When everyone saw the demon army coming, they were in a panic.

But the princess and Yu Huai quickly calmed down and began to command the battle in an orderly manner.

Yu Huai used all his internal strength and shouted loudly: "All human cultivators, prepare to meet the enemy according to the pre-arranged formation! Don't panic, keep the formation!"

His voice was as loud as a bell, spreading throughout the battlefield. When the human cultivators heard his order, they calmed down and quickly assembled into a formation.

The princess was not to be outdone and shouted.

"Warriors of the demon clan, follow me to fight against the demon clan! Let them see how powerful we are!"

She drew the sword from her waist, pointed it forward, and rushed to the demon army first.

Hu Xiao flashed, and rushed directly to the front of the demon army like a ghost.

He exuded a powerful aura, and the strength of the three-star demon king was fully revealed.

The tiger sword in his hand flashed with dazzling light.

With a wave, the powerful force instantly repelled a group of demon soldiers.

The monks of the human race and the demon race also used their own spells and skills.

The human monks chanted spells, and the staffs in their hands emitted colorful light, turning into sharp spells and shooting at the demons.

The demons showed their innate powerful strength, and some turned into huge beasts.

They roared and pounced on the enemy.

The light of the spells and the dark power of the demons intertwined, illuminating the entire battlefield.

For a time, shouts, screams, and the roar of spells intertwined, forming a tragic battle picture.

Gou fought bravely in the crowd. The wounds on his body opened again due to the intense movement, and the blood stained his clothes red, but he didn't care at all. He had only one belief in his heart.

Destroy the demons.

He waved the long sword in his hand, and each sword was full of endless anger and determination. Wherever he went, the demon soldiers fell one after another.

Bat Wing and Lu Xing also showed their powerful strength.

Bat Wing transformed into a giant bat, and with a wave of its sharp claws, it could tear several demon soldiers into pieces.

Lu Xing cast a mysterious spell, and rays of light shot out from his hands, causing violent explosions after hitting the demons.

They cooperated tacitly and covered each other, and each attack could cause huge damage to the demons.

In the battle, the human race and the demon race gradually got used to each other, and their cooperation became more and more tacit.

The eldest princess and Yu Huai constantly adjusted their tactics to give full play to the advantages of both sides.

Yu Huai commanded the human cultivators to form a defensive line to resist the waves of attacks from the demons.

At the same time, he sent a team of elite cultivators to go around the rear of the demons and launch a surprise attack.

The eldest princess asked the demon flying troops to harass the demons in the air and disrupt their offensive rhythm.

The demon army on the ground confronted the demons head-on and launched a fierce melee.

Hu Xiao was like a god of war, rushing left and right in the demon army, and wherever he went, the demon soldiers avoided him. Each of his attacks contained the power of destroying the world, which frightened the demons.

However, the strength of the demons should not be underestimated. Their generals cast powerful dark spells, causing considerable casualties to the human race and the demon race.

But the human race and the demon race did not retreat, but became more and more courageous.

The battle lasted for several days, and both sides were in a stalemate.

The demons continued to increase their troops, and the human race and the demon race also fought desperately. The battlefield spread from outside the city to the nearby mountains and forests, and every inch of land was stained red with blood.

In a fierce confrontation, the princess was unfortunately hit by a master of the demon race and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Hu Xiao saw this scene, and his hair was furious, bursting out with more powerful power, and instantly killed the demon master.

"Princess, hold on!" Hu Xiao shouted, and quickly came to the princess's side, supplying her with spiritual power, temporarily stabilizing her injuries.

Bat Wing and Lu Xing were also blood-thirsty, and they attacked the demons frantically to avenge the princess.

After several days of fierce fighting, the demons' attack was finally repelled.

The battlefield was littered with corpses, and blood dyed the earth red.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood and gunpowder.

Yu Huai looked at the exhausted people and said in a slightly hoarse voice.

"This is just a tentative attack by the demons. We must be more fully prepared next. They will not give up."

The princess nodded in agreement. Her face was also full of fatigue, but her eyes were still firm.

"We must seize the time to rest and strengthen our defenses. We can't let the demons take advantage of us."

Hu Xiao looked at the battlefield and swore in his heart.

The demons must be completely driven out of this land so that everyone can live a peaceful life.

Everyone began to clean up the battlefield and treat the wounded.

Some young monks looked at the devastated battlefield with sadness and anger in their eyes.

But they also strengthened their determination to fight against the demons.

In the camp, the princess lay on the hospital bed, her face pale.

She looked at Hu Xiao and said weakly: "Hu Xiao, the demon tribe relies on you. I am too weak to help much."

"My royal brother is preparing to send troops to support."

Hu Xiao patted his shoulder and said firmly: "Don't worry, Princess, as long as we don't give up, we will definitely defeat the demon tribe."

In the following days, the human race and the demon tribe strengthened the city's defenses and trained soldiers.

Prepare for the next attack of the demon tribe.

They constantly studied tactics, exchanged cultivation experiences, and improved their strength.

At the same time, the demons were also accumulating strength and preparing to launch a more violent attack.

A few months later, the demons attacked again.

This time, they brought more powerful weapons and spells, and the battle was more brutal.

The coalition forces of the human race and the demon race fought hard, but the demons attacked one wave after another, which made people overwhelmed.

Hu Xiao was in danger many times in the battle, but he relied on his tenacious will and strong strength to escape danger again and again.

Days passed, and the war had lasted for nearly a year.

Both sides paid a heavy price, but no one backed down.

In a battle, Hu Xiao found that the demons seemed to be looking for something. He was puzzled, but he had no time to care at this time.

A few months later, the situation on the battlefield became more and more serious.

The resources of the human race and the demon race were gradually scarce, and the warriors were exhausted.

But at this time, Hu Xiao broke through the bottleneck in a battle and his strength was further improved.

With the treasures given by the system and the inheritance beads of the old demon king, Hu Xiao has now reached the level of a five-star demon king.

His improved strength has brought new hope to the human race and the demon race, and everyone's morale has been greatly boosted.

However, the demon race did not retreat because of this, and the battle is still going on fiercely.

Looking at the Demon Mountain in the distance, Hu Xiao looked serious.

"This strength is not enough!"

This war with the demon race has lasted for more than a year.

The entire continent is immersed in the haze of war.

The losses on both sides are extremely heavy, but the offensive of the demon race is still fierce, as if it will never tire.

Hu Xiao stood on the city wall, looking at the demon army surging like a tide in the distance.

His eyes revealed firmness and determination.

His clothes were tattered and bloodstained, but the innate majesty and courage were not diminished at all.

The eldest princess and Yu Huai also came to the city wall. Their faces were haggard, but they still had an indomitable fighting spirit.

Yu Huai looked at the dark army of demons and said heavily.

"This may be our last decisive battle."

The princess held her sword tightly.

"Even if we die, we will make the demons pay a heavy price!"

Hu Xiao took a deep breath and said loudly.

"We have persisted for so long, how can we be afraid of the demons."



As his voice fell, the warriors of the human race and the demon race shouted in unison, and the sound seemed to break through the clouds and shake the world.

The battle broke out instantly, and the soldiers of the demon race rushed to the city frantically.

Hu Xiao jumped off the city wall and rushed directly into the enemy camp.

The sword in his hand shone brightly, like a dragon out of the sea. Wherever he passed, the bodies of the demon soldiers were torn by the sword energy and blood splattered.

The princess shuttled on the battlefield. Her sword skills were sharp. With the power of space, wherever she went, the demon soldiers fell one after another.

Yu Huai was in command of the overall situation in the rear, deploying troops to ensure the stability of the defense line.

His forehead was covered with sweat, but his eyes were always firm.

Bat Wing and Lu Xing also fought bravely on the battlefield. They were covered with blood, but they still did not retreat.

Gou endured the pain and swung his long sword, using all his strength for every blow.

His sword skills were fierce and vigorous, like a violent storm, making it difficult for the demons in front of him to resist.

With a wave of its claws, it could knock several demon soldiers away, and the breath from its mouth was like a whistling wind, blowing the demons to the ground.

As the battle progressed, the demons' offensive became more and more fierce.

Their generals cast powerful dark spells, which put great pressure on the human race and the demon race.

Many warriors fell under the attack of dark spells, and the battlefield was filled with the breath of death. Dark spells are like black vortexes, devouring all life. Wherever they touch, the grass and trees wither and the land is scorched.

At this critical moment, Hu Xiao suddenly realized a new way to use the power of space in the battle.

He closed his eyes and felt the fluctuations of the space around him.

Then he suddenly opened his eyes and waved the weapon in his hand.

A strange light shot out from the weapon, and wherever it went, the space seemed to be distorted.

The soldiers of the demon clan were caught in it and disappeared in an instant.

The power of space distortion was like a huge meat grinder, tearing the bodies of the demon soldiers apart, leaving only screams.

This powerful skill caused the demon army to panic, and the morale of the human and demon clans was greatly boosted, and they launched a counterattack.

However, the demon clan did not give up easily. They continued to attack frantically, trying to break through the defenses of the human and demon clans.

The battle entered a white-hot stage, and both sides were already blood-thirsty.

Hu Xiao kept shuttling on the battlefield, killing the demon clan generals, trying to disrupt their command system. His figure was like a ghost, appearing and disappearing, making the demon clan generals defenseless.

In a fierce battle, Hu Xiao was unfortunately hit by a powerful demon master, spitting blood and flying backwards.

"Hu Xiao!" Princess and Yu Huai exclaimed at the same time.

But the moment Hu Xiao landed, he endured the pain and stood up again, with unyielding anger burning in his eyes.

"I won't fall!" He roared and rushed towards the demon camp again.

Just when the battle was at a stalemate, a powerful force suddenly erupted from Hu Xiao's body.

His breath continued to rise, and the space around him began to tremble.

He broke through and reached the realm of the Demon Emperor!

Hu Xiao exuded endless pressure, and every move of his contained the power to destroy the world.

He once again cast a powerful space spell to separate the demon army, allowing the human race and the demon race to defeat them one by one.

The space was cut into countless small pieces, and the demon army was trapped in it, unable to support each other.

Under the leadership of Hu Xiao, the human and demon coalition launched the final charge.

They were like an unstoppable torrent, completely defeating the demons.

The magic light of the human monks illuminated the entire battlefield, and the roar of the demons resounded through the sky. They worked closely together and did not give the demons any breathing space.

In the end, the human and demon coalition drove the demons back to their birthplace and successfully sealed the entrance.

After the battle, the battlefield was silent.

The corpses and broken weapons on the ground witnessed this fierce battle.

The eldest princess and Yu Huai looked at each other with a relieved smile on their faces.

Yu Huai spoke with lingering fear.

"It was a narrow victory this time!"

The princess nodded.

"From now on, I hope this kind of ghost thing will not come out again!"

The war is over.

Hu Xiao returned to Tiger King City with his wife and children.

The people in the city cheered and welcomed their heroic return.

Hu Xiao looked at his familiar home, his heart full of emotion.

He knew that this victory was hard-won and was exchanged for the sacrifice of countless people.

In the days to come, Hu Xiao lived a peaceful and happy life.

His heroic deeds spread among the human and demon tribes and became an eternal legend.

In Hu Xiao's courtyard, the sun shone on the flowers, plants and trees, and it was full of vitality.

Hu Xiao sat on a recliner, and his wives surrounded him.

Luo Shuiyan gently patted his shoulders and said gently: "My king, you have worked hard during this period."

Hu Xiao smiled and held her hand: "As long as it can be exchanged for the peace now, everything is worth it."

Bai Yun brought a plate of fresh fruit and said with a smile.

"Everyone, have a taste. I just picked it from the orchard."

The children were laughing and playing in the yard. Hu Xiao looked at them with love in his eyes.

Qing Xue walked to Hu Xiao and leaned in his arms.

"We will be happy forever."

Hu Xiao nodded: "Yes, this is our common wish."

At night, the stars were twinkling.

Hu Xiao and his wives sat in the yard, enjoying this quiet time.

Hu Xiao said with emotion: "After so many ups and downs, I am satisfied to be with you now."

The wives nodded one after another, with happy smiles on their faces.

From then on, Hu Xiao and his wives worked hand in hand to spend every good time together.

That day, the system prompt sound kept ringing in Hu Xiao's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for giving birth to a new offspring, reward...] (End of this chapter)

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