Patriarch Mingyue smiled awkwardly, stepped forward to make amends, and said: "I never thought that the rumors of becoming a spirit body were true. No wonder Lord Sword God, you have repeatedly created miracles. It turns out that you have a Transcendent body and can be with you Being in the same row is our lucky fate waiting to cultivate!"

She made it clear, which amazed the people on the side, besides, she gave Cao Ye a high praise.

"Flesh body becomes spirit!" Huang Hao stared wide-eyed, excited and surprised.

Once upon a time, the master spent a lot of effort and energy in order to allow him to lay a solid foundation and finally achieve a Transcendent body, laying an impregnable foundation. It's a pity that he is only half a step away from the body of Transcendent, but he lacks a chance.

In fact, it is difficult to do so even with the spirit body of the ancient Bloodline.

However, even if the Returned to Origin breakthrough is achieved, the subsequent Realm upgrades will encounter the same difficulties.

Unless there is a firm will and self-confidence in decision, no one dares to go to the edge of the sword and touch the extreme.

However, Cao Ye's practice system is different, and after being integrated with each other, he has such a divine body.

"Let's talk about the nice words later, besides, there is still a long way to go from the Realm of the True God, becoming a god in the lower realm, becoming a saint... Hehe..."

He smiled, naturally he has self-knowledge, and the current conditions are so harsh, if he hadn't found this opportunity when he was trying to get rid of distracting thoughts, he wouldn't have given it a try

The body is not a simple body of flesh and blood, including all spirits and races, the body of the self contains infinite potential and infinite mysteries. Interpreting the self is an extremely long process, which is Practice.

It must be a long-term thing to get the Good Fortune of heaven and earth and resonate with heaven and earth.

Suddenly, Cao Ye suddenly felt a strange feeling behind his back, as if a pair of eyes were staring at him. When he looked carefully, the vigilance in his heart immediately dropped.

It turned out to be a fluffy star soul beast that was included in the universe by Cao Ye. When he emptied himself to the extreme, he broke the chain and escaped alone. It may be the result of being tempted by the abundant fruits growing on the rock wall.

This little guy, who has been neglected for a long time, eats chubby meat, and is walking heavy steps, climbing up the vine that carries him.

"When did this little guy come out? What did he eat~々?"

The tip of the fluff all over the body is full of golden light, like a cheetah eating oil and water, and its color is smooth.

At this time, the little guy was lying leisurely on a rattan, resting leisurely.

"The star soul beast is also a rare thing, and it's still in its infancy, so it's not easy. Just accept him.

Cao Ye set his sights on Huang Hao, and the little guy was really cute.

"Then I won't be polite."

Huang Hao smiled, and when the universe bag was opened, a gust of wind turned it away. In order to prevent him from fleeing again, Huang Hao left a spiritual brand on it again.

After a few days of rest, inside Kunpeng's lair, it was like encountering a group of hungry wolves looking for food. From time to time, great battles broke out and the traps of hunters were triggered from time to time. In short, the strong left behind withered fragments, and the weak left Dropped the cold corpse.

It may be that reality woke them up, and the treasure they were looking forward to in their hearts was much poorer than imagined.

Like the fragments of steles left in the Kunpeng ruins, some treasures that were originally insignificant have become targets of competition.

To their surprise, the Lingzhi Mushrooms that can still be seen along the way have been looted by someone, and there is not even a hair left.

This place is like a huge maze. I clearly feel that the end point is in the front and back, but every time I climb over the high wall, I fall into a new lost way. There is only a way back to the city, and there is no way out. As for the Kunpeng that everyone dreams of bones, but I don't know where they are hiding.

Luck is often manifested only by strength. The strong forwards compete with each other, and Cao Ye and the yellow bird are behind. They immediately pick up a fallen stone tablet with vines, put it in the Qiankun bag, and slip away.

The teams of the Four Great Patriarchs and the Human Emperor rendezvoused, and according to Cao Ye's order, they withdrew, returned to the island, and ambushed at the entrance.

On the stele that Cao Ye got, some hieroglyphs and pictures were engraved on it.

It records the age of Kunpeng, the broken earth, and the broken rivers.

The rain of flowing fire all over the sky makes the whole sky look like red fire, and (Li Dehao) does not have the artistic conception of mountains and rivers in his fantasy, but he is an enemy at every step, and there are frequent natural disasters.

In such an extreme environment, Kunpeng actually became a king-like existence in that era. It can be seen that only in great adversity can a genius grow rapidly.

Born in the heat of water.

The era and environment in which Kunpeng once lived was exactly the same as the place where Cao Dian and others lived.

|| Kunpeng inheritance, the treasure it left us, could it be..."

Cao Ye murmured to himself, not daring to think too much, which would not only cause troubles in vain, but also make people feel disheartened.

In the end, like everyone else, he ran towards the entrance. .

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