Chapter 247 Unbreakable

Cao Ye frowned, nodded helplessly, and said: "That's right, your arms can't twist your thighs, and I can't control my fate. In fact, they all have their own decrees. Just like you, you don't know the current situation at all. , The unreasonable arrogance will only make the knowledge of you, a frog in the bottom of the well, shorter and shorter!"

He didn't act in a hurry, but communicated tentatively with the other party. However, some people couldn't bear it anymore, and they who had been hiding their breath with the Magical Item of the body, suddenly appeared in a dark mass.

A huge warship also hangs down from the airspace.


"The "180" have presented me with such a big problem right from the start, is it obvious that we are desperate?" The appearance of the Emperor seems to have turned the tide of the battle. After all, there are so many people, but the mysterious person is someone Fang Boss has advanced strength, but he may not be able to crush the strength of the team.

What's more, the big guys are putting all their eggs in one basket, united as one, this cohesion alone is already an impenetrable city wall.

The mysterious man looked at a team consisting of tens of thousands of people, and he also acted a little flustered for a while, but his expression was difficult to distinguish.

"Blocking a car with a mantis' arm, you're overestimating your capabilities!" He sneered.

Immediately afterwards, the three-headed spirit dog, the six-tailed demon fox, the flaming fire snake...

The noisy and chaotic voices drowned out the laughter of God.

"In addition to the human race, there is also the spirit beast clan, and we have a few newly born star soul beasts in our hands. How do you feel about facing such a team?"

Cao Ye's footsteps got lower and closer, and when he reached a level position, the forces behind him had all assembled, and the whole army could attack just waiting for his order.

"It's my fault that I didn't discover you in the first place, and I have to admit that you also have two brushes. After all, so many years have passed, and the rare treasures that have been wandering in the world have also been picked up by your shit luck. .”

After one party belittles, the mysterious person is ready to fight all parties with his real body and all his strength.

"I believe that you are just having a headache and going astray, but I can give you a chance on behalf of them, as long as you get into my pocket obediently, what happened today and what I said before, I will treat it as if it never happened .

Immediately, Cao Ye's arms were shaped like Yin & Yang, twisting slowly, and behind him were countless sharp swords transformed into thunder, ready to go.

"Are you still obsessed with obsession? Don't you know who you are facing right now?" The mysterious man let out a big breath.

Cao Ye said in a stern tone: "Hey, don't you really know what you are facing? I believe that all the human races who have set foot in this Realm have heard clearly what you said just now, and they are going forward one after another. Fang came here just to kill you!"

The courage of a person has never been Cao Ye's style of conduct, only adhering to one blow to kill, taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

The other party's mind is unstable, and besides wandering here for Thousand Years, both his thoughts and consciousness have been solidified. Facing the best of the new era and the favored ones of heaven, if he boasted that Haikou was the enemy of thousands of people, the end would be nothing but ashes.

The Human Sovereign couldn't wait any longer, and immediately gave an order, saying: "I will wait for ten thousand people to use the gathering of all spirits together, and I wish Lord Sword God a helping hand to kill this dog thief!"

Just as he was speaking, the team of ten thousand people joined forces, and a huge beam of light shone on Cao Ye's body, as if he possessed inexhaustible and inexhaustible power

And at The next moment, Cao Ye has already swung tens of thousands of swords in the gap between time and space, between the cracks of time.

After just a short breath, the mysterious man was covered in wounds, but the strange thing is that every one, every time, even the extremely tricky fatal angle, just left a harmless external scar on his body.

The armor of the mysterious man continued to fall downwards, exposing his blue-black body, and the ugly face covered by the mask remained the same.

And the huge boulders under his feet, the accumulated ancient ruins, have been smashed to pieces by the power of the thunder sword.

A sword with cold light, a sword with lightning flash...

The wild beasts running down from the warship have already entered a state of bloodthirsty rage, especially after smelling the bloody breath of the strong, they are even more uncontrollable.

Sparks splashed in the sky, and suddenly a crimson bird spread its wings and rushed down. Cooperating with Cao Ye's sword light, it covered its figure, and its long beak like a scimitar pierced through the mysterious man's chest.


A mouthful of old blood sprayed out from the back of the mask, and after the blood mist cleared, 3.2 screams followed.

"That's it!"

"Thought how capable you are, with the help of so many people's strength, it is still the same, forget it, let this wave of power engulf you together.

The sound fell, and the huge stone ruins under his feet seemed to be continuously splitting and rejoining according to his thoughts.

In the blink of an eye, a towering tower reaching the sky appeared in front of everyone's eyes. On the tower, a mysterious man held a silver-white spear, majestic and majestic.

"The tide has set off, let it be destroyed!".

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