Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 284: Leading The Snake Out Of The Cave

Chapter 284 Leading the snake out of the hole

Immediately afterwards, the Human Sovereign took the initiative to shatter the sword in his hand, fragments of the sword floated in the air, and under the drive of strength, one silver thread after another, invisible to the naked eye, connected all the fragments together, as if A stegosaurus is actually an iron chain.

The power of divine fire emanating from the body quenched the sealed chain red, and the initial attack mode was like an iron chain vine, whipping the violent behemoth side by side.

Under each brand mark, its body contains one seal inscription after another, but this giant beast grows too big, with four arms on the front and back sides, there are almost no dead ends for attacking. When defending, just those four arms, It is enough to form a four-sided high wall, and it is difficult to enter with holes.

The god monkey was overwhelmed, the power of the sealed rune branded on his body penetrated his skin, stopped the circulation of the Bloodline, and circulated the supply of Spirit Power, only in the time of half a stick of incense

The situation that had just turned victorious began to turn bad again.

Human Sovereign went to his own Dharma Phase world again, just like an ant shaking an elephant, but without a whip, it was all whipped on the elephant's eyes, and the silver-white hairs like needles were melted by the hot air

Immediately afterwards, the god monkey drank a throat, and then with its two thick legs, it bowed down fiercely, leaping ten thousand feet high, such a huge beast disappeared without a trace in an instant

"Human Sovereign, so strong..."

"It's awesome to beat the shit out of a beast all by yourself."

It's not a conscious flattery, but a hope from the bottom of my heart. The god monkey was terrified and subdued by the beating, and then fled away, instead of preparing to wait for the next opportunity to disrupt the peaceful situation again up.

After a few gasps, the proud bursting breath of the god monkey has dissipated and is hard to find, and there is no trace of it, but in this small valley Minor World, we will meet again sooner or later, and we will never get rid of it

The wind blows and lives again.

The Human Sovereign knew that he hadn't won. In order to protect the disciples behind him, the divine sword in his hand had lost its sharpness. On the edge of the sword, there were visible flaws, indicating that it had become a piece of scrap iron.

Without the weapon in his hand, even a tiger with its teeth pulled out, can only last for a while with the arrogance that is neither humble nor haughty in the hearts of the human race.

Not much to say, the Human Sovereign began to prepare to re-arrange the formation, and the water in the cold pool already contained the air of frost, if it is not lucky, it will not condense, just like a gunpowder keg, just a little spark, you can Using the cold air in the water to the extreme, at this moment, he has nowhere to go except to use external resources to defend against the enemy.

The dozen or so big birds hovering above their heads were not controlled by him at all, turning a blind eye to the previous tragic fight.

The Ice Fortress was gradually formed, but on the periphery, the Human Sovereign set up a few more sword arrays, and the coordinated inscription secret treasures, etc., seemed to be squandering money without restraint.

The golden long horns, inlaid on the defensive Magical Item, and the golden pendants of each other's spiritual sources, are once again filled with the blood essence of life.

In the end, the ancient method was promoted, and this small valley was submerged out of the vision of the spirit of all things.

Under the earth, Cao Ye, who has never found the portal, has no choice but to integrate himself with Frost, and use this as a medium to spread the voice of own to the outside world.

The fluctuation of the soul, constantly knocking, is the window of the emperor's soul.

Only half a day later, Renhuang was awakened by a strange sound in his ear, and was forced to use his own subjective idea to "collide with it.

"Sword God! I knew..."

Not only did it excite him, it was like meeting a ray of dawn in the darkness.

"Where are you now? Are you still underwater?" He asked again and again.

"I was tricked by others by accident, and now I finally got in touch with you, so don't let others find out. y

In the following, Yu Yuren explained some own conjectures and inferences.

It's not that someone is playing tricks, but someone has set up a trap from the very beginning. That person may be by his side, or he may be hidden by his side, but the second situation seems a bit unrealistic.

The series of events that the former Human Emperor encountered further confirmed Cao Ye's conjecture.

The mysterious person has been hovering in front of him and behind him in the state of a soul, even if he wants to be a ghost, it may not be feasible, and he doesn't trust him, so how can Cao Ye relax his vigilance.

Along the way, Cao Ye suddenly discovered that if he wanted to solve the demons (Haonuo's) ghosts along the way by himself, he might spend another thousand years, but he might not be able to get his wish.

"The next thing you have to do is indulge yourself, and tell everyone your future plans without reservation. Sometimes, excessive letters will turn into lies."

The Human Sovereign was not clear, and questioned: "Isn't it the highest risk? But tens of thousands are involved..."

"Don't worry!" Cao Ye interrupted: "It's actually very simple, I can't show up now, and that guy doesn't want me to show up, but that guy wouldn't think that we can communicate in this way.

"Next, you just need to do what I tell you. You don't need to ask why, let alone imagine the answer..."

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