Two hundred miles west of Tiger King Territory.

Canglang Territory.

This is the territory of the seventh-level demon Canglang.

In the deep valley, hundreds of wild wolves are fighting and biting each other, and the whimpering and howling echoes in the wilderness.

And in the cave of Canglang Territory.

Broken bones can be seen everywhere on the ground, and the blue ghost fire on the rock wall is burning. A giant wolf is lying among the bones, gnawing on a half-torn human leg bone.

Trample, trample.

In the dim cave, dragging footsteps sounded one after another, and two deformed wolf-headed demons walked out of the stone room and knelt on the ground.

"Report to the king!"

A white wolf demon general whispered: "This time I went to Tiger King Territory, I have already found out the general situation."

"Has Tiger King Territory responded?"

Canglang opened his dark green eyes, grinned fiercely, and hissed in his throat.

"No movement!"

Another Gray Wolf demon general answered loudly, saying happily: "My king, in my opinion, Hu Xiao is indeed seriously injured. He is no longer the crazy tiger before, and has completely become a sick cat!"

"Yes, my king, this time we sent wolves to rob their spiritual stone veins, but they didn't even dare to fart!"

The White Wolf demon general said ecstatically: "It is obvious that because the sick cat was injured, the two stupid bears were afraid of us and could only hide!"

The voice fell.


The Canglang gnashed his teeth with the leg bone and nodded, "Based on my understanding of the crazy tiger, if it were in the past, he should have come to the door by now!"

"But now he is silent. It seems that he is really as rumored, he is seriously injured this time!"

As he said, the Canglang got up from the pile of bones, got on all fours, and slowly walked towards the two generals, baring his teeth and showing ferocious ecstasy.

"I can finally take revenge on the crazy tiger!"

The Canglang Territory and the Tiger King Territory are adjacent.

In the past, there were constant frictions and disputes on the border, but because he was slightly inferior to Hu Xiao in strength, he could only be bullied and dared not say a word.

But now.

Hu Xiao was seriously injured.

It was a good opportunity for him to avenge his previous shame!

"My king, the sick cat is hiding in the cave, and now is the right time!"

The gray wolf demon was excited and loudly made suggestions:

"The two stupid bears are not to be feared. Let the wolf pack contain them, and then the king will go straight into the cave and chew the brain of Hu Xiao himself!

When the time comes, the king will draw his blood and nourish his cultivation, and his strength will definitely be able to reach a higher level!"

"No, not enough!"

The gray wolf looked at the sky outside the cave with resentment, his eyes were fierce.

"Once I catch Hu Xiao, I will never let him die so easily! I will peel off his tiger skin with my own hands, let him be exposed to the sun, and then I will kill him!"

As soon as the words fell, a sinister aura swept through the cave.

The two generals trembled all over and shivered backwards in fear.

After a long silence.

"Your Majesty is right. Hu Xiao can't die so easily."

The White Wolf General nodded in agreement, and at the same time, a playful smile appeared on his lips.

"And I heard that the mad tiger recently abducted a human woman as his mistress, and took good care of her, treating her like a treasure in his palm..."

"Human woman?"

Hearing this, the Gray Wolf glanced sideways and said in surprise, "That stupid tiger actually took a bite?"

"That's right, Your Majesty, this happened a week ago."

The Gray Wolf General echoed: "That person The woman was born with a graceful figure and stunning appearance... Hu Xiao was immersed in the gentle land and never stepped out of the cave.

After you break through the Tiger King's territory, you can take them all together, and then torture them in front of him to make him die with regrets! "

"Okay, okay!"

When Canglang heard this, he wrinkled his nose and bared his teeth, nodded with satisfaction and smiled:

"This is a good idea. When I get tired of playing with them, I will throw them to the wolf cubs in the territory to continue. You two can have priority at that time."

Hearing this.

The eyes of the two wolf-headed generals lit up, and the fishy saliva in their mouths flowed to the ground.

"Thank you, my king!"

"Okay, this discussion ends here, take me to see the looted spiritual stone."

Canglang raised his head, his eyes showing greed.

"Yes, my king, please follow me."

The two wolf-headed generals accepted the order and turned to walk out of the cave, "This big harvest can be said to be a harvest..."

But before he finished speaking.

A roar suddenly spread into the cave!

"Cang Lang, get out of here!!!"

The next moment.


The sound was like thunder, the sound waves rolled, the rock wall in the cave shattered, the spider-web-like cracks spread rapidly, and the rocks fell.

The ghost fire of the netherworld suddenly extinguished.

Darkness fell, and the cave was pitch dark!

"Crazy Tiger!?!"

Cang Lang's face changed drastically, and he was so scared that he immediately got into the pile of bones, holding a skull in his mouth to cover his face.

The huge wolf body shook like a sieve, and the whole body trembled.

The tiger roared, and it actually made his blood surge up, and the demon power was chaotic.


Extremely dangerous!

Cang Lang looked at the wolf-headed general in fear:

"Didn't you say it was seriously injured?! How..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes swept over the generals and suddenly stopped talking.

The reason was nothing else.

The two demon generals who had just reported the incident were paralyzed, and they fell to the ground, convulsing, bleeding from their mouths and noses, and spurting yellow liquid from their crotches.

They couldn't even hold the door!

The tiger's roar actually directly damaged their meridians, and their livers and brains were torn apart!

"Not good, not good, not good..."

The wolf shivered and shrank into the corner, muttering in fear, the fear in his eyes could not be suppressed.

"This guy's strength is stronger than before!"

Inside the cave, the ground shook, bangs fell to the ground, the scenery overturned, and there was a mess everywhere.

The wolf was shocked and frightened, looking outside the cave, his heart was completely confused.

With just a tiger roar, the demon general was killed....

This strength is not something he can match!


That's not right!

Shouldn't Crazy Tiger be seriously injured? !

How come now, this strength has increased instead of decreased, and it has become even more terrifying? !

"Dare to play tricks on me? Crazy Tiger can use wisdom?"

The wolf was nestled in the pile of bones, circling anxiously on the spot. Now he was caught off guard... What should he do? !

Just when he hesitated.


The second tiger roar blasted in!

"Get out!"

The passionate roar came in, and the straight spine of the wolf collapsed again, and he recalled the fear of being dominated by the tiger roar again.

In the past.

If he didn't leave the cave within ten breaths, the tiger roar would step into the cave and flatten the territory himself, and he had to respond.

"Quick, go and prepare to apologize!"

Thinking of this, the wolf roared, and the sound spread to all corners of the cave and fell into the ears of the remaining surviving wolf generals.

"Prepare a generous gift immediately to apologize to the tiger king!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whimpering wolf howl responded, and the wolves rushed around in the deafening roar, searching for treasures to prepare compensation.

The wolf covered his head and slowly got up from the pile of bones, feeling a pain in his heart.

Straight thief!

This time I have to bleed heavily again!!!

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