Chapter 241 Another Universe

The changes were rapid, Huang Hao had just crawled out when there was a loud bang behind him, which made people's ears buzzing.

A piece of purple steam spewed out in an instant, and the scorching Blood Qi also brought bursts of black smoke, rushing towards the gaps in the depths of the ground, howling ghosts and wolves!

"This, this, this......... What the hell is going on?"

As if stepping on a hornet's nest, the deep depression is about one foot wide, and the purple breath is like a flame, burning endlessly.

"If nothing else happens, we are the first to find a treasure that can be dug deep. When all the smoke and dust are cleared and the poisonous gas is diluted, we can continue to dig down along this path."

As soon as Huang Hao touched the mysterious Realm, he felt as if there were thousands of soul tentacles, constantly testing his spiritual Realm.

According to the guidance of Willow God, wealth and wealth are sought in danger, so mysterious and dangerous, there must be an infinite cornucopia hidden deep.

"Then what is in your hand? Could it be that bone?"

Fatty took the lead again, but Sister Xiaoyue seemed to be of a higher seniority, she saw no one but shadows, ghostly shadows followed her, and once again looked at Huang Hao's current state.


What's even weirder is that the bone in his hand exudes a faint radiance from the inside out, like a star hidden deep in the void.

"Did we really get the treasure? Then how should we divide it?" They were afraid that others would not hear his voice, but it was not the so-called decent people who took the treasure from others.

Can do it.

"It seems to be different from the record, can you let me have a look?" Xiaoyue stretched out her hands, seemingly cautious, but in fact she couldn't wait.

At this moment, Huang Hao's arm seemed to be frozen stiff, and it took a lot of effort to let go of his fingers. Only when this crystal bone landed on the ground, did everyone understand that frost penetrates the bone, tempered by Ten Thousand Years , have today's brilliance.

Xiaoyue was also dumbfounded, and said word by word: "Even if it is my ancestor, it may not be able to melt it into the body, the good thing that the world is falling into the world [is really there!

A word is enough to set the tone, and it is invaluable, but because of the humbleness of Realm, it cannot be used.


The purple cloud dissipated, replaced by a touch of red light, and after a short while, the atmosphere fell into freezing point again.

There is no depth and no distinction between the left and right of the cave, and the sound of sideways movement of toes can be heard frequently in the air, as if thousands of troops are ushering in, and it is like an ambush on all sides.

"Baby apprentice, you are causing trouble again, those things seem to be alive."

The belated voice sounded the alarm in his mind.

Sure enough, among the broken totems scattered into fragments, it suddenly became blurred, like a boulder falling into the lake, sparkling, but in the next moment, a strange scene refreshed their cognition again.

Those monsters that only exist in the records of the ancient scrolls climbed up from the flat stones.

"It's alive!" Huang Hao frowned, and now there was no way to retreat. Dozens of people waited in a large circle to draw a small circle, back to back, and lined up in formation.

"If it doesn't come with something exciting, I'm afraid I haven't done the Dharma Phase letter yet!" Fatty started yelling again, the giant ax in his hand was already hungry and thirsty, and he was the first to attack again, directly crossing the two axes and stealing fire, instantly hit out.

0......seeking flowers......

And the one rushing towards it was a big bird with red feathers, its beak was like a golden hook, but just after it took shape, it disappeared in an instant with just a slight touch, without causing any substantial damage.

"This is the phantom of an ancient ferocious beast, bull..."

Xiaoyue has been following, Mingyue Patriarch's side, in fact, she is only an apprentice, all the great resources are placed in front of her, she can enjoy them at will, and she also has a little understanding of the things in the scroll, although she didn't call out her name, but The huge head with the long sharp horns has already rushed towards the center of the team's formation.


"Oh, you can't keep it."

A mysterious sound came from nowhere, but in the next moment, a whirlwind kicked up from the bottom of the feet, dragging everyone up, and the murderer with long horns flew straight into the air, hitting the thick On the rock wall, it turned into a Blood Qi and disappeared without a trace.

"Master, where are you?"

The others are one short, Huang Hao just wants to know where Master Own is hiding, is it just a test for Own from the beginning, the master who hates iron but cannot make steel

Just watching all this in a certain corner, losing a helping hand from time to time, turning danger into safety.

And everything in front of me is real, just now if there is a slight difference or an angle of deviation, the sharp long horns are enough to tear them open, this is not a joke, if there is not enough self-confidence, it is absolutely impossible to get it so just right .

"Far water can't understand near fire, I can take your limit, half an hour later, you can attack again, and that deep pit is the only way for you to escape, don't always look up!".

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