No one responded to Shi Yi's roar, and Elder finally realized that Shi Yi might be confronting the enemy, and everyone surrounded him vigilantly, paying attention to the surrounding movements.

Shi Yi stepped up his efforts, the rune in his eyes changed a lot, he has always been arrogant, how could he give up willingly.


He seemed to hear a barely audible breaking sound, and then his eyes hurt so badly that he closed them unconsciously.

Elder's exclamation rang in my ears: "What's wrong with you!"

"My God! Look at his eyes!"

"Eyes? What's wrong with my eyes?" Hearing the voice, Shi Yi raised his hand and touched Own's eyes. It is difficult to open.

A voice sounded in my mind again; "If you don't listen to the advice, you will seek your own death. This is just a "five-eight-three" warning, don't be too arrogant!"

Shi Yi was terrified in his heart, and finally realized that he was afraid: "Who are you, and when did I offend you?"

"There is Karma for doing evil, and you will have to pay back in the future." After the man finished speaking, he was silent again.

Even though Shi Yi asked frantically, he couldn't get any response. The killing intent covering his body gradually dissipated, and the pain in his eyes also eased slightly.

Shi Yi opened his eyes, two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes, leaving two long marks on his face, matched with his expression, like a demon god.

"Let you look down on my apprentice, teach me a lesson!"

On Lingshan, Cao Dian finally gave up with satisfaction. Although his move seems to be bullying the small by the big, but who made Shi Yi in this period have a knot in his mind?

As a good master, of course you can't just sit idly by, but this time, you have exerted the power of the body, and you may not be able to use this power again in the next half a month

After all, it's just a branching grass. If the main body is here, there's no need to worry about these things. 1

Cao Ye concentrated and began to crazily absorb energy from the surrounding spirit mountains, completely ignoring the uproar caused by his attack this time.

In the martial arts arena, no matter the disciples of the genius camp or the common disciples, they were all dizzy by this series of changes.

"It must be the way I got up today, otherwise how could I have seen Shi Yi, a Double Pupils student, fall first, then go crazy and finally have blood and tears in his eyes?" A disciple of the genius camp thought dizzily.

"It's been a long time. I didn't expect that I could also witness the Double Pupils making a fool of themselves. It's a pity that no one will believe it. It's a pity that there is no record of the spar. Otherwise, this scene will definitely sell for a high price." A Common disciple It's a pity that I didn't record the scene just now.

"Did the little big brother make up the movement just now?" Qingfeng worshiped his little big brother blindly.

"I heard that the Double Pupils have never been defeated. They are almost mythical existences. Shi Yi has never tasted the taste of failure when he grows up. It is enviable. Who is behind the scenes today?" Someone asked The most critical problem came out.

Who is the initiator of this accident?

Among the people present, only Huang Hao has a clear heart, and who else can there be except the master.

Now that he has an open mind, he can calm down when he sees Shi Yi. I even felt that the farce in front of me was a little ridiculous.

No matter what Shi Yi is, there are always topics to talk about. Whether he is powerful or martial, or injured and embarrassing, he will always become the focus of discussion. Under the fame, the most important thing is fame.


But on the road of practice, what's the use of being famous, if you have this time, it's better to devote yourself to practice.

Thinking of this, he silently withdrew from the crowd.

All the Elders of Butian Pavilion have arrived, the owner of the pavilion Closed Door Training, not long after the last accident, today even the holy road collapsed, Double Pupils were injured in Butian Pavilion, people from Yuzu and Martial King said Maybe he will come to ask for an explanation soon.

All the Elders were in a serious mood, because after searching for a long time, they couldn't find any trace of outsiders.

Of course, a group of disciples asked all kinds of questions, and only Shi Yi said something that could prove that someone was really attacking, and he was also a peerless powerhouse "At least he can't be defeated.

"You say this level of attack, but it's just a warning!?" An Elder gasped.

"Warning? Who is he going to warn? Cut off the holy road and warn Butian Pavilion?" Yun Elder had a bad guess.

Butian Pavilion has run out of sacrifice spirits. Over the years, they have been trying to save the sacrifice spirits, and even this time they have already figured out how to arrange disciples and sealers to enter Baiduan Mountain to seek the Fountain of Youth

Could this attack be the result of the enemies of Butian Pavilion sensing the state of Ji Ling and coming to test it?

But what he didn't know was that Shi Yi said it but didn't say it completely. He only said a warning, but he didn't tell the people in Butian Pavilion that this attack was clearly aimed at him.

He has a bloody feud with him, and it involves Karma, except for the Little Brother back then, he doesn't think about it. During the time he calmed down, he sorted out the whole story of this incident over and over again.

In the end, I still suspected that maybe it was the person on the side of Little Brother who did it. I just don’t know what ability he has to find such a powerful helper. Not only can he go in and out of Butian Pavilion like no one’s land, but he can also use Tongtian and even hurt his Double Pupils!

Or, that child is in Butian Pavilion at this moment! He heard that a pupil-killer had recently become famous, and he once wondered if that person was his Little Brother.

If it is, then it makes sense, there have long been rumors that the master of Tongtong also came to the Butian Pavilion, but no one knows who he is, and in today's encounter, maybe he was the one who was watching it just now.

The second attack was also the same. What the mysterious man said was, take another step forward and kill Wushe, why not let him step forward? Because among the disciples in front, there is that pupil-obliterating "his disciple.

It seems that the people in the dark shot him to protect his useless Little Brother. 4.4 Shiyi smiled mockingly. Although he was injured, the behavior of that useless Little Brother managed to make him I feel happy.

If he really met, maybe he could be killed directly, otherwise why would the mysterious people protect him.

After figuring this out, Shi Yi finally felt relieved, no matter who that mysterious person is, as long as he grasps that trash Little Brother, he will not be afraid that he will not show up, and then he will be able to get a glimpse of his true face.

If you don't kill the useless Little Brother and the mysterious people behind him, the hatred in his heart will not be relieved. He suffered such a great shame and humiliation today, and he will definitely pay back a hundred times in the future!

Shi Yi's eyes were full of murderous aura, and a stabbing pain came, as if his own murderous aura could also affect the injury of his eyes.

He closed his eyes for a while, and finally walked away, furious. This matter still needs to be sent to the Hui people first. .

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