious land."

The giant wolf's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard the name of Tiger Xiao. After all, the name of Tiger Xiao has almost enjoyed the entire Eastern Monster Territory.

"Tiger Xiao?"

"Is it the Tiger King who killed the Green Flood Dragon and the Black Flood Dragon?"

"That's right!" Luo Shuiyan nodded quickly.

When the giant wolf heard it, his eyes began to turn instantly.

During this period, he also heard the news from the front line. He knew how strong Tiger Xiao was now.

But he had never received any news from their own monster king.

If they didn't have a monster king here, they would most likely be devoured by monsters from other places.

If he makes friends with Hu Xiao now and protects Hu Xiao's wife, after the war is over, he may seek Hu Xiao's help and become the demon king here. It is not impossible.

Thinking of this, the giant wolf's expression immediately became excited and turned back quickly.

"Are you all deaf? Didn't you hear the great mistress of Tiger King City say that she would give birth here?"

"Why don't you hurry up and prepare?"

After that, the little demon beasts in the back immediately started to act.

Seeing this, Luo Shuiyan smiled.

"Thank you!"

Unexpectedly, Hu Xiao's name is so useful here.

"You're welcome. This is what we should do. Just tell us if you need anything. If we don't have it, we will go to other places to get it."

"No need, we brought it ourselves." Luo Shuiyan expressed her gratitude again.

Then Luo Shuiyan immediately took people to send Shuang Yingxin into the room.

At this moment, the giant wolf and others were more nervous than others.

After all, if Hu Xiao's child was born here, they would be equivalent to letting Hu Xiao owe a huge favor.

But if something happened here, Hu Xiao would be angry with them.

Not long after, the sound of a baby crying came from the room, and the giant wolf breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the baby was born smoothly."

The giant wolf was ecstatic, and he felt that he was lucky this time.

After Luo Shuiyan came out, he quickly went up to congratulate him.


Luo Shuiyan nodded slightly: "Thank you very much."

"When we arrive at Donghuang City, we will definitely tell our king about this matter, and then we will thank you very much."

"Oh, no, no, no, it's all easy." Although he said this, the giant wolf was ecstatic in his heart.

Soon the giant wolf also realized that they were going to the Eastern Imperial City.

Not everyone with strong strength can go to Donghuang City.

The demon king who lives there can make the entire Eastern Demon Realm tremble by stomping his feet.

Thinking of this, I felt even more excited.

Then isn't he holding a thigh now?

Then he immediately ordered people to serve all the good wine and food.

It knew that Shuangyingxin had just given birth and would definitely not be able to travel long distances. It had to rest here for at least a day or two. These two days were the perfect opportunity for it to perform.

At this time, the front line.

Three days passed in a flash, and Hu Xiao was still unconscious.

In the past few days, Ge Wu, Rong Guang and Luan Han'an would wait for the tiger to roar at a fixed place every night, but they never could.

But in the past few days, there has been no friction between the human race and the demon race. Both sides are extremely quiet, like the calm before the storm.

Niu Le, on the other hand, stayed by Hu Xiao's side every day.

At this moment, Hu Xiao's superficial wounds have completely recovered, his complexion has turned rosy, and he is no longer any different from a normal person.

On this day, Niu Le came to visit Hu Xiao as usual, and suddenly noticed that Hu Xiao's brow suddenly moved.

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