Chapter 275 Leveraging Strength

The successive encounters opened Cao Ye's horizons. In his mind, the imaginary pictures, beautiful neighbors and beautiful exchanges, just lacked some substantive logic, but it may also be the particularity of the Realm space that created these strange things. Weird spirit.

After several rounds, Cao Ye contained the big bird perfectly.

No matter how strong the opponent's strength is, Cao Ye seems to have a cane in his hand, which is firmly bound to the opponent's vitals.

It's just a beast, naturally it doesn't need to spend a lot of time and energy, and the pain points are countless nests.

As long as you don't take the initiative to poke the hornet's nest, I believe that the messy scene in front of you will disintegrate bit by bit.

A strange breath rushed over again.

Cao Ye looked, the little wild child is just a product of the transformation of ideas, not a real human spirit.

"The pure and messy Bloodline is really difficult to reflect on your body. However, you are the only one who can communicate with the human race, and you are considered a strange species

Cao Ye's curiosity about this guy has surpassed his desire to conquer, especially after knowing the opponent's habits and characteristics, he can easily target him.

For a moment, the aura of the strong man was brought into the airspace by this tossing big bird. However, there is no sky here, only a long line of void torn apart by brute force. Obviously, the reason why the spirit body in the nest has been going out without seeing the sun The reason is that there is a strange seal here, controlling the power above others, the majesty of the ugly.

Although there is no center of the king's lair that he is looking for all the way, this breath seems to have a seductive force, blowing past his ears from time to time, a breeze, a pair of tentacles, always capturing the hearts of greedy people.

"Stop fussing about meaninglessly, I have no malicious intentions (ajdh), I'm just looking for what I want, and I have no other intentions."

After the two words, the strength of the full struggle became more serious. For a while, he flew to the sky of the Ninth Stage, and for a while, he crashed into the top of the mountains. No matter what, he couldn't pull out the nail on his back, as if It is inseparable from the bloodline of self.

"Are you trying to gather all the raptors from the Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

"But you should be able to feel that the suppression of power does not only come from the outside world, sometimes the suppression of Bloodline is the most terrifying.

All of a sudden, Cao Ye's legs tightened violently, and he made a small stance, and then his whole body sank downwards. Barbarism meets brutality, strength meets strength. Like a flamingo, it is welcoming the final trial of fate.

A layer of fire had been ignited all over his body due to the force of the fall, and the speed was as fast as that of thunder pouring down.

However, the moment he touched the ground, Cao Ye raised his strength again. He didn't see the vortex or the mysterious wind, but only saw a pair of big hands like blooming flowers protruding from the ground, holding them firmly in the air.

"You have to tame me! Impossible, I won't..."

Seeing that this guy still had some temper, Cao Ye jumped out of the air-controlling territory, stood on the ground, and looked at this proud and hard-to-find bird of prey.

"Whether it is an ethnic group or a Sect, whether it can continue to develop for a long time depends on whether the leader's decision-making is correct. In one thought, the result may be a catastrophe, but you can think about it the other way around, if I really If you have malicious intentions, why bother with you here."

Although the spiritual wisdom of this divine bird has just been activated, the sense of oppression crushed by the killing breath, especially the humbleness brought to Bloodline by natural enemies, made me know that although the truth is short, it is actually true.

During the fight, Cao Ye also found that this raptor was a bit strange, as if every feather was embellished by predecessors, like microcosmic inscriptions and spells, each stroke was extremely neat, and it was listed under each feather. superior.

Because of this, the body is under heavy pressure, which virtually suppresses its potential infinitely. However, once this seal is completely opened, the late stage development of this beast will go to a higher level.

Only one key is needed, but the person who once left the charm and inscription power on him seems to have other intentions, and Cao Ye can't help but conceive a mysterious person. However, there are still too many unexplainable problems, and this is just a beginning.

"You really are full of treasures. For me, it's really a waste not to pluck your feathers with my own hands.

As soon as the words came out, the beast was startled. The humanoid child standing on the bird's back clenched his fists nervously, while on the other side, a crystal-like spear hung behind him impressively, ready to attack at any time.

"You are a boring and ambitious man, and we just want to get our unborn child back, please give it back to us!"

What a simple and unhelpful request!

"Didn't I tell you? It would be better to be by my side, and it's not killing the chicken to get the egg, so why be so nervous!"

Cao Ye knew he was in the wrong, and he couldn't get any advantage by arguing.

However, what he said was very...

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