
A thunderbolt struck the surface of the sea, black mist billowed, a big bird with black wings pressed towards the sea surface with a boulder in its claws, its target was Gujiaolong, but unfortunately missed it by a few inches .

It was even scarier than the big blue bird I saw before. Judging from the color of its feathers, it was covered in black Devilish Qi. Its strength was comparable to that of the Gujiaolong under its feet.

"Master, as you said, this is a never-ending dispute, and there is no absolute king!" Huang Hao exclaimed, his eyes wide open, staring at this black magic bird, if not for the overall situation, I can't wait for "953" to rush up now and compete with the creatures here. f

At the same time, a pair of ghost hands appeared in the sky, and they slammed down on the wings. The sudden blow broke the wings. Its fate is to bite down.

Fighting and struggling, it was soon decided who was superior. Although the big bird was seriously injured, but before dying, it still used its sharp claws and sharp feathers to "pluck a layer of Gujiaolong's skin.


In the depths of the sea, the shadow of the ancient dragon slowly disappeared, leaving only the gradually falling waves. The sea area that had been boiling for a long time also completely cooled down, and the owner of those ghost hands was even more strange. Until now, Cao Ye has not been able to lock the opponent's target, but the two must have the same purpose.

Many creatures were affected by the aftermath of the war. At this moment, it is difficult to have a foothold in this sea area. Only the dry cliffs in the distance can barely rely on it. After all, it is a masterpiece of nature, not a party. The power can shake.

Regardless of the wind and rain, despite the thunder and lightning, it is still difficult to submerge the small island.

But there are many places like this, and there are countless sea areas where wars continue. Whenever there is a battle, Cao Ye and others can feel the endless power of rune. It seems that the air is filled with thunderous sparks, which is earth-shattering and shocking Everyone's eyes widened.

Even some shallow trenches have been evaporated and dried up by the scorching power. When the next high tide rises, they will cover the corpses of countless spirit bodies, as if nothing happened, but they are bleeding all the time. In Death.

Cao Ye and others are leaning on the cliff of a small island language. There is a lot of space here. The more you go up, the wider the sky you can see, but they still can't do this. After almost three days and three days After the night, Cao Ye grasped some rules from his mental inaccuracy.

The cliff that can be relied on under the feet, and the hidden reef hidden under the waves are not only natural barriers, but also a place that is difficult to attack. The human race team is thousands of people. formation, it will definitely not be discovered in a short time.

However, there are stronger and more mysterious forces on the island.

Whenever the sun recedes, those weird guys will slowly appear in the waves.

They couldn't see the specific outline and shape clearly, only the black Devilish Qi passed from their mouths, and that pair of black and yellow eyes was even more terrifying.

They can easily escape into the sea without stirring up a wave, quietly escape into the spiritual world of other spirits, control them to crash into the rocks, and finally take their flesh and blood.

Use it as a means of hunting, and also as the only key to survival.

At the same time, the seriously injured Gu Jiaolong slowly appeared under the moonlight, like a mountain about to collapse, his flesh and blood being eaten away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, a long streak of red was left behind, and when it completely disappeared into the mouths of people from other clans.

This made Cao Ye very strange. Although they were in the same place, the two sides did not know each other's existence. On that day, a pair of ghost hands suddenly appeared from the sky and turned the tide of the battle, but it still did not change the fate of Gujiaolong. tied up.

"Master, can you see clearly? Why do I think they are so similar to us?" Huang Hao felt strange, he could see but couldn't touch them, they were close to each other, but they were like will-o'-the-wisps. Impotence, the actual effect seems to be transparent to the human race.

"The two places are not far apart, but the flames of war from The Weak are Prey to the Strong have not spread here. It's not that we hid deep enough, but those guys dare not set foot at all. It seems that we are lucky!"

Cao 0.4 stood up suddenly, no longer trying to cover up his own breath, and faced the ghost team alone, walked forward quickly and said hello.

But the actual situation is just as he thought, they cannot feel each other, the only difference is that Cao Ye can see them, and they can only be forced to ignore them!

The others were terrified, but the four patriarchs had already grasped their weapons, ready to pay for Cao Ye's bold actions and actions at any time.

Unfortunately, strange things happen every day.

It seems to be calm, but in fact, another huge crisis is brewing. .

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