Chapter 303 Exclusive

"Why don't you leave?" Cao Ye asked knowingly, but after the person walked away, the burden in his heart reduced his pressure.

Huang Hao laughed, his immature face had already been slashed countless times by the wind blade of that force.

"I know what you are worried about, master, but I am not afraid, and we still have it.

The divine bird flapped its wings, and the power of the hurricane could make it a lot easier.

"Then you can think about it!"

Huang Hao nodded, and followed by four Zhu Xian swords, arrayed in front.

The two masters and apprentices worked together to give strong pressure.

The opponent has no way of retreating, facing strong pressure and oppression, especially the traumatic attack of the power of the soul, he has to put all his eggs in one basket and fight back with all his strength, this is his best choice.

But in the next instant, Cao Ye's entire power form changed drastically, and under the support of the four divine swords, those defenses were instantly disintegrated.

In the four directions of east, west, north, south, the target of the joint attack is only the core of power.

Even though the opponent's upper limit is extremely high, it is still too late to react.

With a flash of white light, a large amount of black blood gushed out from the opponent's body.

The power core containing the power of the soul exploded in an instant, and the endless circular waves, blowing people who couldn't open their eyes, and the group of people who were near the top of the cave were instantly blown away.

I don't know the so-called Renhuang and others, but they only saw a hole in the valley in the southwest, and thousands of ants suddenly flew out. Take a closer look, you can see the shadow of Daoist Xing, such an embarrassing defeat.

"My premonition has always been correct. This is a bad situation. How should we end?" Huo Ling'er could see clearly at a distance of thousands of miles. breath.

Such aftermath, unheard of, unseen, and far apart, still shakes the earth, calmed down for a long time, and the emperor ordered to go to the rescue.

"Cough cough․..."

"Master, you lied to me again!"

Half of the Minor World collapsed due to this, but Huang Hao saw Master Own, his expression remained unchanged, and the Spirit Power lost in his body was still so meager.

Obviously, the Spiritual Qi fused with the avatar of Nine Heavens Elder is still no match.

"Look at yourself first."

He saw that Huang Hao's body had already exposed his bones, and there was no good flesh in any part of his body. I don't know how many bones were broken, and I don't know how many drops of blood were shed.

Could it be that the unyielding will has already fallen down.

"Then you can't lie to me as a master. I would have gone with them if I knew it earlier. It's a good thing now. It won't be three or five years. I guess I won't be able to slow it down.

In fact, the opposing forces of the two are extremely destructive to the third-party forces, and the suppression of the two forces has already wiped out their entire army.

"I didn't do anything wrong, it's because you lacked tacit understanding, what does it have to do with me?"

Cao Ye looked at the power core that was approaching completeness, and couldn't stop drooling. If he swallowed that red heart now, at least half of the Realm could be raised.

The black blood flowing on the earth is insoluble in the soil, and it only needs a little refining to become a rare blood panacea, a great tonic product.

The bones of the rune, which can only be broken by the combined attack of Zhu Xian's four swords, are rare in the world.

"Who knows? You know, you're just trying to get that complete glass heart, so I won't mix it up. But then again, Master, you're really bad!" Huang Hao coughed twice, and after vomiting two mouthfuls of blood , and sat cross-legged on the bird's back, no matter how hard it was to move.

But when Cao Ye was cleaning the battlefield, he saw another strange thing. There was a hard object under the roots of the old tree.

After digging, they saw a bronze stele engraved with incomprehensible characters. After continuing to dig, no bones were found.

With a slight touch, the frost is biting to the bone, and it is a bit stronger than the cold air that entered the body before!

And when he got it in his hands, it was like a sweet potato in his hands.

The power of the Five Elements is frequently switched, and the changes are so weird that they are similar to the changes and twists of the spirit body's power, even exactly the same, without any difference.

In an instant, the withered towering ancient tree, thoroughly Blacken, finally turned into a pile of charcoal.

"An inscription again?"

He didn't have time to ponder or think deeply, but the huge wealth in front of him may not be swallowed by one person.

Such a secret realm, ordinary people may not be able to break in, taking advantage of the situation, they summoned the escaped people together.

The primordial spirit returns to the body, and both eyes are clear.

"You actually won?"

"Did you say that? As long as you do well, my success rate can reach ten." Cao Ye faced Patriarch Mingyue, and then threw it with his own hands, only to see a pair of red crystals fall into the opponent's hands.

"His eyes?"

"Whatever, I can't let you come here for nothing. You can take as much as you can with the rest, but I still suggest staying here for a while." Cao Ye advised, adhering to the principle of safety first.

But the scattered soul fragments, like a seed of hatred, drifted away from the valley with the wind.

Liu Shen, who had been paying attention secretly, naturally understood his intentions, and said with a smile: "There is no need to let him go!"

"I'm helpless too!" Cao Ye didn't explain, just looked at Huang Hao who was sitting on the back of the bird, and smiled in the same way. .

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