When he walked in, Cao Ye realized that the piece of wood was just a small piece of wood protruding from the sea and bordering the earth. To die, isn't it just to obtain enough opportunities for Sect to prosper.

Looking left and right, the light gate is in Wanli Haidi, and almost everyone's eyes are attracted to another place. No wonder no one recognizes this thing, so they slowly surround it.

"I'm not mistaken!" One of them wiped his eyes and continued in surprise: "Could it be the legendary Kunmu? We found the treasure!"

"Look at the green leaves, which are crystal clear and have not been eroded by the sea water and rotted. That is the symbol of the Shenmu!"

The onlookers talked east and west, and 09 seemed to have forgotten their current situation. Obviously, this is a hot potato, the strong will take it, and the weak will be reduced to cannon fodder.

After a while, multiple ethnic groups gathered around, regardless of indiscriminate, regardless of whether it was east, west, north or south, they had already smashed into one piece, blood splattered, blood flowed into rivers, and the corpses around the sacred tree had piled up like a mountain, and the battle was extremely tragic .

The small island, which was already boiling, became more lively now.

Compared with the treasures and secret art inheritance in the center of Kunpeng's lair, if they can get a share of Shenmu's body, even a small amount of it is enough to drive them crazy. The power of runes flying all over the sky is fiercely competing with each other opponent.

Seeing this, Cao Ye was not surprised at all. The only thing that made him feel wrong was that everything happened too coincidentally. Where is this, and why is this happening?

If there is a tyrannical force ruling all of this, the appearance of the Shenmu will only magnify the aura and play its original role. Now, there are dozens of different races and forces scattered on the island, and the sudden appearance of the Shenmu is a big battle. Disaster, a bloody storm.

While fighting, they used practical actions to prove that they were not wrong, using their crazy things, it must be Shenmu, and some people even jumped into the sea.

However, under the dazzling light at that time, the sea water had already become a fiery purgatory, and with a bang, the evaporated Blood Qi evaporated, and the person who dived was completely unrecognizable and his limbs were broken.

It quickly melted into the golden water waves.

Not only the human race, even other races that are born with strong physical bodies, can't avoid the end of the death of the Olympic body.

One after another blood mist, everyone's eyes are red.

The reflection of the gate of light fell on the sacred tree, and one even guessed that as long as it could be resisted, it should be the gate of ascension leading to the upper realm.

In order to prevent the blood of desire from standing on own, Cao Ye stood in the distance, suppressing the surprise, the surge of emotion, and so on. Only by maintaining a normal heart at the moment can it be possible to break the situation.

He suddenly thought of the flying thousand paper cranes, and the lingering words in blood came to mind again, and the place under his feet was Kunpeng's lair, obviously the door was unusual.

Shenmu, born in the universe, has a charm and shines with divine light. Under the nourishment of the divine light, the tree can go straight to the sky. If the living beings climb up, it is the only bridge to the upper realm.

The legendary existence suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, if it didn't make people crazy, so what.

In the ancient times, the bridge leading to the heaven and the earth was cut down by the immortals. Since then, the road to the sky has become a legend. It has been passed down from word to mouth until now, and it has become a beautiful longing in the hearts of practitioners.

But now everything has been proven, they went the right way and chose the wrong way.

Everything written in the ancient books handed down may be right or biased.

The initial tyrannical competition and fierce battle are amazing and crazy.

But when it comes to divine power and divine light, they are extremely sure that this is the legendary divine tree, and they are all peak practitioners in the lower realms anyway, so how could they die so easily.

The esoteric meaning of heaven and earth beyond the cognition of practice 103 is the reason why everyone exploded and died just now. Cao Ye is pushing and understanding, but if he wants to find a way to break the situation, he can only upgrade his own Cultivation Base, so that he can see beyond the mountain However, the better choice is to unite, and now the situation is just the opposite, scrambling to plunder

"Shrimp soldiers and crab generals... go away and cool down!"

Just at this moment, the arrogant shouts became overbearing, like an irreversible gust of wind, he came wearing a golden halo, followed by hundreds of golden armored warriors, the man frowned upon seeing this, Suddenly he laughed again.

There were even some seriously injured people who were killed by those golden armored warriors with their tridents.

"It's the Sea God Clan!"

The contention of small forces is nothing more than small-scale conflicts and small-scale conflicts, but now, one of the strongest alliances, the representative of the Sea Clan, suddenly appeared, with arrogance and oppression. Bloodline suppresses the same..

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