Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Three Hundred And Twentieth Eighth Chapter Swallowed Alive

Legend has it that in ancient times, this fish covered in red flames once dominated one side in the sea of ​​The Three Realms. Tens of thousands of bones are dead, once brilliant, the glory is extremely short-lived, the latecomers will prevail, in the sea of ​​The Three Realms, the multi-party strong will join forces again, and they will be crushed and ashes, and their souls will be wiped out!

Cao Ye and the others set sail and headed south all the way, but the crackling sounds behind them burned the bones and souls of many spiritual bodies into ashes, like the arrows that left the string, they seemed to have already died. Lost reason, only bloodthirsty brutality remained.

The huge school of fish dyed the sea red, like ice and sea, half of the ocean, half of the flame, such a strange sight, it makes people silent!

There are hundreds of thousands of such a huge group, and anyone who meets them will be skinned. Waves of severe tests are still going on. It is very likely that the next target to be swallowed by the huge waves Just themselves.

All the way to the south, the atmosphere of chaos became stronger and stronger, but the closer to Kunpeng's real lair, the more unimaginable things happened frequently.

Most of the charcoal floating on the sea are the corpses of living beings. In the end, those who have the ability to foresee Kunpeng's lair will be very few.

It seems that the steps Kunpeng intentionally left behind are actually a road leading to Death. Not long after, thick smoke billowed up ahead, and the billowing sea water suddenly turned into hot magma. The eruption set off a huge wave.

Almost instantly, the entire ocean was vaporized.

The alliances in all directions dodged again and again, but the scorching air wave made it inevitable. Kunpeng, the leader of the top ten fierce beasts in ancient times, really lived up to his reputation, and survived in such a desperate situation!

However, there was billowing smoke and dust, lightning and thunder, and it seemed that there were two people fighting in front of them.

"Master, it's becoming more and more chaotic now, and our chances seem to have a slight chance of winning." Huang Hao didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and wished that all the alliances would fight, as the so-called desire symbolizes the fisherman's gain.

At the same time, the wave of flames hit again, and the huge school of fish seemed to smell blood, and started a new round of hunting.

The momentum is like a rainbow, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, gods block and kill gods!

"Sometimes it's good to sit on the shore and watch the excitement, but it's a pity that we can't always be bystanders. They, and us behind, will encounter them sooner or later. 27

Ancestor Mingyue said the truth. Although such a huge human army is not capable of fighting alone, it is a big piece of floating coordinates in the sea. It will be targeted sooner or later, and luck is only temporary.

Cao Ye faced each other across the sea, thinking in his heart, and after a long time, he deployed: "The people who can toss with us are definitely not ordinary people, there are still many peerless powerhouses who have not met us, it may be the relationship between the powerhouses." Let's have a tacit understanding, but this tacit understanding will soon be broken, and our plan is to go together...

Immediately afterwards, he took out a front map, and carried out a new round of strategic deployment according to Star's ranking.

Utilizing the power of the stars is not an easy matter, but only God can possess these poor people. If you don't try it, you probably won't have a chance at all, unless you are lucky.

"I won't fight with you now. When I recover and meet me again, I will kill you myself!" A young-haired boy shouted, his face was ferocious, as if he was in extreme pain, his whole body was bruised and burned everywhere His arms were cut off, but he was still so arrogant.

"You are worthy of being arrogant, you are defeated! If the weather doesn't change at any time, I'm afraid you won't have this chance." The other person is holding a skeleton scepter in his hand. He should be quite old by the sound of his voice. He is dressed in a black robe, Not seeing his real body, mysterious and unpredictable.

The old man in a black robe avoided the battle after saying a word.

The blue-haired man was so angry that he couldn't stop the blood flowing out and fell on the surface of the sea, attracting the attack of 033 fish tide. If it wasn't for the treasure of time and space, he would have been gnawed to the bone.

It can be seen that this rebellious and difficult-to-train young man has some strength, but it's a pity that destiny doesn't follow people's wishes, and the weather here can change at will.

"This kid is miserable enough. His arms were cut off, and he will be ashamed to see others in the future." Huang Hao seemed to be gloating at the side, his hairs stood on end, as if the blow just hit Own.

Huang Hao was thinking about it, and Cao Ye entered the fish nest with a small red fire fish in full view, and when he returned to the team, he cut the big fish open in front of everyone.

The juice flowed out drop by drop, except for the smell of the fish itself, there was no other peculiar smell. When you put it on your finger and suck it gently, it made your blood boil, as if it was a stimulant, and Cao Dian's whole body turned red.

"Any rare thing like this tastes good!".

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