Chapter 265 Part of Practice


The arrogant smile collapsed in an instant, and in an instant, there was endless rage again, and the power rose from the anger. When he swung his fist down, he saw Cao Ye gently raised a finger, but slightly touched it. To the opponent's fist, such as the power of the landslide, such as the power of the landslide, disappeared unexpectedly.

Seeing that stupid look, Cao Ye couldn't help but raised his other hand, and put his palm on his prickly hair.

"Now you should understand, right?"

"Even if you try your best, you can't defeat me, because you are just my shadow, haha.

Suddenly, a drop of rain fell from Cao Ye's fingertips, the glass wall that sealed his true memory, don't be broken at this moment.

The real self is the head of the child. Among the many teams of heaven's favored children, he is just an ordinary one. There is nothing to be proud of or crazy about.

This is the reality, the real self, 740 is just a young player who has just entered the late stage of the Spirit Transformation Realm, as light as a feather, and as numerous as a cow's hair.

And this dream is too real, the real one has lost himself, even though he knows everything is false, but he can't extricate himself, live in his own world, become his own lord, become his own true god.

"Wang Dage, there are no shortcuts in the road of practice. The so-called shortcuts are nothing more than fate from practice, or it may be a coincidence. After all, practice is not easy. If you encounter some opportunities along the way, you will make rapid progress. Call it a surprise! And it's just a scare, a real nightmare!"

Huang Hao witnessed all this, and also saw how the master brought the lost deer back to the right track little by little.

To help others practice is to practice.

"I know I was wrong, never again."

After Wang Chunchun's clumsy head was sincerely tapped down (ajaj), the trap of his mind also collapsed, and he returned to the real Realm.

I don't know how long I stood here stupidly, and a layer of Ash King has already been spread on my body.

I don't know what kind of expert is able to set up this situation, and use the minimum consumption and strength to lay out an extremely powerful killing formation.

Seeing how many people broke through so quickly, the mysterious people congratulated and said: "Little friend, don't be too depressed. This is a rare power. I believe that after this time, I will definitely grow a lot. If I can realize two or three, That would be wonderful."

How can Wang Chunchun understand these words at this time? It will take at least a few days to reflect.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ye pointed to the other dozen or so people guarding the door, and said to Huang Hao, "You should know exactly what to do. I'll give you three hours to wake them up!"

"Three hours, because it's too much."

At the same time, Huang Hao wandered through the opponent's Realm of consciousness, using his exaggerated and insubstantial power even more justly, if the enemy is strong, he will be strong, and if the enemy is weak, he will be weak. Back into the real world.

On the other side, Cao Ye also felt the evil spirit behind the stone gate, as if he was wandering aimlessly in the corridor, as if he had been waiting for a long time, and he was so hungry and thirsty

Suddenly smelling fresh blood and breath, how can we not make that old monster go crazy.

In the description of the mysterious people, it was a fierce formation left after the war a few thousand Years ago.

In fact, it is not a formation, but many demigod Realm powerhouses have fallen here, and their souls are not dispersed, and they cannot escape into Samsara in a meaningful way. For this reason, future generations have their souls imprisoned here. And use the breath and inherent power of countless Magical Items to suppress them. As time goes by, after self-awareness and awakening, I believe that those thoughts that are already unconscious and full of hatred will also fade away.

The so-called treasures and the so-called relics are actually piled up in Realm, which is frightening and inaccessible.

"To tell you the truth, my real body is also here. But because of the desires of Thousand Year's previous life, an internal strife was rolled up, and I was lucky enough to escape from the gap. It was only after deliberation that we made such a choice.”

"It can be said that the sins that cannot be washed away from my body are all caused by my hatred, but they cannot all be blamed on me. You and I are people of an era. Although your memory has been erased, don't forget Now, the evil consequences that were imposed on us are not what we want, I hope we can join forces to reactivate the formation, remove the seal, and claim the lives of those evil gods!"

In fact, mysterious people also have a demigod Realm, but it is a pity that he lost everything, even his physical body, and he can only hope that the cultivator in the lower realm will find one of the few talented people among the many favored ones. Use their hearts to re-grow and condense their own physical bodies, otherwise they will not be able to return to the upper realm.

These are the plans that the mysterious people have conspired for a long time. Of course, the purpose and direction of a careless person is close to the same as Cao Ye's, but the real purpose is different.

"Having said so much, what is the terrible thing behind this door?".

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