Chapter 299 has another purpose

The left eyelid twitches, either joy or worry!

The smell here is unusual, the fire in the ravine, black flames linger!

"I seem to have seen this kind of situation in a book, is it the air of the void?"

Although Renhuang didn't know the real situation, some wild thoughts came out of his head, all of which were imagined by himself, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is talking nonsense.

Often, at this moment, the young juniors with less knowledge can always judge the correct direction.

There are layers of clouds in the sky, vaguely, as if seeing the appearance of Kunpeng, he took a bite and swallowed the void, or even the entire Minor World, or, they were originally in the inner cave of some ancient creature.

Huo Ling'er was restless, unable to figure it out and couldn't do it, helpless and desperate.

Soon, the shadow that came out of imagination suddenly disappeared.

Huo Ling'er spoke again, begging Own's father, "I have to do something, right? At least, there must be some..."

It might be too much to talk too much, thousands of pairs of eyes are staring at every order from the emperor, after thinking for a moment, the decision made is even more life-threatening for everyone.

"Master Sword God has his own opinion. If we act without authorization and destroy his plan, it will be even worse!"

Wait, a very long wait.

I don't know how long it took, the sky vision appeared frequently, but everyone was still safe and sound. After being at ease for too long, the exhausted inner voice has already receded, and in exchange for relaxation of vigilance, even the entire security front has been loosened.

The underground world, the vast and endless black area, was ignited by the raging fire. At this moment, Cao Ye was also clear-headed, and almost had the answers to the things he couldn't figure out or see through.

He gradually walked out from the state of concentration, watching the people behind him fascinated, still admiring, this battle showed no sign of stopping at all.

"Otherwise, let a few juniors participate together"?"

Patriarch Mingyue woke up first, approached suddenly, seemed not to hear clearly, and reconfirmed: "In a few more hours, Huang Hao will be completely defeated?"

"Yes, but this is a rare opportunity after all, besides, with us on the side, what's there to be afraid of?"

A strong self-confidence that cannot be questioned. In fact, only Cao Ye has such self-confidence, turning adversity into motivation, and in times of dire straits, to make his own apprentice show off in front of a strong enemy is simply a perversion in the practice world.

"Why don't we try it?" Xiaoyue suddenly stepped forward to invite Ying, the pocket sword hidden in her cuff had already revealed its sword light, and before the master nodded, Cao Ye pushed the flames and landed it on the center of the battlefield.

The intrusion of strangers has diluted the familiar atmosphere and aura of each other a lot.

Knowing that he was invincible, Huang Hao, who was still persevering, was like waking up from a big dream.

He said to himself, "After all, it's not the Own stage." After patting Own's little face, he turned around with a stride, killed a carbine, and in an instant, picked up Xiaoyue who had joined the battlefield.

"Master asked you to come?"

Xiaoyue didn't know whether to shake her head or nod, which master?

"Forget it, but the opponent is a freak. He has been imitating my movements, and he can't find any flaws at all. Also, his recovery method is too irregular. We have to find a way to divert his attention!"

Immediately afterwards, Huang Hao quickly pushed, and the Zhuxian sword walking beside him fell on the soles of Xiaoyue's feet. With a turn, he was on the opposite side, the center of pressing the opponent.

Instinctive power, if not for the life-related attack, would be in an extremely conservative and passive position.

Two fists are no match for four hands, the rhythm is all messed up!

In a daze, the four ancestors began to send their core disciples to fight one after another, one against two, one against four, one against sixteen, and even reached one hundred and eight people against each other in the end!

Cobweb intertwined!


"`||It really is a live target!" Patriarch Mingyue also began to get excited, an opponent who would only be passive and choose to fight back after being beaten. It's a one-to-one power hedge.

So a few masters began to gear up.

"Do you want to go up there and try?" Cao Ye suddenly asked with a stern expression on his face.

"Can't it work? (Nuo Zhao's)" Minghui Patriarch frowned and asked back, now he was a little at a loss and didn't know what to do.

"If one of you joins the battle rashly, I'm afraid these babies will be wiped out instantly, and the level of the battle will be upgraded to another level because of this, understand?"

Since they are all a group of kids, there is an upper limit for playing small fights, and the characteristics of the opponents are just in line with Cao Ye's conjecture.

"Do you know why I have been reluctant to make a move?" Cao Ye suddenly sneered, and the smile was very strange, and then, the eyes flashed with blood, and he said coldly: "This guy is a mold made of mud, a child , I can’t play any tricks, but if it’s me, do you think you’re still alive?”.

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