In the trial ground, Huang Hao also noticed the movement, but he didn't panic because he could feel that it was the breath of the master.

As expected of a master, it's just that the branch grass has taken root, making such a big commotion, but with the mysteriousness of the master, I believe no one will be able to find him.

Huang Hao continued to dig the treasure bone, and finally dug it out, but found that the treasure bone was broken???

Soon he understood what was going on, and he covered his face and let out a long sigh: "Master, leave something for your apprentice!"

The treasure bone was broken, and all kinds of difficulties in the trial site were useless. Many people who were undergoing trials suddenly felt that the difficulty of the trial had suddenly decreased.

There are also some people who don't know the truth are directly confident, and inexplicably inflated.

"It must be that I have improved in the past two years, so the difficulty of the trial ground is so easy for me.

"It turns out that I am so powerful, I will definitely be able to enter the Butian Pavilion this time!"

"Hahahaha, father, mother, son, I am afraid that I will pass the trial this time and enter Butian Pavilion to study."

"It is said that the Butian Pavilion trial is as difficult as reaching the sky. Today, I saw that it is so simple. Am I the one-in-a-million genius?"

In the center of the trial site, on the top of the highest mountain, the ramets were in full bloom, and their roots rapidly expanded in the soil. Countless roots absorbed the Spiritual Qi of the entire mountain. In the cave of the Beastmaster below the mountain, a Black Lotus flower radiated With Killing intent, a black tiger guards it, never leaving it.

This is the holy medicine of Butian Pavilion, which has been conceived for many years, nourished by the killing intent of this black tiger, but at the same time that Cao Ye took root, the holy medicine suddenly turned into liquid, seeped into the soil and disappeared.

It caused Heihu to dig holes continuously in this piece of soil, digging with his claws, and dug out a big hole in a short while, but there was not even a shadow of the holy medicine.

In the sky above Butian Pavilion, black clouds gathered, covering the world, and the spirit power storm swept across the entire trial site from the top of the mountain. Countless geniuses fled quickly, fearing that they would be affected by this unknown movement.

The people from Butian Pavilion were also at the trial site, and they rushed to the location of the holy medicine with a clear purpose, but there was only a black tiger who was digging a hole in a daze, and even hung the dirt on its beard because it was too anxious, which seemed It's kind of weird and cute, like a big black cat in a powerless rage.

"Wow "w!"

Seeing the Elder from Butian Pavilion coming, the black tiger let out a long roar and told them about the situation of the holy medicine.

Seeing this, the other forces who came along have doubts about Butian Pavilion's claim that there is a holy medicine: "Is there really a holy medicine? Even if it is really picked up, how come there is not even a little residue?

The Elders no longer have the energy to answer the questions of outsiders. They are heartbroken at the moment, and they have a holy medicine. It grew here obediently before. Why did it disappear after a while?

What's even more frightening is that they didn't notice it, and they couldn't find out who was making the noise.

It seems that something existed, after plundering a mountain of Spiritual Qi, he walked away leisurely, and it seemed that something existed again, and it stopped after a quick meal. to the source of the accident.

"Could this movement be caused by the pupil-killer? Didn't he mean that he would come? Maybe he was hiding in the trial ground to sabotage it." In the silence, someone hesitantly made a sound.

"No, although that kid is powerful, but this level of movement is not something he can make at this age. It must be that some evil spirit has awakened and is plundering life. Disappearing under the watchful eye of the guardian, that child definitely can't do that."

"Maybe it's the branch grass? The branch grass appeared together with the pupil-killer, but there was no more sound. I suspect that the branch grass may be from the ancient fierce spirit sword grass family, not the human race at all. Movement and stillness are also possible." Someone found another way, and on a whim, mentioned the mysterious strong stalk that had appeared in the False God Realm. Although there was not much movement, it was mysterious enough.

As soon as this person's remarks came out, some people even opened their minds: "Could it be that the master who suppressed the pupils has followed, and this movement is to show his prestige to Butian Pavilion?"

"Which apprentice is going to study and the Master will follow suit? Your thinking is too outrageous."

"Looking at the appearance of that Kotong who swears not to take others as his teacher, maybe his Master is extremely domineering? There are so many wonders in the world."

"This Butian Pavilion has lost face this time. There are forces from all sides. They have made such a big noise in the trial site but they can't find the culprit. It really makes people laugh. It's still a super power."

People of different forces commented on the movement of Butian Pavilion, and every word seemed to poke at the hearts of Butian Pavilion people.

The Elder of Butian Pavilion gave an order with a ferocious face: "If you dig three feet into the ground, you have to find the source. Everyone enters the trial ground to search!"


Cao Ye was unaware of the turmoil in the outside world. He absorbed the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, and found a problem. He seemed to be unable to act recklessly here.

Although the divine mind came here, the strength of the branch grass is the same as the main body, but the number of shots that can be made is limited, and the power used for shots is also limited by the power of the branch grass, and it is necessary to accumulate strength again when it is used up.

Another problem is that when the divine mind comes to the branch grass, it cannot take out the Zhuxian sword and other items that are stored in the divine soul of the main body.

That is to say, the branch grass takes root here, it's just a spirit-absorbing tool that doesn't get emotions, it's the kind of mana that needs to be saved and read again after running out of mana, although it's very powerful, it's not enough to hold him back.

Cao (how is it?) sighed, no wonder the ramets took root and absorbed so much energy, and now they are still continuously drawing vitality from the Butian Pavilion Lingshan.

But Cao Ye's spiritual thoughts came here, and the breathing technique was working all the time, and no one could find him unless he wanted to.

The people of Butian Pavilion searched all over the mountains and fields, but found nothing in the end. Just as they were about to leave the trial site and try to find a way, they saw that the large formation of the trial site collapsed, leaving thousands of trial people looking around in a daze, at a loss, I thought the trial was over suddenly.

An Elder clutched his heart and fell backwards: "This, this trial... It's over!"

Needless to say, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this trial of Butian Pavilion may not have to start again, not only because of frequent movements, but also because these selected people are not geniuses at all. Butian Pavilion, accept them as disciples?

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