Chapter 252 Stalemate

Turning passive into active, Cao Ye swooped down decisively, and the Jinlong who was facing him tit for tat also rushed into the air.

And the Shu Immortal Sword in his hand pierced straight into the gap between the golden scales, but it has to be said that the golden dragon's flesh is too thick, like that steel wall, without any flaws.

With the roaring sound whistling in his ears, Cao Ye's footsteps also swayed. With a sudden force, the entire golden dragon fell to the bottom of the stone tower.

He leaped in the air and turned over countless somersaults, and only then could he barely dissipate the strength under his feet. If it wasn't a golden dragon, with rough skin and thick flesh, and it wasn't a "one hundred and zero" thing in the pool, if it were an ordinary thing, it would have been smashed to pieces long ago. It's a pity that the golden dragon's body is also covered with special inscription symbols.

In an instant, a ball of fire ignited on Jinlong's body, the color of which was like gold.

"Damn it guy!" Cao Ye took a breath, and was also very surprised, there was only a phantom in front of him, and there was such a big gap.

As the rune flickered, the scales that were beaten flying all over the sky continued to sweep in. Although they were smashed to pieces, they were still controlled by the mysterious people's thoughts. They fought each other fiercely, and there were hundreds of rounds.

And Cao Ye also got a paw accidentally, a few bright red marks reflected by the runes all over his body, but it added a bit of gorgeous color.

"That's right, it actually hurt my body, but it's a pity that the sharp claws didn't penetrate the bone marrow, otherwise this strike will definitely injure me, what a pity."

Another thought appeared in Cao Ye's mind, if possible, capture this guy alive, and brainwash him again with the power of thoughts, and use it as Huang Hao's phantom. a strong guarantee.

In fact, it's just thinking about it, the opponent's methods and tricks are unpredictable like thunder.

The golden dragon crawled, and got up again in an instant, and was still around the mysterious people.

The mysterious man's expression seemed a little strange, and after scanning up and down for a long time, the nervous expression was relieved.

Cao Ye took a breath, feeling weird.

"Do you want me to test it out?" Liu Shen hasn't made a formal move yet, and has been watching the state of Changing Country on the other side.

But now she has come to a conclusion that Jinlong has a hidden disease.

"There is no perfect creature in the whole world, there must be flaws, even if it is perfect at birth, the test of the day after tomorrow is endless."

Cao Ye also discovered the weirdness in it, if not for this, in the short fight just now, he would not have taken any advantage, and he was still in a state of equal strength.

At this moment, the golden dragon has shed that layer of golden armor, and its real body is still blackened.

I don't know who is doing what the hell, almost all the spiritual power is there, and it is continuously fused with the scales.

The body is full of treasures, turning into golden dust all over the sky, just like the blood of goose feathers, although magnificent, but the lethality is extremely astonishing, making Cao Ye have to retreat, after all, there are countless innocent lives fighting behind him.

The next moment, Cao Ye's footwork was like the stars moving, he quickly passed through the gap of the golden fragments, came to the back of the battlefield, and re-examined the overall situation.

It can be clearly seen that the opponent's target is not only Cao Ye, but also includes all no man's land, all things and all spirits, and it is bound to stir up a golden wave, swallowing everything

"What do you think I have a chance of winning?" Cao Ye suddenly asked......

Human Sovereign also frowned for a moment, unable to believe why he asked himself such a question.

"We have put all our chips on you, as long as you believe, we will believe."

The two looked at each other, looking extremely embarrassed.

But Cao Ye said next: "There are some hidden things that I can't see through, but I have already figured out the opponent's foundation, to be exact, there is at least a 100% winning rate


He hesitated to speak and did not finish his words, but set his eyes on the core of the formation.

People are next to each other, crowded and crowded, one side after another zigzag-shaped human walls, the power emanating from the human-shaped formation is used just right.

The purest power bursts out from the body, but it cannot withstand the consumption of a protracted battle.

And Cao Ye now has two choices, the first is to continue the bloody battle to the end, and the second is to withdraw and leave.

I believe that the other party also hopes that Cao Ye can leave, because they have fought for hundreds of rounds, even if they fight 1.7 to fight to the death, and finally to win or lose and life or death, the other party may not be able to accept the final result.

Killing one thousand enemies and harming oneself by eight hundred is not the best policy.

"I just need to find his fatal flaw, and I can guarantee everyone's safety. If not, then there is no other way."

The implication is that Cao Ye can only guarantee the safety of own and walk between the battlefields with ease.

But there is still a team of tens of thousands of people behind him. If he takes the overall situation into consideration, then all the adventurous thoughts in his heart will be impossible to carry on.

"Yeah, even though we're from the same place, there's no need to think about that."

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