Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 149: God Liu, Do You Want To Hear A Story?

Butiange Jiling and Gui Ye fought, earth-shattering, but they kept their hands away from each other, not wanting to really hurt each other.

But even so, the commotion was not something Butian Pavilion could bear. Seeing the buildings collapsing and the mountain broken, the people in Butian Pavilion didn't dare to intervene in their sacrifice.

He could only evacuate his disciples without knowing why, while he himself formed a large formation to stabilize the Lingshan Pavilion of Butian Pavilion.

"What's wrong with Ji Ling, who suddenly started to attack, and shouted that he didn't want to live anymore. The implication is that there is a way to survive?"

God knows how they felt when they heard the news that offering sacrifices to the Fountain of Youth could not stop him from declining.

They have tried their best these days, and they have already accepted the facts, and are ready to face the big battle. After all, once Ji Ling dies, the former enemies of Butian Pavilion will definitely come to them, or in other words, they have been waiting for this opportunity .

But now, they seem to have heard the hope of surviving from Ji Ling's mouth!

"Pavilion Master, is it the cursed ghost that has been handed down from ancient times that fought Ji Ling?"

"Speak carefully! That's not a ghost, it's the founder of our Butian Pavilion!"

Others don't know, but as the master of Butian Pavilion, he knows a little bit.

In a blink of an eye, Ji Ling and the ancient corpse fought from the blue sky and the day to the night.

Besides, with their Cultivation Base, even if the strength of the two is not as good as before, this battle is not something they can stop.

Everyone who watched this level of battle was dazzled in admiration and exclaimed from time to time.

However, no matter how shocked the people in Butian Pavilion were, Cao Ye, who saw the two of them fighting fiercely, finally couldn't help but make a move. After watching for a whole day, the two of them didn't dare to fight each other seriously, it's really boring.

If it wasn't inappropriate, he would have wanted to yell: "Don't fight anymore! You have to fight in the dance studio!"

This isn't a fight, it's clearly dancing!

So the people of Butian Pavilion discovered that a powerful force suppressed the Jiling and the ancient corpse who were fighting fiercely, and the two of them fell silent at the same time. The battle that had been fighting for a whole day came to an abrupt end.

At the same time, the voice of Ji Ling also sounded: "Dage, we haven't decided the winner yet, I still think it's better for you to save him."

"Dage? The Dage who revived the spirit of worship before and was able to speak! How did we forget the existence of this one!" an Elder exclaimed.

No wonder they forgot about the existence of Cao Ye, they were the only ones who knew about it, and since then, the existence of this person has become a taboo, and Ji Ling is not allowed to talk about it casually, so they subconsciously ignored that there is another person who can Save the spirit!

"Pavilion Master, there is an upper realm Power in Butian Pavilion, which was identified as Dage by Ji Ling. At that time, you were in Closed Door Training, and we forgot to report it.

"That's right, the saving people mentioned by Ji Ling just now should be that this existence can save him!"

"If that's the case, even if I run out of everything in the Butian Pavilion, I will ask this senior to help me!" The pavilion master's eyes lit up, making up his mind.

"There will be no difference. Those who can directly suppress Jiling with only one breath, except Dage of Jiling, don't think about it."

"Indeed, that aura is not aimed at us, but it also makes me feel palpitations. If I face it directly, I might kneel down directly." An Elder expressed his feelings without feeling ashamed at all.

Ji Ling was still praying to Cao Ye, but he heard Cao Ye say: "I am in a good mood today, so I will fulfill your brotherly love. If you believe in me, I will naturally let you have a good result."

"Why do I hear this strangely? How could I doubt you Dage, thank you Dage, when will you do it?"

Ji Ling was very excited, the words, which were obviously saving people, came out of his mouth, as if Cao Ye was going to kill someone.

"I can do it anytime, but you need to tell your disciples in the pavilion to be ready."

"What preparation?" Ji Ling wondered.

"When I rescued you, I used a secret method. Only death can lead to life. During this process, your Qi will decline rapidly. The former enemies will inevitably come to seek revenge, so you'd better give me an order."

"Thank you Dage for your reminder, I will give you an order now, and the Butian Pavilion will be on full alert."

Ji Ling happily told everyone in Butian Pavilion what to do next. The ancient corpse who stayed in place was silent for a long time, and asked Cao Ye: "Can the senior really save me?"

"Why, you don't believe me?" Cao Ye raised his eyebrows.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I've been in a trance for many years, and I don't know what to do. I didn't expect to have another chance to survive, and I was confused."

"When you come back to life, you will naturally find the motivation to live again. After taking revenge with your own hands, you will find another girl. You will have a long life."

Cao Ye is also quite emotional about this person.

Ask, what will happen to a genius after meeting a female killer and falling in love with her?

Answer: Used by female killers and then killed.

As long as the female killer has a heart, there will be no such ghost in front of her eyes.

How painful it would be to be pierced through the sky cap and die, but if you ask about the pain, I believe Ghost will say that it is not as painful as seeing her bring someone to kill him with her own hands.

"As the saying goes, if you lick a dog until you end up with nothing, you are simply a teaching material for the world of dog licking, and you have directly proved the sentence that licking a dog will not end well."

"Should I say you are stubborn, or should I praise you for your deep affection? You idiot!"

Although I don't understand, but I feel like you are scolding me, Guiying felt offended inexplicably, he blinked and blinked in a daze and said, as if he was not conscious: "

"Thank you senior for your concern. After taking revenge, I will never ask for love again in this life."

"As you like, should I be glad that you don't say those ridiculous words that kill all the heartless people in the world like those who have been hurt?"

"There are more than tens of millions of heartless people in the world, people's hearts are changeable and can't be killed, the senior should worry too much." The ghost image seemed to look away.

"Since this is the case, go find your old friend. At dawn tomorrow, I will heal your wounds. It should be said that I will bring your soul back."

After hearing this, Guiying bowed and bowed, and then left.

Cao Ye looked at his receding back and sighed, he was also a poor man.

"Liu Shen, do you want to hear a story?"

"What story, the story of this ghost? I can use Supernatural Power to check it out." Liu Shen said in a puzzled manner.

"There is no need to use Supernatural Power, this is a story that can be told in a few words, a story of a genius young master, a killer of the kingdom of God."

"From what you said just now, the ending between them is not good. That woman seems to be a heartless person."

*(Hao Hao Zhao) Maybe, it’s hard to say that she has humanity for someone who can do such unfeeling things. "

"So, it's important to be happy with each other, don't you think so?" Cao Ye hinted at Liu Shen.

"But what if it's wishful thinking?" Liu Shen thought of his bitter unrequited love, and didn't understand Cao Dian's words at all.

"You idiot, you just chase after wishful thinking. If you chase after him, he agrees! At that time, it will be wishful thinking!"

"Chasing? How to chase?"

"Go and realize it yourself! You can't think about it, what if it goes both ways?"

"I don't know much about emotions. Why don't you tell me the story you wanted to tell just now, maybe you can learn something from it?" Liu Shen suggested.

"We don't learn negative teaching materials, but telling stories is okay. Once, there was a genius boy who was determined to be the next leader...

Gathering silently under the stars in the dark night, Cao Ye's gentle voice is extraordinarily warm in the dark night. Even if it is not a very beautiful story, it still makes Liushen feel that the boundless moonlight tonight is very beautiful. .

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