The sea demon Venerable walked with thunderous rolling steps, his combat power was at the top of the team, and the rest of the followers waited to get out of the way again and again.

Cao Ye took a closer look, and saw that the other person was neither human nor ghost, and even a little unrecognizable, like burnt, or poisoned, purple and blue, plus tiny tentacles fluttering in the wind all over his body , like a catfish monster.

"The juniors of the human race in the lower world can practice like this, it seems that the world has changed!"

Facing the wild words of the other party, Cao Ye just said: "Don't poke the hornet's nest, we didn't kill them all before, we gave way to each other, and each went our own way ~ that's fine."

"No problem, but to give us that Frost Heart back, it's not a glorious thing to steal!-"

There is no room for compromise in the confrontation between words.

But after only a few breaths, the two men started to fight, the opponent was just probing, and Cao Ye directly killed, not as soft-hearted as Huang Hao.

A gust of evil wind whizzed by, and the sea demon Venerable standing on the top of the mountain was cut in half by Cao Ye.

The blue sea was almost dyed red by his blood.

It would be fine if a weak person died, but those members of the Sea Clan witnessed this scene with their own eyes, even how their own Venerable was decapitated, it seemed that they didn't see clearly, so they fell to the ground in response, breathless Death.

"Who killed it?" Everyone turned pale with shock, it was more than terror, it was icy cold.

The sea demon Venerable can be called the God of War of the sea clan. In terms of force, he is under one man and over ten thousand people, but he died so easily. The young man standing on the reef is still in the same state as before, and has not changed at all. .

Call it a mantis arm to block the car, and it's almost the same.

"It really is a ruthless character!"

It can't be my own family who kills my own family, but the sword in the boy's hand has not been drawn yet!

"Since you insist on this, I can only make an example to others!"

I saw his sleeves rolled up, fire rained in the sky, and the rocket continued to ignite even after it landed on the water. Soon, a piece of blue ocean turned into a sea of ​​flames in Crimson.

Chaos is about to break out, and the people of the Sea Clan who traverse this world have never seen such a scene. The king who once swept across the North Sea and occupied the land of the North Sea suddenly lost his voice. The invincible aura emanating from his body.


"What are you and us, let's go, or you will be in trouble when that guy comes back."

There was no Kunpeng aura on the people of the Sea Clan, obviously they were not from the same clan. And that huge monster is moving slowly towards this direction.

Cao Ye's eyes were serious, and he put away that smiling face. When he drew his swords to face each other, a wave of air split Wang Yang in half. The untenable Sea Clan was blown away by the big wave, and only Venerable of the Sea Clan was alone. , but also able to stand firm.

"He wasn't calm enough, and he fell into your arms, but you should still remember..."

At the same time, Venerable of the Sea Race turned towards the other side. It is not known whether they were chanting mantras with hand seals, or forming an array. They went straight to the depths of the sea. A black head was madly killing, and suddenly broke through the water, with long teeth, endless spit out of its mouth. The withering air was swallowing towards the boy on the reef.

The sea demon Venerable didn't die, he was reborn with his severed limbs, and under the management of formation, he revealed his true colors.

Swallowing it in one gulp, only the shadow of a huge monster appeared on the reef, and the boy was no longer there.

0......seeking flowers...

"Master Sea Demon is mighty!"

Members of the Sea Clan who were victorious on the surface of the sea began to cheer.

"I know you are still alive, but if you want to escape from my stomach, I will melt your flesh..."

Sea Clan Venerable sound transmission, but in the next moment, he realized that he did wrong, he should not have swallowed a stove.

The scorching hot stream was flowing out from his skin, and the unstoppable white steam was spit out from the shark's mouth.

Most of the sea clansmen live in the ditch of the Yin Sea, which can be called an extremely dark place. What flows in the Bloodline is the attribute of the extremely cold cold, which is originally repelled by it, a positive and negative force , began to rub in his body.


The extremely cold air made his body as green as iron, and soon another wave of flame-like breath roasted his body to become popular again.

"It's all pediatric tricks, and it's delusional to digest me. It's just a dream!"

Seeing the stretching and shrinking of the huge monster's abdomen, it caused unbearable pain. He opened his mouth wide and sucked in the seawater fiercely, wanting to spit it out again.

But it was easy to get in, but difficult to get out. The sharp sword in Cao Ye's hand began to cut open his internal organs.

Although there is the art of rebirth with severed limbs and immortality, it cannot stop the loss of vitality.

And now, no one can save him!

"I see how long you can last!"

Cao Ye suddenly sat cold in the sticky gastric juice, facing this withering force, he was still calm and composed, with strong self-confidence, and some of them could make the opponent feel better.

The power of the inscription is attached to the entire abdomen, like a golden blade, gradually cutting apart.

"I don't know how the taste of shark meat is?".

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