The Martial King's mansion also received this news very quickly, and a name that was enough to tear their hearts apart appeared on the paper that conveyed the news.

The person who saw this message was careless and knocked over the tea on hand.

The hot tea was splashed on the ground, still steaming, but no one cared about what happened to a cup of tea, they were all startled by this man's movement.

"What! At this juncture, how could he come back! He can come back alive!"

"Who's back? What happened?"

"Great Demon God! He is back! He has arrived at the gate of the city, and I believe he will return to the Martial Lord's Mansion soon!" The man's face turned pale and he told the truth that everyone was afraid of.

"How could it be? For so many years, I thought he had already died outside, but he came back at this time. What should I do?"

"First the sword god is coming, and then he will come to the house soon. The time is not good!"

The news that the Great Demon God was coming cast a layer of gloom over everyone's hearts, wishing they could stop him at the door.

"Okay, since the matter is imminent, let's calm down and think about how to get through this crisis."

In the end, someone still calmed down, the more urgent the situation was, the more they couldn't mess themselves up.

"The Great Demon God has been gone for many years. He doesn't know what happened back then. If we cover up one or two things, he may not be able to detect something wrong.

"If you don't notice it for a while, it may not be undetectable forever. After all, you can hide it for a while, but you can't hide it for a lifetime. We still think of another way."

"I have a plan! He just came back and doesn't know anything. He must be the first to miss his own children and grandchildren. Why don't we simply say that the sword god took him away? At this time, we have to fight the Yu clan's arrogance to the extreme and let him deal with the sword god !"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone applauded.

"It's such a misfortune, it's a second to drive!"

"Yes, he valued his own children and grandchildren the most. When he came back, he told him that his children and grandchildren were taken captive and made to worship others as teachers. Because he coveted the Supreme bone in his body, he even dug out his bones. His memory, let him see us as enemies!"

"You can also tell him that the Rain Clan and the Martial King's mansion will be attacked in order to kill people, and it will come soon! (chci)"

"That kid doesn't recognize Grandpa Own, which just proves that the Sword God did something wrong. Once the Great Demon God comes back and gets the news, he will definitely go to the Rain Clan and wait for the Sword God to come. Once the Sword God arrives, he probably won't talk nonsense. Misunderstandings are created."

"That's right. Under the misunderstanding, it's the hatred between life and death. That kid may not know that Grandpa Own is still alive. No matter who they kill, it's a good thing for us!"

"That's right, it doesn't matter whether we are both injured or one of them dies, we are not in danger of dealing with two people, but it is much easier to deal with one person. It is best if they are evenly matched and both losers, so that our crisis can be resolved. !"

Everyone said something to each other, and quickly pieced together a false truth, preparing to confuse the Great Demon God who is about to return home.

Previously, they were terrified because of this person's return, but now it seems that the timing of the Great Demon God's return is really just right, and the heaven still favors their Martial King's mansion.

In fact, this strategy is not very profound, and it is even full of holes, but he has reached the place that the Great Demon God cares about the most, and his care is chaotic, and he knows nothing about the truth. .

In this way, there is a 70% chance that this plan will succeed. After all, he has no reason to doubt the people in the Martial King's house, so for the sake of his grandson, he will definitely go all out.

"Take care of those people in the dungeon! If something happens at this juncture [then we're really doomed!"

Just as he was talking, he heard hearty laughter coming from the door: "Zi Ling! I'm back! I haven't come out to greet you yet, how is my grandson?"

He was calling his own son, after thirteen years of separation, what he cared most about was his own children and grandchildren, of course he couldn't wait to see them.

As soon as the people in the house heard this, they rushed out to meet him immediately. This plan must succeed!

With a sad expression on his face, he walked quickly towards the person who was excitedly looking for his relatives, full of cruelty in his heart.

"Old fifteen! You are back. After thirteen years, do you know what happened?"

His voice was shrill, and the sadness in his words immediately made the fifteenth master, who was immersed in the joy of returning home, look serious.

"Uncle Wu, what's going on? What happened in the mansion? I've been traveling all the way, and I haven't heard anything bad happened to the Martial King's mansion."

"Of course you haven't heard that the sword god used Tongtian to cut off the news. Except for the people in our Martial King's mansion, who else knows about the past. You know, the Ziling couple and your grandson met when you were not around. what happened!"

"Zi Ling! My grandson? Sword God? What the hell is going on, come here quickly, what happened to my family!"

Master Fifteen was furious and terrified, no wonder they didn't greet him when he came back, what happened to make Uncle Fifth speak in such a tone.

He already had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he could only calmly ask the person in front of him what happened.

A generation of strong men, when faced with the affairs of their closest relatives, is nothing more than an ordinary old man who cares about his descendants.

"What are you talking about? Ziling and his wife are missing and they don't know their lives!? Hao'er has been fascinated by thinking of thieves as his teacher, and has been away from the mansion for many years?! The sword god wants to kill the Yu clan to silence him?"

Master Fifteen's eyes were tearing apart, he couldn't believe what he heard, it seemed like a ridiculous hallucination, how powerful the Martial King's government was, how could something happen to his family, they must be lying to him!

"If you don't believe me, just go to the Yu Clan and find out that Hao'er will follow his sword god Master to fight the Rain Clan soon! Everyone knows this!"

While the two were talking, a shock spread from the direction of the Yu Clan throughout the entire imperial capital.


The sword intent is unparalleled, making the entire imperial capital tremble.

"It's the sword god! It must be him! It's him! If you go, you can tell the truth at a glance. Hao'er is fascinated and thinks we are enemies, and he is only focused on the sword god. You must kill him." That sword god, Huihao!"

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