Chapter 273 Steal

Mysterious people naturally affirm Cao Ye. However, there are thousands of silver bird eggs, and only one tenth of them can successfully hatch in the end, and in the environment of The Weak are Prey to the Strong, they can finally survive The achievement of an adult raptor is only one percent.

"Is there any reason not to eat the fat meat delivered to your door?"

In contrast, the previous head-on attack suffered heavy losses, but now the positions of the two sides have just reversed. They are the ones who hold the initiative, and these raptor eggs are the passive ones.

"It seems we've thought of going together, but..."

The mysterious man seemed a little hesitant. In his current state, being able to protect himself was already his greatest effort. If he deliberately poked a hornet's nest, he was still facing these raptors. It was quite difficult, and if he was a little careless, he would get angry.

Cao Ye nodded and said: "As a last resort, I will choose to lure them away, and the rest of the moving work will be done by those children."

As soon as this remark came out, 09 was astonishing.

After thinking about it for a while, the mysterious man suddenly laughed, and said: "There are always some beasts, and they will be sensitive to the breath of the strong as natural enemies, but for the weak, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to be discovered, it is indeed A good way to take a risk."

He has mixed opinions about this, and besides that, there is only a second option, which is to move on and reach the real king's lair.

However, they also encountered a problem. When a hundred beasts scream, there will be a thousand calls. The raptors in the nest will definitely come because of the call. At that time, it is still inevitable. It is better to do everything!

"Then let's hurry up..."

Half a quarter of an hour later, a team of ten people was formed. They were dressed in the best Magical Items and each held a universe bag. The leader was Huang Hao. Under the guidance of their master, they traveled smoothly.

Coupled with the interference on Spirit Power, the raptor, which was already in a semi-drowsy state, became even more depressed, so that hundreds of silver eggs in the nest were ruthlessly carried away quietly.

Back and forth, Qiankun bags are full.

When everyone returned to the warship, they all showed bright smiles.

Human Sovereign is so excited that he has lost his human appearance, the former Supreme of the human race, now...

"How on earth did you achieve the matter of sticking incense? It's really unbelievable. You can return home with more than two hundred eggs of divine birds.

Not only is there a lot of harvest, but when divided, almost everyone can have a share.

Regarding the wise decision of the Sword God, the voice of doubt just now has faded away.

"Whether it can be hatched or not? Don't be too happy. Now that this thing is in your hand, it is a piece of hot potato. When they find it, they will suffer.

Huo Ling'er sang the opposite tune, the implication was reasonable, and no one said much.

Seeing this, Huang Hao stumbled a few words with him before he was about to set sail.

"If you don't need it, you can give it to me. If you are afraid, you can give it all to me. Then I will take another path with the master. What do you think?"

After coldly's ridicule, Huang Hao counted the eggs in the Qiankun bag, there were seventy-three eggs in total, and one-third of them were harvested in the bag.

"Give it to you?" Huo Ling'er replied back, "I bought this with my life, how could I give it to you, how about this, I will exchange two kinds of precious trees with you..."

Hearing this, the elders laughed out loud, not knowing what these children were thinking.

Yang Fan set sail, but just after traveling for more than ten miles, he heard a heart-piercing cry.


Cao Dian already realized that something was wrong, and immediately began to push the power in his body to increase the horsepower, dodge if he could, and dodge if he could. As for the bird eggs he took, he must not return them.

The warship began to shake, but the master's footsteps were unusually firm.

There is no need to think about it, the little heart of the descendant of the divine bird Bifang Crane may have exploded with anger, but the eyes of these beasts are sharp, and the sense of smell is superhuman. A big bird roared angrily.

And this 053 raptor is different from what Cao Ye saw in the nest before, the Bloodline is extremely pure.

For example, the appearance of the Danqing Crane seems that every hair is made of green gold, with blood-colored markings and dotted with stars. Its demeanor is so beautiful that it makes people forget. , as simple as a piece of paper, for them, this is a Devil attack!

That pair of claws are crystal clear, much better than the ice pick, but this guy has already gone mad. The mountains and moon hills behind him were cut off by the blade-like wings. Compared with the golden roc we saw before The bird is even more infiltrating, and its strength is more than doubled.

"Bifang Crane!"

The mysterious old man exclaimed.

"Impossible, how could divine beasts appear in the lower realm?" Human Sovereign said rationally.

At this moment, the bird of prey was already furious, and suddenly blocked the front of the warship, spread its wings and spun, setting off a storm of ice crystals, and the defense of the warship was instantly torn apart.

"Oh, I still can't hide!"

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