Chapter 262 Self Conferred Gods

Nine-story tower, nine demon dragons.

In the end, in just a split second, a high-rise building appeared in front of the two of them with a very strong evil aura.

Huang Hao took a deep breath, knowing in his heart that it was fake, it was just a fantasy imagined by Wang Chunchun, a self-centered ruler of the world, but he still couldn't believe it, everything in front of him was illusory.

At this time, Wang Chunchun, who had spent countless times in his own world, had become a character who stood upright, and a person suddenly appeared in the Kowloon Demon Tower. The appearance of hegemony is "one three seven".

But I don't know why, the two sides are fighting fiercely, and it doesn't seem to be for something, it's like an enmity between generations, the enemy's road is narrow, and they draw their swords at each other.

Time and space were also distorted by the impact of power, I don't know, after hundreds of rounds, Wang Chunchun defeated the opponent with a very small advantage.

Wang Chunchun took the place of the owner of the Nine Dragon Demon Tower, and lit the purple candlestick at the top with his own blood.

Purple flames are rare, but in the center of the flames, Cao Ye seemed to see a tiny miniature.

The perfect fusion of thunder attribute power and fire attribute power is absolutely impossible to achieve with Wang Chunchun's modern Cultivation Base Realm.

"Too fake!"

At this moment, Cao Ye finally understands the true meaning of the mind trap, doing whatever he wants, seeking what he desires, but here he can get the realization of it.

He seemed to be standing below one person and above ten thousand people. At this moment, Rosy clouds of the same color appeared in the sky, and with a thunderbolt, the nine demon dragons entrenched on the tower were about to open up. He spurted out blood and howled furiously, as if he was welcoming the king who was about to succeed to the throne.

"Master, I also met it at the very beginning, but I was not the master. Could it be that I also fell into the mind of others by mistake?" Huang Hao asked.

"Yes, but it may be your luck!"

Cao Ye replied indifferently, it's strange to say, if Huang Hao hadn't strayed into a strange Realm space, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find the right direction from your search, but

The new and old grudges of the day before yesterday have been settled, he has no distracting thoughts in his heart, and all he wants to do is follow his master and explore the world.

Depending on the mood, the direction of thinking will naturally not fall to the extreme level.

"If we had a fight here, who would have a better chance of winning?" Cao Ye asked again.

Huang Hao understands it, because there is no real death here, unless he is discouraged and his mind falls into a death trap, so he is not afraid, just relying on imagination, he has a hand in his hand. The sword of thinking that belongs to one's own mind.

He took a step forward, shouted at the top of his voice, "Wang Chunchun, do you still recognize me?"

The fat man standing on a high place has long lost his previous funny appearance. As for attributes such as honesty and honesty, he is no longer on him. With a pair of blood-red eyes, he looked at a boy who appeared out of thin air, and he laughed wildly.

"Wang Chunchun! Hmph! Looks like it's the name from the nightmare again." At any moment, he changed his tone, revealed his own name, and said: "I am the god of winter, and you, a junior, are under my pressure. Dare to clamor with a sword, don't you want to live?"

It is almost the posture of a king facing the weak, disdain to crush and kill.

"You go, this is not the place you should come to. When I break the Ninth Stage sky and obtain the fruit of the true way, I will surpass all things and become an eternal existence... and your road is still too long, I If you don’t want to kill innocent people, let this deity leave!”

Although tall and crazy, he still has a little politeness.

Perhaps in the depths of his memory, that real memory has instead become his own nightmare.

"Shall I wake him up, master?"

"It's easy to do this, but I think it should be done more thoroughly, otherwise, master, I won't come here with you, let's learn."

Following Cao Ye's order, Huang Hao continued to hold the huge sword in his hand, and the inflated giant sword rose from the ground. There was no simple and unpretentious color, only the buzzing sound of the sword and halberd when they collided.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and the zero-distance contact seemed to make Wang Chunchun meet the truth.

"How powerful! Your breath is familiar to me, and you can take my blow. You are proud enough to die."

The weapon in Wang Chunchun's hands pushed forward, it was originally a heavy weapon, and its strength was naturally not small, making Huang Hao fly in the opposite direction for more than ten miles, before barely stopping at 1.7.

Whoever stands on the upper hand and who stands on the lower hand can be distinguished by the naked eye.

"Master, this doesn't conform to the logic of practice at all, why is it so strong?"

It may be due to the previous contact, the weight and balance between each other has been resolved, the suddenness, the huge gap in strength made Huang Hao feel a certain sense of gap in his heart.

Although he knows that everything in front of him cannot be explained by common sense, there are still some...

"If you meet the strong, you will be strong, and if you meet the weak, you will be weak. Since there is an unconventional space Realm, why should we follow the original method?"

A word to wake up the dreamer!.

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