Chapter 294 Dreams Shattered

The opponent's form is a special kind of energy, which can transform the opponent's figure, every move, every style, the state of practice, and the method of doing it are all exactly the same.

The most terrifying enemy is this!

What I am facing seems to be my Hearts Demon, which is difficult to break through, and every time I kill it, I will also be severely injured by it, and the large amount of panacea consumed is no longer enough to support my broken body.

The master generation is safe and sound, but the junior disciples have all suffered.

"Even if it comes from the legendary power of the void, it may not be able to do this. There must be other methods. We should be tricked!"

Ancestor Mingyue, whose figure is like a golden wheel, is still shuttling fast, and this so-called castle palace itself is a huge trap. The gorgeous appearance itself is promising, but there is a bright side. There is also a dark side.

Turning around suddenly, Patriarch Mingyue saw the door he passed through when he came here, and suddenly remembered something!

"The door of the temple that can only be opened with the power of the soul, this is the cause of all disasters.

If it wasn't for the teacher from the same school, it would be impossible to understand strangers so thoroughly. Even so, it would be impossible for the illusion to be so ingenious and almost perfect. In the trap.

"That old guy didn't have the ability to eradicate us together, so he tricked us into the game with clever words. It wasn't us who were passive, but him!

One word awakens the dreamer.

"As expected, as expected, the direction was wrong..." The leader, Patriarch Minghui, immediately changed direction and lined up in front, only defending but not attacking.

After everyone gathered, an oval formation suddenly appeared, with golden brilliance, under the illumination of the golden wheel, ripples of power one after another, instantly gathered with the power of the vortex, Vajra's unbreakable posture.

The opponent can only choose to lure and fight with it, in order to disintegrate, but the current situation is just the opposite, since the opponent is transformed by the self, and it is a perfect replica of the transformed body through the door of the spiritual realm, Therefore, it is perfect, and the situation of knowing yourself and the enemy has been achieved.

Regardless of the attacking power assembled by the opponent, it can be broken, but the defense that is close to perfection will reduce the lost Spirit Power by more than several times.

"As long as we can keep it, there is nothing we can do."

Ancestor Mingyue is like a pair of eyes, always watching the changes on the battlefield.

And those transfigured bodies no longer attacked recklessly, they just hunted them together, waiting for the breakthrough to appear.

"The choice of a wise man." The voice of Nine Heavens Elder slowly appeared, and after a sigh, his tone changed, and he praised, "I really underestimated you, and turned the situation around!"

"You were severely injured by the Sword God, and the rate of loss of vitality may have touched the bottom line of life. As long as we can hold on, you will be the one to die [I guess?" Mingyue Patriarch's words penetrated.

"Haha, I have prepared fifteen Hundred Years for this, do you think I will make a mistake? Hmph, pity, pity that you were born to be a stepping stone for others, but you must know how to accept your fate, otherwise... "


With a loud noise, the entire Sky Temple shook, but soon stabilized.

Suddenly, the voice of a human warrior's battle sounded in his ears, and in the distance, a human warship approached quietly.

The Great Banner of Renhuang stands high, Cao Ye stands at the front of the warship, this scene makes everyone present seem to have known each other, three months later, that warship, with that man "chased here unexpectedly.

The Nine Heavens Elder frowned, because this place is a secret place, if the predecessors did not come here, it would take at least a year and a half to break into this place step by step.

Moreover, there are countless king's lairs along the way, so there is no shortcut at all.

||Old guy, our reinforcements seem to have arrived, how about you? Can you still afford it? " Mingyue Patriarch wore that lingering smile, but his voice pierced the opponent's heartstrings like steel needles.

"Yes, the rhythm of this old thing is all out of order."

"Thousands of calculations have been made, but one nail is missing [it's really time to come!"

In a word, it is a headache.

"Sword God! To me, he is just a perfect body. When I finish you, he will be the next one to die!"

The Nine Heavens Elder started to go crazy, and then he suddenly descended from the sky, with golden armor attached to his whole body (including Li's), and the dying state of his life, which was once dying, was pulled to the peak in an instant.

Holding a spear in his hand, he stabbed down towards the absolute defense Realm.

As a result, it was obvious that the enemy was strong and we were weak, and the defensive barrier collapsed in an instant. In the face of a power that was several Realms higher than the original, everything would be wiped out.

And at this moment, the door behind him that couldn't be opened was kicked open, and because of this, the formation was broken, and all the illusionary spirits became distorted, struggling and howling.

changed to its original form.

One by one ugly!

"Sure enough, you are the mastermind behind the scenes! Hey, it's boring without some challenges!"

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