A soft light twists and turns in the mist in the distance, like a spiritual route, imprinted in everyone's minds the moment the light disappears.

In an instant, the majestic energy erupted from their bodies, and a stimulant was suddenly added to the boiling blood, and even the footsteps could not be seen clearly, and the heroes disappeared

But this time, Cao Ye gave up his original idea, because the competition was inevitable, slowed down and stayed at the back.

A place rich in treasures is also the most dangerous place.

Whoever gets the hot potato first will be unlucky first.

After Cao Ye explained everything, he continued to march alone.

Although it was delayed for a few days, the footsteps did not fall too much. Everyone has learned from the previous lessons, and there are less and less cannon fodder around them. When walking, be cautious.

Go forward quietly, go looking for it quietly. 1

"It's all Lingzhi Mushrooms Spiritual herbs!"

The lair is too big, and under the exploration of spiritual power, it is still vast and boundless. Cao Ye left many spiritual marks along the way, even if he returned empty-handed, but Lingzhi Mushrooms Spiritual herbs whose rock and soil have been ignored, as long as they go back and polish and temper, they will not leave empty-handed~ this time.

There is no boundary, the deeper you go, the higher the grade and age of Lingzhi Mushrooms Spiritual herbs, especially the Lingzhi Mushrooms that grow on the rock wall, as little as - Thousand Year, as much as Ten Thousand Year.

If the forces led by the heroes of all parties can calm down, and the plate is here to spend a long Thousand Years, there will be no small breakthroughs in Cultivation Base and Realm.

There even appeared the extremely rare Lingzhi Mushrooms original body, which looks like a human being, but is actually the original seed, which has not yet been scattered.

This is a treasure in the first place, and the reason why it is ignored is because of the heart of desire, so it is believed that there is a more cherished treasure in the deepest part of Kunpeng's lair.

No one will choose to look at the scenery here, thus wasting time and energy.

With the previous lessons and experience, Cao Ye spent half a month leisurely picking and storing some Lingzhi Mushrooms and Lingyuan bodies that could be used again with old strength, and stored them in the Qiankun bag .

Somehow, he decided that these things would be of great use later.

And the spiritual brand set by Cao Dian is also a symbol to remind those who are on the road behind.

Represents time, almost every time the four great ancestors meet a mark, they will spend one to three days as a short stay and digestion time, so as to distance themselves.

Shocked by the aftermath of the war and affecting countless children, these Lingzhi Mushrooms have become life-saving medicines, and some children even made small breakthroughs on the Realm in just a few days, not only leaving countless trails in the face of adversity. Scars, and quickly grow into talents in a very short period of time.

"Deep obsession!"

In Cao Ye's mind, there are only the four characters of Kunpeng Baoshu. If he hadn't seen the wonderful Lingzhi Mushrooms along the way, he would have been unable to bear his impatience.

He calmed down a lot along the way.

When the footsteps in front of him stopped temporarily, Cao Ye also stopped, climbing along the cracks in the rock wall, and at a foothold, he adjusted his breath and meditated, quietly recuperating.

Every step is dangerous, every step is dangerous, real masters surface one after another, and behind them is an unknown alliance. What's more, the situation of the people of the Sea Clan is obviously complicated. Supreme, etc., has already made him restless!

0………seeking flowers…………

The strength of the opponents and the endless means, not one person can parry, each of them is ridiculously strong, and they are all once the pride of heaven.

In addition, there are no traces of the frightening ghosts along the way. An extremely ancient ethnic group is also an extremely terrifying existence.

It seems that time waits for no one, but in fact, Cao Ye has been here for more than a month. He has been chasing the end point, but he has been wandering around the end point.


Thinking hard about Meditation, I should have been separated from Huang Hao, experienced alone, and each sought my own Good Fortune and inheritance.

But the chain of fate tied the two together again, which also reminded him of what Huang Hao once said to him, is the meaning of practice to kill?

This answer, Cao Ye can't explain, everything that happened so far has already shown that killing is the best embodiment in practice.

Kunpeng Secretary, Kunpeng Inheritance, and Kunpeng Secret Treasure are all treasures that can be encountered but not sought after on the road of future practice, but since ancient times, only the best treasures can be enjoyed by themselves. There are too many people, fighting back and forth, except for the bones under the bloody wind, the ethereal heart can't be seen at all.

Three days later, following the trail left by his predecessors, he found a peaceful place.

It may be because of walking slowly, but it’s just that I think too much, my mind is not slipping, the fog in front of me has become much thinner, my heart has become clearer, and the road in front of me has also become wider.

"It's been a long time since I've improved myself! To practice.... Killing, you have to prepare the capital before you go!".

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