Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 171: Skull, Severed Palm And Eyeball

"What's going on? I feel that these three have a lot of background. Liu Shen asked Cao Ye with some doubts.

"No matter how great your background is, as long as you let out your breath, you might be trembling with fear. Who is more powerful than you?" Cao Ye teased Liu Shen with a smile.

"The severed palm, the skull, and the bleeding eyeball should be the consciousness that survived in an era far older than Immortal Ancient." Liu Shen seemed to have a sense of it, and told Cao Ye about her discovery.

"That's right, if you are planted here to absorb their power, maybe you can recover from your injuries directly."

"Perhaps..." Liu Shen was almost tempted by Cao Ye's words.

"But with my current recovery level, I'm afraid it won't be easy to absorb." Liu Shen was a little worried.

"After I refine them, will you absorb them?"

The two talked to each other, as if no one was there, as simple as talking about what to eat, but the real content was extremely cruel.

The three consciousnesses that listened were torn apart.

If someone else said these words, they would definitely scoff at them and kill the person who said them.

But feeling the situation where their own consciousness is constantly being refined, and the power of the body is constantly melting, they can't speak at all.

What kind of existence are these two? Is it Supreme? Supreme is not so cruel, maybe it is the same existence as them? It’s just that luck is better than them and the recovery is faster?

This is what they deduced from the conversation between Cao Ye and Liu Shen.

These are not important, the most urgent thing is to stop refining this Minor World as soon as possible.

So they said: "Everyone survived with great difficulty, so why worry about it, this one should quickly accept the Supernatural Power, we swear we won't do anything.

"Ah this..."

Cao Ye didn't know how to tell them a sad truth.

In fact, it’s not Cao Ye refining them himself, but their consciousness is related to the Xiling Realm. After the world map is lit, Cao Ye gains full control, and the process of rewards falling is the process of one world being refined. .

So he asked the system: "Is there a way to stop refining them?"

"The host is already the master of the Xiling Realm, and the refinement of consciousness is only part of it, and it will not completely eliminate them. It only needs a thought of the host, and this refinement can be stopped." The system quickly gave feedback.

"It means, as long as I want, can I continue to refine them?"

"That's right, as long as they are in the Xiling Realm, the host can carry out refining at any time. The system gave an affirmative answer.

Cao Dian pondered for a long time, and finally decided to keep them.

The shock in Xiling Realm finally came to an end, but even bigger disturbances spread to the outside world.

Although the parties didn't say anything about Butian Pavilion's several liquidation orders, they all paid attention to it. Since then, all the intertwined branches of several major forces have been cut off, and their power has shrunk by half, and they are hardly considered big forces.

The power of several Calabashes spread all over the world, only Xiling Beast Mountain did not move, and Butian Pavilion did not give an exact statement, only a arrogant saying of Jiling: "Wait, they will be unlucky soon!"

After half a year now, has there finally been any movement in Xiling Beast Mountain?

Countless strong men rushed to Xiling Beast Mountain at high speed, wanting to watch the battle.

And Cao Ye continued the conversation with the three old monsters.

"If you settle down in Xiling Realm, I won't do anything to you."

"If you guess correctly, you and your wife are also existences that survived before the Immortal Era, and have insight into the truth of the world, and even more understand the existence of the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm.

"We are the losers, the remaining candles left by the liquidation. Our consciousness has long been scattered, and we don't remember what happened in the past."

"Please don't worry, we won't do anything if the candle is left in the wind and the corpse is buried here. This Xiling Realm was created by us accidentally."

"Is this your disciple? It's not easy to practice. It's better to integrate any one of the three of us, and we can all live forever, so we don't have to fight so hard to practice."

The crystal skull said to Huang Hao with words of temptation.

In the past six months, Zhou Hao's fight could not be hidden from these three old monsters.

"Eternal life, eternal immortality, child, are you tempted?"

After hearing this, Cao Ye knew that the crystal skull had no good intentions.

But he didn't rush to remind, but said to Huang Wu: "Do you want to fuse these three things? If you want to, I will refine them.


Huang Hao pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "This is someone else's bone after all, who knows what will happen?"

"What they said is true, fusing any one of them can directly make you live forever, and after I refine it, nothing will happen."

"I was born with a Supreme bone, but someone dug it away. Now these existences have own consciousness. If I take away the bone, it will really remind me of something bad."

"Besides, the journey of cultivation depends on oneself. There is no one in the world who only takes the benefits without paying the price. Master, you also said, Karma Samsara, I don't want to plant Karma here today."

Cao Ye was very pleased to hear Huang Hao's words coming from his heart.

"This child is indeed a promising talent, with a bright future." After listening to Huang Hao's words, Liu Shen said to Cao Ye.

"That's right, our apprentice, how could he be fascinated by this kind of temptation." After Cao Ye finished speaking, he refined the crystal skull that just made a sound.

This old bone has no good intentions, and even seduced a child! Fortunately, my apprentice is witty.

At the same time, the powerhouses from all sides have also rushed to the boundary of Xiling.

"Is there a war breaking out in Xiling Beast Mountain? The entire mountain range has been shattered. What level of powerhouse can cause this result!"

"I heard that there is a White Tiger in Xiling Beast Mountain, who is about to enter the Venerable realm, and the other two overlords are also strong, and their strength is not weak, but why can't they be seen now?"

"The big commotion just now has disappeared?"

"Look quickly! Aren't these the three overlords of Xiling Beast Mountain? The White Tiger is right here, and there is no sound left!"

"Oh my god! There is no one alive in the entire Xiling Beast Mountain. What is this! There was an impact that shattered the entire mountain range, and even the spirit veins of the mountain disappeared!"

"Does Butian Pavilion have such an ability? Did the Patriarch do it himself?"

"What's the meaning of Butian Pavilion offering sacrifices to the spirit? Is it really the last warning to Xiling Beast Mountain?"

"The fact that a power is annihilated, this is a major event that shocked the world! Xiling Beast Mountain is not weaker than those pure-blood beasts on Primordial Mountain!

"Hurry up! Let me know that there is no spoon in Xiling Beast Mountain!".

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