"Kid Tongzhe, you are in Butian Pavilion, right?" The people from the four major clans finally remembered the existence of Butian Pavilion.

"That's right, Butian Pavilion didn't give us an explanation from the Rain Clan last time." The people who encountered obstacles glared at Butian Pavilion Elder, they were full of anger and had nowhere to vent their anger.

"The rumors are indeed that the one who suppressed the pupils came to our Butian Pavilion, but as the heavens bear witness, we at Butian Pavilion have not yet found out who is the one who suppressed the pupils. If you are unreasonable, our Butian Pavilion is not so good You messed with me." The Elder of Butian Pavilion was very tough.

"That is, if you have the ability, go to Ke Tong Zhe and their masters and apprentices. What are you looking for at Butian Pavilion here?"

"I advise you to hurry up and find a way to see if you can enter Baiduan Mountain to pick up your precious lump, it's late, and it's really hard to say what will happen.

It was the two senior brothers who spoke.

"Where are you juniors from the Pheasant Sect? We are talking, so there is no place for you to intervene!" The Yu Clan members became furious and attacked the two of them.

"It's so shameless to hit someone if you can't say it!" Although these two people came alone, their strength is not weak.

The people from Butian Pavilion also tried to stop them, after all, these two people were speaking for themselves.

27 People outside were in a state of confusion, and the Four Great Clans and the Yu Clan almost fought with the people from Butian Pavilion. It's not that they haven't thought about attacking the barrier of Baiduan Mountain, but even the combination of Primordial Mountain and Human Emperor can't break the law of order in Minor World.

If they attack again, they might be directly killed by the Minor World law, so they can only take their anger out on others.

Inside Baiduan Mountain, they were also shocked by the shock. They didn't hear Baiduan Mountain's words to the outside world, but they witnessed the huge changes in Baiduan Mountain.

The restricted areas merged, and on the vast land, all restricted creatures gathered in one place, like a well-trained army, waiting for their masters to review.

Even the god monkey left the own monkey and grandson to join the queue of creatures in this restricted area.

These creatures are all old monsters who have lived for an unknown amount of time, and they are as quiet as a child at this moment.

In the long-dark Baiduan Mountain, a round of sun slowly rose, ending the long night.

The dazzling light made everyone who had adapted to the darkness close their eyes uncomfortably.

Only Huang Hao searched for the holy medicine of the sacred monkey treasure land like no one else.

Soon, with a wave of terror, the creatures in the restricted area were liberated, and their masters no longer suppressed them with laws, and Baiduan Mountain became their carnival place.

As long as you don't offend the rules and order set by the master, there won't be any rain bondage.

The people who fought in the Divine Monkey Treasure Land didn't know what happened, but they knew that if they didn't rush to snatch the holy medicine at this time, they would never have another chance.

"This trial may end early. Why don't you win our bet?"

Cao Ye looked at the changes in Baiduan Mountain and said to Liu Shen.

"When did you refine Baiduan Mountain?" Liu Shen asked Cao Ye curiously.

Liu Shen didn't know about the system, she thought that Cao Ye had refined Baiduan Mountain, the ancient Minor World, when she didn't know about it.

Even though he chatted with himself all day long, he still had the time to refine a Minor World, which made Liu Shen feel incredible.

"It bumped into it by itself, and I refined it accidentally. I either left it for a while before, or it was refined at that time." Cao Ye made up a random reason.

Liu Shen didn't ask further: "The game you said is over, I won?"

"That's right, I admit defeat, it's you."

"Very good, remember to bet on me." Liu Shen controlled himself not to reveal his joyful voice.

"I'll teach you a Supernatural Power, I remember, don't worry." Cao Ye didn't expect Liu Shen to care about the bet.

However, she was very interested in Cao Ye's practice of Shentong.

After Cao Ye talked with Liu Shen, he decided to artificially end this trial. On his territory, he never liked having outsiders around.

Then all the geniuses in Baiduan Mountain heard a sound at the same time.


Trembling violently, all the geniuses found themselves outside Baiduan Mountain in a blink of an eye.

Baiduan Mountain actually took the initiative to expel them.

In Baiduan Mountain, Huang Hao looked around in bewilderment, how could he be left alone in the blink of an eye.

He remembered the mission of his wife, which he hadn't finished yet.

The situation was unknown, so he called tentatively: "Master?"

"The trial ended early, I will send you out in a while, you take these things well."

Cao Ye's voice sounded, and a pile of items appeared in front of Huang Hao's eyes.

These are the things Cao Ye found based on his superficial memory that Huang Hao would have obtained in Baiduan Mountain.

"Thank you Master!" Huang Hao put these things into the ring without hesitation.

Then he hesitated and called again: "Master? That..." What about the mission?

He didn't dare to say it, although the master knew what his wife had told him, but my wife didn't know!

Sure enough, as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard Liu Shen's voice: "There is no need to act, this matter is over, don't bring it up again.


Huang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that master and mistress finally reconciled, and his acting career came to an abrupt end.

He still has some small regrets, why did he return to 457? I feel that I am quite an acting talent.

Huang Hao shook off the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, and changed his body shape again. The art of transformation taught by the master should not be recognized by others.

With a flash of light, Huang Hao also disappeared in place.

And Cao Ye and Liu Shen have already returned to the deserted village. Huang Hao's trial is over, and their gamble has come to an end, there is no need to stay any longer.

Outside Baiduan Mountain, they fell out because of their own child who suddenly appeared outside.

"What's going on, how did you come out! Why didn't Baiduan Mountain open the exit this time!"

"What happened in this trial?"

"Not injured, are you? What happened in Baiduan Mountain? Have you met Sword God's apprentice?"

Of course, there are more people who silently watched Baiduan Mountain disappear from sight.

They didn't receive anyone, there was no result, they were dead.

Every trial is a gamble with their own life, Baiduan Mountain is so dangerous, when they send their genius child in, they are already ready to lose him.

It's like this all the way through cultivation, they can't even show their grief, because too many such things happen, and they become numb as they are accustomed to. .

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