Chapter 113: Can I call you Dage?

Huang Hao had a lot of things he wanted to say to the Master, but in the end they all condensed into one sentence: "Thank you, Master!"

Cao Ye was amused by the silly boy: "My family still say thank you? What's the matter here late at night?"

"I just want Master to come and take a look." Huang Hao was a little embarrassed. In front of Cao Ye, he had regained his childish nature after a long absence, and he could vaguely see the shadow of when he was three years old, the child who would be shy even if he was praised a few times.

"Recently, Butian Pavilion is under martial law. Did you come here to tell me that they are going to invite sacrifice spirits tomorrow?" Cao Dian guessed Huang Hao's intention.

"It's just a trivial matter. I know there's no need to worry about such a trivial matter with the Master's ability. I just haven't seen the Master since that day, so it's reassuring to come and see it." Huang Hao sat down and finally opened up the conversation.

"Master, to be honest, I was really unwilling that day, but after the Master shot, I suddenly understood, does the Master not want me to be agitated every time I see Shi Yi? I am worried that it will be bad for my practice, so remind me ."

"I saw Shi Yi like this. In the future, I will see more former clansmen. Speaking of which, before I was boned, there were some cousins ​​who were very kind to me and played with me every day. Unfortunately, after losing the Supreme bone, they died. No one is willing to approach me anymore. Did the master not want me to be trapped in the past, so he cut ten Yi down with one sword?"

"I knew that Master had deep meaning in everything he did. It seemed to cut off ten wills, but in fact it cut off the last trace of melancholy and worry. When I see them in the future, my mood will not be mixed."

"Especially Shi Yi. Although I am not his opponent now, but Master, you said that on the road of cultivation, it is yourself who is strong, not external objects. Only when you are strong can you use any technique to the extreme. As long as your heart If you are strong, you will not be afraid of anything. Master, did you deliberately attack because you want me to understand this truth?"

Huang Hao chattered a lot, speaking very fast, without giving Cao Ye a chance to speak, as if he spoke out all the words that had been held in his heart these days.

Listening to Huang Hao's logical analysis of the reasons for his shots, Cao Ye smiled. He seemed to have returned to the time when he was doing school questions in the previous life, first, second, third, first, second, and third.

The child doesn't need to interpret it like this. If he was born on the earth, he would definitely get a full score in reading comprehension. Think so.

But there is no harm in making Huang Hao think so.

So he went along with the flow, coughed and said, "I am very pleased that you know what it means to be a teacher. I will continue to work hard in the future. Remember, the Master will always be your backing` and

Huang Hao listened, with a smile on his face, he nodded heavily: "I know, Master!"

The night was dark, and the conversation between Huang Wu and Cao Ye was still going on, Huang Hao told his thoughts and asked for advice on the problems encountered in practice. Soon it was dawn.

He quickly returned to his own residence without being noticed by anyone. And Cao Ye heard a faint but clear voice: "Thank you senior for lending a helping hand and restoring my energy."

"Good guy, the beggar can talk now." Cao Ye immediately understood that it was the Jiling of Butian Pavilion who was speaking.

This old vine is entangled with his terminal rhizome and does not let go. Does this mean that he has regained some strength and can speak?

"Now that you have regained some energy, let go." With a light struggle, Cao Ye shook off the old vines that were entangled with him.

"The senior just exudes an aura, which is already so extraordinary. I don't know where it came from?" The old vine exuded an aura just around the corner.

When I was confused before, I grasped the life-saving straw with my instinct. Depending on the situation, this unknown person is also a spiritual plant.

The vitality is so exuberant, just like a rhizome, it can restore the essence that has been exhausted for many years to the point where he can speak, which shows how overwhelming it is. A spiritual plant of Good Fortune may be a godlike thing comparable to the fountain of youth, Just don't know how strong it is.

If it is possible, if you swallow this spiritual plant directly, wouldn't it be possible to restore the heyday, and if you are lucky, you can get a longer lifespan.

So his words were full of temptations. If it was a fetish that hadn't grown up yet, then he might try his best to swallow it.

Why do you ask this?" Cao Ye didn't bother to take care of this old vine, and he knew it was not a good thing when he looked at him with a dead face.

In fact, this is exactly the case. This old vine is not a good stubble, and it was not a good temper in its heyday. It was only when it was about to die in recent years that it restrained its temper.

"Senior helped me, I am grateful, if senior can tell me where your name comes from, I can order the people in Butian Pavilion to give preferential treatment to senior's clan."

"What can you do with this little Butian Pavilion? How dare you put poison to take care of my people? It's ridiculous." Cao Dian snorted coldly.

"..."My clansmen, I will take care of the freedom myself. If you don't keep it, you don't need to worry about it. Butian Pavilion is not enough in my eyes."

After Cao Ye's voice fell, Lao Teng fell silent, thinking about the huge information contained in Cao Ye's short words.

Since he and that person founded Butian Pavilion, it has been passed down from ancient times to the present. It is one of the best super powers, but in this population, it is just an inconspicuous thing. Listening to him, and what he said seems to be very important to Butian Pavilion. Extremely familiar. Obviously it's not a newly born ignorant fetish, but a terrifying existence, maybe it's an old monster.

So he said carefully: "Senior is so good, Butian Pavilion is really nothing to you, but Butian Pavilion can still contribute to taking care of the clansmen, senior may not know, but Butian Pavilion power....……"

Before Lao Teng finished speaking, Cao Ye interrupted him: "The power in the lower realm, what can I say, the clown presents the treasure, I don't know what it means, don't bother me anymore "Otherwise I won't be here."

(Excellent Zhao) "The power of the lower realm! Could it be that the senior came from the upper realm!" Lao Teng was shocked, he never thought that there would be such a true god in Butian Pavilion.

This is a person from the upper world, he must have Tongtian's means, maybe he has a rich family background, so why worry about being blocked by such an existence.

He said to Cao Ye almost obsequiously: "senior, forgive me for being blind and neglecting you. Do you have anything to do when you come here? May I respectfully call you Dage?"

"I came to the lower realm to cultivate, and I don't like to be disturbed. Just shut up after you finish speaking, and don't challenge my patience." Cao Ye said impatiently.

"Okay, okay, I'll shut up, Dage, you can rest assured to cultivate in Butian Pavilion. With me here, everyone in Butian Pavilion will respect you from now on." Lao Teng heard Cao's anger on the phone and said decisively.

Shut up.

After all, he has just recovered a little bit, and it takes a lot of energy to talk so much. Anyway, Dage needs to cultivate here, and there will be many opportunities to speak in the future. .

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