
As a last resort, Cao Ye told them the truth, saying: "Don't you think we've been moving?"

The huge reef at the foot is Kunpeng's true bone and the core of the lair, while the sacred mountain outside looks like a volcano, but in fact it is Kunpeng's immortal will

Three thousand clones, wandering in this Minor World, looking for those who are capable, those who pass the test will not only get the inheritance, but also have the opportunity to soar to the sky.

Not long ago, when Cao Ye was in a trance, he killed a ghost by accident. From then on, Cao Ye concluded that Kunpeng was no longer alive, and what he saw was only three thousand souls wandering in the world. wandering soul.

It can be seen how powerful Kunpeng will be at the peak, and how dozens of alliances of different sizes can be easily shaken.

After learning the truth, everyone was shocked one after another.

"So, the entire uninhabited Realm is an ancient Realm created by Kunpeng, not an ancient battlefield, but a lie spread to the lower world?" Patriarch Mingyue thought Realm was higher.

"If I know everything, why should I rely on you to walk with me all the way? It's not impossible for me to go alone!"

Cao Ye kept walking and continued to move forward.

The rest are basically the top alliances. They should be ambushing on the periphery by the sound of footsteps. They didn't rush out of the core of the nest in the first place.

However, at the end of the road, a group of people suddenly appeared. They were wearing golden helmets and armor, and the wretched man was wearing a battle suit made of the Bible. I saw him holding a trident. Under the illumination of the golden wheel, the light was shining brightly. Standing high, one can only see his back, a head of blue hair hanging down his back, dancing against the sea breeze, very chic.

Cao Ye and the others watched from a distance, only to see this guy speak arrogantly and coldly, saying: "Dare to come here without a map, what kind of cat or dog dare to come and test the waters."

Seeing his eyes fixed, he laughed and said angrily: "Hmph, get out, this is not the place for you, I don't want to waste any more time on you! Get out!"

"What a big tone, I think you are the one who should get out, don't force me to get angry!"

Facing the man in the holy gold battle suit, those who confronted him had no fear. One was on top and the other was on the bottom.

And this woman, covered in crimson, seemed to be wearing a ruby ​​battle armor. She could vaguely feel that the pure fire attribute Bloodline was flowing on the battle armor, and the battle was imminent.

Although Cao Ye felt a little strange, because judging from their momentum, they all came from the ocean, and they should be of the same clan, so how could they confront each other at this time!

Cao Ye secretly laughed in his heart, could it be that he met his teammates?

"Back then our ancestors should have chased you all to extinction, but now it's no good. They got angry everywhere and hurt many of our clansmen. If it hurts you, you will be number one in the world!"

Suddenly, the golden luster fell down, and the golden trident in the boy's hand stomped to the ground, a huge wave of light swept across the audience, and the team led by the girl immediately entered a defensive state, but it was still a step too late. The victim gasified in an instant, leaving only a cloud of blood mist.

The deterrent power is so strong that it is scary.

Even the human race team in the distance almost encountered a surprise attack from the golden wave.

0......seeking flowers...

The inner world of the core of Kunpeng's lair is vast and boundless, and the sacred trees represent different direction coordinates. There are a total of more than a dozen feasible roads, but most of them have already been occupied by people.

For that selfish heart, I can only choose to sit on one side and wait for those who can't bear it to go to the lair to get the treasure, while the rest wait in front of the entrance, ready to intercept!

It can be said that they made two-handed preparations.

But Cao Ye was not in a hurry, after all, he experienced a narrow escape, and the scenery he saw was even wider. In addition, he sensed a strange place, looming in the sea of ​​clouds and mist, and its grand scene was no less than that of Kunpeng's lair, that is, the place under his feet.

A giant gate of light is located on an island in the distance. Looking from bottom to top, it looks like a staircase. Only those who ride the clouds and mist have the chance to reach the gate of heaven. In just a few seconds, almost everyone who perceives it has the same moods and thoughts.

"I'm not mistaken!" Cao Ye reconfirmed.

Everyone nodded in affirmation!

"Could it be that the Gate to Heaven really exists, and we haven't seen those ghosts, and is that ghost warship heading in that direction?"

Between the sea of ​​mist, Cao Ye opened his eyes wide, and tried to look into the depths, and then he showed a few surprised expressions, and saw a small boat, which was looming and rising and falling, making it hard to detect .

In this way, a boat drifts away from the land of right and wrong, towards the place that everyone dreams of, and gradually disappears in the eyes of everyone's desire.

"Ghost ship! I'm afraid those guys are even more difficult to mess with!" Patriarch Mingyue seemed more willing to fight with opponents who could be touched in front of him. .

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