In the mountains, the surging demonic energy was like a flood.

The originally peaceful mountains were instantly shrouded in darkness and became eerie and terrifying.

The human race and demon race living here were attacked by the sudden demonic energy without any defense.

The human race screamed in fear and ran around.

"Help! What on earth is this thing?!" A middle-aged man shouted desperately.

As soon as his body came into contact with the demonic energy, his skin quickly turned black, and his blood vessels bulged, as if countless worms were crawling under his skin.

He fell to the ground in pain, scratching his face with both hands desperately, leaving a trail of blood.

"Run, if we can't run away, we will all die!" A young woman pulled the child's hand and ran desperately in the direction away from the demonic energy.

But the demonic energy spread very quickly and soon swallowed them. The child cried heartbreakingly: "Mom, I'm scared!"

"Don't worry about me, run by yourself!" An old man pushed the young man next to him.

The young man cried, "Grandpa, I won't abandon you!"

The demons were not spared either. Their originally ferocious faces became even more distorted under the pollution of the demonic energy.

Some of them had swollen bodies and bulging muscles, as if they were about to burst.

Some grew sharp fangs and bone spurs, and their eyes became more crazy and bloodthirsty, but the flesh and blood on their bodies were disappearing rapidly.

"Ah!" A demon warrior roared in pain.

His body was twisted into a weird shape by the demonic energy, and his hands turned into huge claws, attacking everything around him indiscriminately.

"No, this is not me!" Another demon tried to resist the erosion of the demonic energy, but was eventually completely changed and lost his mind.

"Everyone gather together, don't run around!" A demon who looked like a leader shouted.

"Are we finished?" A demon asked desperately.

The screams came one after another, but it didn't take long for the calm to return.

All the places covered by the demonic energy, whether they were humans or demons, became demons, their eyes were empty, and they only obeyed the drive of the dark power.

At this time, Hu Xiao didn't know what was happening here, and was flying quickly towards the disciple that Tiger had given him.

Luan Han'an's sect was located in a mountain. Originally, the place was beautiful with clear water and birds singing and flowers blooming.

The clear stream was gurgling, and the wild flowers beside the stream were flourishing and colorful.

The peaks were towering into the clouds, with green trees and shades, and the breeze in the mountains brought a fresh breath.

But at this time, it was a desolate scene everywhere.

The flowers and plants withered, the trees died, the streams dried up, leaving only dry land and yellow grass leaves.

The peaks also lost their former vitality and became gray and dull.

The sect where Luan Han'an was located was being attacked by the demons.

The demons all over the mountains and plains came like a tide. They had different shapes. Some were huge, like small hills.

Some were thin, but agile, like ghosts.

They exuded a disgusting aura, and their eyes flashed with greed and cruelty.

Luan Hanan was wearing a light blue long skirt, the hem of which fluttered in the wind, like a fairy descending to the earth.

She had a white belt tied around her waist, which made her figure more graceful.

Her long black hair was tied up high, which made her look neat and tidy.

She held an exquisite bow and arrow in her hand, the bow flashed with mysterious light, and the arrow was on the string, ready to be launched.

Luan Hanan frowned, her eyes were firm and cold.

While shooting the demons, she loudly commanded the people of the sect to kill the demons.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, concentrate your strength and hold the line!"

"Disciples on the left, step up the attack!"

"Brother, I can't hold on any longer!" A young disciple shouted.

"Hold on, reinforcements will be here soon!"

The disciples of the sect fought bravely under her command.

"Kill! For the sect!" A young disciple of the sect waved a long sword, the sword flashed with light, and cut the demon in front of him into two pieces with one sword.

"Don't retreat, behind us is the sect, our home!" another disciple shouted.

His body was covered with wounds, but he still rushed towards the demons without fear.

At this moment, a disciple of the sect suddenly ran to report.

"It's not good for the sect master. The demons have opened a gap on the left side of the sect protection formation, and the demons are pouring in from the gap."

"What?" Luan Hanan's face suddenly became a little ugly, and she shouted: "Follow me, we must block the gap!"

"Yes!" Several disciples quickly followed him and rushed towards the gap.

At this time, there was also a woman with short hair and delicate face following Luan Hanan.

The woman held a longbow in her hand and a long spear on her back.

Although the body was stained with blood, this blood stain not only could not cover its beauty, but added a few touches of charm to it.

"Sister, can we do it?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm here, I won't let the demons succeed!" Luan Han'an stared at the front.

Soon, several people followed Luan Han'an and rushed to the left.

At this time, there were still a large number of disciples blocking the gap.

Their swords were waving, the light was flashing, and every attack was with the determination to die.

Luan Han'an pulled the bowstring, and a sharp arrow shot out, instantly piercing the head of a demon.

There was no mercy in her eyes, only coldness towards the enemy.

"Everyone keep doing it, drive them back!" Luan Han'an shouted.

"Yes!" Seeing the master coming, everyone was motivated again.

With everyone's efforts, the demons were repelled, and Luan Han'an immediately ordered: "Retreat, repair the sect protection formation!"


Everyone immediately made hand seals, gathering spiritual energy to repair the damaged sect protection formation

After a while, the formation was repaired.

Luan Han'an wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked up at the horizon, and frowned slightly.

She had already asked for help from some major sects before, but she had not received any response from the major sects until now. Three days have passed, and there is no support at all.

"Are you going to abandon us?" Luan Han'an gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Damn thing."

Luan Han'an cursed secretly, and when he was about to continue the attack, he suddenly sensed a familiar breath, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is the master here?"

After returning from the battlefield, she first attended the meeting, and then prepared to find Hu Xiao.

But just as she was about to go out, she found that the demons had revived. In order to protect her sect, she came back again.

At this moment, Hu Xiao frowned as he looked at the demons all over the mountains. If he continued to kill them, he didn't know how long it would take.

Hu Xiao's figure flew from the sky to the sky above Luan Han'an's sect and looked at Luan Han'an from a distance.

Before Luan Han'an could speak, Hu Xiao's voice came to his ears.

"Let all the disciples of your sect retreat!"

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