Chapter 200: Hongmen Banquet

"What? Didn't you guys ask me to come here?" Cao Ye frowned slightly, "It seems that I came at the wrong time, and you just wanted to go out?"

Everyone in the Martial King's mansion looked at each other.

"No, you came just in time, we are going out to meet you.

"This way please."

Shi Yi's mother apologized, losing the momentum she had just now.

Cao Ye responded vaguely and followed him in.


"This way please, this is my carp..."

Shi Yi's mother walked in the front, explaining enthusiastically, and didn't care about the coldness of the Sword God. In his opinion, this is what should be done.

"Wu'er, speaking of it, you used to play in the garden when you were a child, and you liked to feed the carp the most," Elder leaned over, with a nostalgic look on his face.

When Cao Dian heard the words, he looked back, "Really? Hao'er played here when he was a child?"

"I still remember that Wu'er was the cutest when I was a child. At that time, he hugged my leg and called the third grandpa in a delicate voice, and the third grandpa took him to play.

The three Elders smiled, thankful in their hearts, fortunately the Great Demon God didn't come over, otherwise it would be hard to talk about it.

"So you dug up the Supreme bone of such a cute Hao'er?" Cao Ye said coldly.

The audience fell silent, and the three Elders secretly swallowed, not daring to speak.

Shi Yi's mother turned her neck stiffly, lowered her head, not daring to make a sound.

"Go on," Cao Ye said blankly.

Shi Yi's mother explained the scenery of Martial King's mansion stiffly, without the ease she had just now.

Bypassing the garden, we came to the martial arts field.

Shi Yi's mother let out a sigh of relief, and finally left the garden.

Cao Ting walked away, looking at the weapon with a calm expression: "Your weapon is not bad."

"You like it, just take it," Shiyi's mother smiled, slandering in her heart, but he spent a lot of money to buy it, but compared with Xiaoming, these are nothing.

"No need," Cao Dian turned and left, contemptuously said: "I still don't like these things."

Shi Yi's mother's smile froze, and it took a moment for her to recover.

"Speaking of which, Wu'er practiced here in the past. He was very diligent. At that time, everyone went back to rest, and only he was still working hard to gradually...

"This child is really hard-working, so talented and so hard-working," the second Elder said, tears falling down, and said while wiping away tears.

Two Elder glanced quietly at Sword God and Huang Hao, who were expressionless and unmoved.

"Of course, we did a lot of things wrong before, but," he paused, the tears flowing more and more violently, "I don't ask Hao'er to forgive us."

"Just hope you'll give us a chance to reform ourselves."

Being choked by the sword god just now, the second Elder simply admitted his mistake, although he didn't think he did something wrong in his heart, but he still felt that he didn't deal with it cleanly.

"Wu'er, all the mistakes are grandpa's fault, it's grandpa who didn't stop them," the second Elder looked at him with snot and tears.

Huang Hao sneered, "Why don't I let the second Elder experience the pain I suffered at the beginning, and then talk about the unforgivable things?"

The second Elder stopped talking immediately, the pain of digging his bones, he knew how painful it would be just thinking about it.

Sitting at the dinner table, everyone was looking at the first sword god, he didn't move, no one dared to move.

"Try this golden jade dish, which is the specialty of our Martial King chef."

While talking, Shi Yi's mother didn't dare to serve the sword god.

The voice of Shi Yi's mother introducing the dishes filled the air, and the others ate like a jazz wax, while watching the Sword God.

In a blink of an eye, Shi Yi's mother had finished introducing all the dishes, "Is this not a taste you like? I'll ask someone to make it for you again.

"Thinking about it, people in Cultivation Base like Sword God don't need to eat, but the food is still delicious.

The second Elder was the closest to Huang Hao, he picked up a piece of shrimp and said with a light smile, "Wu Er, try it, I remember that your favorite dish is full of gold and jade."

Huang Hao gently pushed the bowl away.

The second Elder's chopsticks stopped in mid-air, the smile stagnated on his face, and then he smiled awkwardly, "You child, just say so if you don't want to eat, don't force yourself if you don't have an appetite.

"Speaking of which, my grandfather and the second Elder can be regarded as brothers for many years. I don't know the second Elder. Can't you remember what my grandfather looked like when he was young?"

It was the first time that Huang Hao spoke (chbg) to them, and the two Elders had a flash of joy in their eyes.

He hurriedly responded, "Yes, of course I have an impression."

There is progress, Shi Yi's mother inadvertently smiled, the smile turned cold, she was still a child, the easiest to soften her heart.

"I still remember that when your grandfather was young, he was the strongest and loved his family the most, and he was kind to us brothers."

"I still remember one time, when I was in danger, it was your grandpa who saved me..." The second Elder fell into the memory.

"So, the way you repay my grandfather is to be ungrateful?"

Will he speak?

Two Elder suddenly came out of fond memories.

It can only be said that as expected of being a master and apprentice, the way they speak is exactly the same.

Being attacked one after another, the second Elder also got angry, he looked at the big Elder, it's your turn.

Whoever likes to talk will talk.

The atmosphere fell silent again, and the sword god seemed a little unhappy.

Seeing this, everyone in the Martial King's mansion was shocked. They couldn't let the Lord be unhappy. Once he was unhappy, their heads would be lost.

The big Elder bit the bullet and came out, he thought for a moment, not knowing what to say.

At the beginning, he was the person who looked down on Huang Hao the most and hated the Great Demon God the most. What can he say now?

"You invited me, and that's all?"

"Of course not," Shi Yi's mother hastily denied, "What else do you want to see? I'll send someone to prepare it right away.

Cao Ye glanced, "Shouldn't this be asking you guys?"

"This..." Shi Yi's mother fell into deep thought. She had already visited the entire Martial King's mansion, and she had already seen what should be seen.

However, the most important thing was not done.

Huang Hao still did not soften his heart.

"In that case, Hao'er."

"Yes," Huang Hao responded energetically.

"Go and take revenge," Cao Ye said coldly.

Everyone in the Martial King's mansion was like a bolt from the blue when they heard the news.

"We have already made a lot of compensation, Hao'er, can't you forgive us?"

"Compensation?" Huang Hao asked back.

Everyone in Martial King's House nodded in unison, looking at him expectantly.

"Isn't that what you're supposed to do?"

"Did I tell you to dig out my Supreme bones?"

Question marks were thrown out one by one, and everyone was speechless. What he said was very reasonable, but it didn't seem to be particularly right.

"It's not called compensation at all, it's what you should pay back."

Huang Hao looked down at them, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, "I haven't seen you for so many years, and you are still like this."


He was full of killing intent, and the Japanese fell to the ground.

Glancing at the dead people on the ground, Master Martial King and the Elders' faces were covered with a layer of haze. Without saying a word, starting to resist was better than standing still and waiting to die.

The sword god made a move, and the sky of Shiguo was stained with blood Red. Everyone stopped to discuss this vision.

A quarter of an hour later, there were corpses lying under Huang Hao's feet.

They are full of unrepentant looks.

"Wu Er,"

Cao Ye's voice was like a spring breeze, blowing away the haze in his heart.

Huang Hao smiled openly, he was a boy like usual, without any change.

With a flick of a finger on the clothes, the bloodstains disappeared completely.

"There is still ten Yi."

He whispered a name lightly. .

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