Chapter 244 Behind the scenes

Among the two old guys, Chen Haotian closed his eyes first, and the last trace of remnants disappeared, but in the heart of Nine Heavens Elder, there was a scar that could not be healed.

He didn't do evil either, it's just that the teacher's order is hard to disobey, and fate can't be escaped. Only by going honestly can he see the light.

"Master once said that there will only be one of our nine brothers left. Before Thousand Years, I thought that person was me. After Thousand Years, I really didn't expect it to be me!"

"The inheritance of the Tianshi Mansion will continue because of me. Although I violated the oath of my brothers, there must always be someone to do the wicked. I am more suitable than you. Rest in peace."

He knew in his heart that the ultimate goal of everything he did now was to continue better, no matter if it was selfish or conceited, but in the end there was no way to break out of this cycle.

What's more, the color of the universe has changed, and the master of the new era will definitely be an outstanding junior, and the man whose name is unknown in front of him has already shown the power of a demigod, and only the cold light in his hand can be seen. Gods kill gods, meet demons and kill demons, domineering and violent.

In less than three quarters of an hour, Wu Yun revealed a ray of light because of the long sword in a man's hand.

Along with the cloud and mist, it became thinner and thinner, and the sneaky people hidden behind the black cloud slowly surfaced.

"No wonder I couldn't find you, so you are here!"

Cao Ye raised his head and looked at the sky outside the cloud and mist sky, like a mirror within a mirror, shaped like countless identical miniatures, with uniform and parallel layers.

And that mysterious person, wearing a blue mask, came from that endless land with a smile.

"A month ago, I sensed that a strong person entered the country, but I didn't expect it to be a young junior like you. It seems that I have stayed here for too long, and I have no experience!

The man could not be seen moving, but the aura of tit-for-tat between the two became more and more serious.

In just an instant, he appeared in front of Cao Ye, who was only a short distance away.

Cao Ye stretched out his hand and punched him, anyway, let's take advantage of it first, try his depth, it turned out to be a shadow, and immediately after that, countless identical cyan masked figures "spread the entire Realm space.

"It's been a long time since I felt the breath of a strong man."

One of the cyan shadows is slightly obvious, resembling a human figure, but actually like a candle, swaying and blurry.

At the same time, Cao Ye also felt the aura of the strong, and planned to clean up the mess, but judging from the current situation and extent, he has been caught by others all the time, but the time is not yet ripe, so he keeps luring the bait.

Among them, he also thought that it was because everyone fought among themselves and broke the seal in Realm.

Now it seems that it's not just because of self-greed that keeps falling into the trap of others. It's that this game was bad long before the Thousand Year. The so-called rumors and the so-called Lord of the Realm are just smoke bombs.

Everything is very obvious, it is precisely because everyone is killing each other, spreading their super points and flesh and blood in this uninhabited Realm, so that the mysterious people in front of them have absorbed enough nutrients.

Now seems to be a good harvest season, the opponent's butcher's knife has been raised high, and every phantom that emerges seems to have a different form of will, not a clone.

"You two, no, have you figured it out now?"

The Nine Heavens Elder was speechless for a while, but if he didn't say the words of remorse at this time, he might lose his chance.

"At this time, I have nothing to say, but you only need to continue the fire of Tianshi Mansion. Chen Haotian promised you, and I will fulfill it for him.

Without saying a word, a dagger was formed in his hand, and he cut it towards his chest.

The attitude was decisive, but no bright red blood flowed out, but a strange heart protruded from his palm.

It looks like a stone, but it is beating strong and powerfully. When you look down carefully, there are a few hard lumps inlaid on the heart of the stone. After wiping off the blood, several gemstone-like bumps are also following The frequency of the beating heart, flickering on and off.

||When your master accepted nine of us in all directions, we were not siblings, but our brotherhood was better than blood, but what they didn't know was that our destiny curves were connected, and only the good that took away from them Only by fortune can one person ascend to the upper world. "

It seems that because of the death of (Zhao) Chen Haotian, the mysterious people appeared in advance.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious man took off his mask, and an invisible face appeared.

His voice sounded like he was in his twenties or thirties, but in fact his real age was already over a thousand years old, so it was hard to tell, let alone guess.

But at this moment, the Nine Heavens Elder burst out laughing, pointing at the mysterious person in front of him with a wry smile and said: "Before you said you wanted to travel far away, if you re-experience, maybe you won't be able to meet again for a thousand years. But I didn't expect you to appear in such a posture, it really surprised me in every possible way!"

In an instant, the relationship between the two parties was in chaos.

But the mysterious man's face is already withered and yellow, it looks like a human face, but it is actually a ghost face!.

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