The old man had weird eyes, just staring at his broken hand, and the strange force was still distorting his body.

After a moment of dullness, Cao Dian immediately used the space formation to send out the dormant human race in the red mist.

Although I don't know how the mysterious old man in front of me broke in, but this treasure was held in his hands after all, and in the next moment, the entire space of Minor World was immediately blocked.

"Now there are only you and me left!" Cao Ye spat out, crystallizing countless fragments, spit out with saliva.

"Your practice and Realm shouldn't be with them. Aren't you all the same?" The old man asked in surprise, his eyes full of doubts and incomprehensions. Maybe he couldn't imagine that there is such a thing in the human race. outstanding people appear.

In the next second, the old man activated the recovery force similar to it, and he was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the speed was even faster!

"Don't talk about these useless things, who are you? Is it just an incarnation?" Cao Ye has already guessed the identity of the other party, but the shadow that can be seen clearly is full of chaos, naturally extraordinary.

But if it corresponds to Kunpeng, the difference is too far.

In a short moment, Cao Ye repeated his old trick, and the old man flashed in front of him again, clasping the newly grown arm with both hands. This time, he not only used the power of Vajra, but also used the fire, thunder, ice and so on. Five Elements is running, the restraint and mutual generation force are perfectly catalyzed on that small arm.

The sound of crackling and shattering bones came to the ears of the two of them.

As soon as it touched it, it had already shattered all the bones of the opponent.


I saw the old man let out a sigh of relief, and then, his body was like a shriveled balloon, so that Cao Ye was inattentive, and there was already a shriveled skin left, how to regenerate a new body, appeared Behind Cao Ye, he clasped Cao Ye's shoulders almost in the same way.

"I was an adult just now, and I underestimated your level. However, you can climb to the top of the mountain, which means that you have been approved by God. Only I..."

"As for you, you're a goddamned fellow!"

Cao Ye shot faster, the joints of his body were moving in an incredible way, like a ghost, his body turned 180 degrees, ten fingers pierced directly into the opponent's chest like steel nails .

In just a split second, his ten fingers seemed to touch a water vat that was about to boil. The old man's body was like a huge melting pot. A series of mysterious symbols rose up, surrounding his body from the inside out, and the fire melted. Vajra, and poured this new body in front of you!

Cao Ye's practice system is different from others, but he already has a very deep understanding of the cultivator here. Whether it is the practice system or the insight of inscriptions, he has reached the highest level of the same Realm.

Cao Ye has never seen such a strange source of power. It is not only portrayed on the body, but also in the bloodline. The perfect fusion of the spirit body and the power of the rune even makes him believe that even if the opponent only has With the next drop of blood, you can go on infinitely and be reborn as before.

The old guy in front of him seemed kind-hearted and thin, but he was actually as cunning as a fox. When confronting each other, he used every move and style extremely skillfully, as if he had predicted the direction of Cao Ye's next attack in advance.

What's even more frightening is that he already knows everything about the circulation of strength.

"Does it hurt?" the old man asked without changing his expression.

"Shouldn't I ask you?" Cao Ye asked back.

They stalemate and parry each other, and they seem to be integrated into one body. Cao Ye is out of luck, and the opponent also maintains the current state, as if they are using their internal strength to confront each other.

|My power is endless, if you continue to consume it, you will definitely suffer a lot. "

"Oh, now that you've said that, I have no choice but to keep going. I forgot to tell you. I'm more difficult than you imagined. Especially meeting an opponent like you really makes me excited and angry!" Cao Dian has also lost color.

The ten fingers seemed to have melted, fused with the golden water in the furnace. If they were pulled out with force, Cao Ye could be reborn with severed limbs, but what was lost might be part of his soul.

The old man also gritted his teeth and persisted, because he could feel Cao Ye's tenacious will and immortal fighting spirit. Although he was at a disadvantage, he couldn't feel any aura of impending ruin.

"If they are all like you, I'm afraid I really won't win!"

Suddenly, behind the old man's strange smile, a force suddenly surged out, instantly doubling the power of the fire, and if it continued, it would stop...

Cao Ye could no longer use this method to feel the wonderful rune operation in the opponent's body, so he could only give up Yan.

The ten fingers were fused instantly, and then in the blink of an eye, ten more powerful and white fingers grew out in an instant.

"In this calculation, I should have won, right?" the old man asked.

"Is it just a discussion?" Cao Ye asked back. .

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