Chapter 168: Think of it as a honeymoon

The people in Butian Pavilion were talking about the trip to Xiling Beast Mountain, which ended before it even started, and about the partner of the Sword God who never showed his face. Well, even the Sword God himself never showed his face.

They were talking about how to explain to the Pavilion Master and Ji Ling when they went back this time, and what the Sword God meant by Huang Hao not coming back.

In short, they were not idle along the way, especially the fact that the sword god also had a partner, which made them feel very miraculous, as if the gods in the sky also had mortal feelings. Thinking about it this way, it seemed that the sword god was not so scary.

In fact, his fear of Cao Ye all comes from his strength and unknown mystery, and seeing him in person now has such a tender side, although it is for his apprentices and partners, it can also make them feel good about the Sword God The fear subsided some, leaving only awe.

On the other side, Zhou Hao is facing the double education of Lei Dian and Liu Shen.

Fierce beasts are rampant in the Xiling Realm, but it does not affect Cao Ye's conversation with Liu Shen and Huang Hao. He is protected by the two together, creating a vacuum like a 27-like area, and the rampant ferocious beasts skip this area Area, as if it didn't exist here.

"Although your Master and I won't be with you all the time, we won't ignore you either. If you face danger alone, have you ever thought about what will happen to your loved ones at home?" Liu Shen said with a crit.

He directly pointed out the answer that she and Cao Ye might not be with Huang Hao forever. Although Huang Hao thought the same way, he couldn't help but feel sad when he really heard Liu Shen say it.

Tears flashed in his eyes like a child who learned that his mother told him to leave with his father without taking him.

Whether it was in a deserted village, or traveling all the way to Butian Pavilion, or the time in Baiduan Mountain, Cao Yao and Liu Shen had already been regarded as their own parents.

Hearing what my wife said now, Huang Hao felt wronged: "Since Master's wife is destined to leave, the apprentice must learn to face everything by himself earlier."

Cao Ye smiled: "You are right to think so, but now you are still a child, and I told your wife to leave, it is still far away, where do you want to go, the future road is to go by yourself, but now , you can rely on us as much as you want."

"That's right, we can always keep you safe and sound, kid, don't think so much." Liu Shen agreed.

"Really? Master and Mistress won't leave immediately? Will they watch me grow up? Then can I grow up a little slower?" Huang Hao immediately said pleasantly, and the tears in his eyes disappeared

"Grow up slower? Why, you still want to control the growth rate of own? Brat, do as you like, anyway, you still have a long way to go, in the future, just remember that the Master and the wife will always be your backing."

Cao Ye thought of Huang Hao's life as the Heavenly Emperor, and felt a little soft-hearted, so he couldn't help but make a promise. Then he thought of Huang Hao's biological parents, and spoke earnestly to Huang Hao again.

"You will grow up after all. Although you have let go of the hatred, you have to pay back your debts. Your parents are also waiting for you to find them. When the time comes, it will be the day when you meet your real Bloodline relatives. "

Hearing Cao Ye's words, Huang Hao lowered his head, he didn't know why, he had a sinful thought, which made him feel ashamed, that was the time with the Master and Liu Shen, he would often forget that he still had his biological parents to look for.

Obviously long ago, he knew in his memory that his parents entered the sacred mountain in order to find the holy medicine for him, but he actually let go of his hatred, and he didn't keep his parents' affairs in his heart all the time. It was because he was unfilial.

But even thinking this way, he still said to Cao Ye and Liu Shen: "Even if one day, I find my parents, Master and Mistress" are still the closest people to me.

Cao Ye and Liu Shen both smiled when they heard the words: "Children, when you get married and have a partner in the future, the closest people will not be us. When you find your biological parents, they will naturally care and love you."

Actually is not they don't believe what Huang Hao said, they just think that Huang Hao is really still a child, and the heart of a child is rare.

After listening to Cao Ye's words, Huang Hao remained silent. Anyway, he would let Master and Mistress feel his filial piety, and he would also look for his biological parents, but Master Mistress would definitely be the closest existence in his heart.

From three years old to now ten years old, they have almost watched themselves grow up, how can it be said that they are not the closest people.

"Master said that I will not return to Butian Pavilion, what does it mean?" He suddenly remembered this matter.

"There are countless ferocious beasts in the Xiling Realm, and they are all heroic spirits left over from the Primordial period. They are just right for you to practice. Didn't you say you wanted to practice before? It's just right here." Cao Ye replied

"That's right, this is an existence similar to the False God Realm. The fierce beasts here are three Realms higher than you. You can practice here, and you can try to open up the tenth cave, and realize it in the constant crisis of life and death."

"When you finish your experience, we will return to the deserted village to baptize you. Haven't you been homesick for a long time?" Cao Ye's voice was very gentle.

"Hmm! I got it, Master!" Huang Hao was refreshed when he brought it home.

He almost couldn't wait to start this trial, to be able to fight against Primordial beasts from Venerable Realm in Heavenly Cave Realm, this is something that no one in the world can even imagine

But he believed that the Master and his wife would have a way to arrange this trial for him.

At the same time, Liu Shen was also asking Cao Ye: "Is it too reluctant to let him challenge such a strong master now? Dongtian is going to die for Venerable no matter what he thinks."

"Don't worry, how can I let him have an accident, I just thought that I can infuse the power into his body, let him feel how the power of the Venerable Realm is used first, and then withdraw the power after he understands it, and so on. In a short period of time, there must be improvement."

"He has an outstanding talent and extraordinary comprehension. This method is feasible."

"Besides, the Xiling Realm should be a garden of hundreds of beasts. There are all kinds of beasts, and the scenery is not bad. It is full of yin, suitable for cultivation.

Cao Ye looked around the entire Xiling Realm, constantly looking for beautiful places, and then said to Liu Shen: "Take it as a honeymoon."


"It's a saying in my hometown, which means the time when lovers who share affection play together.

"So that's the case, then it's a honeymoon." Liu Shen smiled.

Cao Ye looked at the beasts everywhere, the Feiliu Waterfall, the lush forest, and the sea of ​​flowers on the sacred mountain, and nodded with satisfaction, dating Magic Treasures, the Flower Sea Scenery Zoo, barely qualified. .

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