"No way!"

The disciples of the Holy Cult outside the territory still had illusions, but their hands and voices were trembling. Through the heavy fog, they could only see Huang Hao with long hair, using a king's posture to crush his enemies.

Huang Yi's arm has been forcefully torn off, and his body is covered in blood. He is trying his best to get rid of Death.

Now he only has one leg and one arm left. First, the dazzling golden holy armor is in tatters, and it seems that he has no strength left to stand up.

The final result turned out to be this. The talented young man Huang Yi, who was valued by everyone, was almost cut in half and was in a state of disgrace.

Just a quarter of an hour ago, the two were evenly matched. They went back and forth for who knows how many rounds. In the end, no one could take advantage. But now it's better, Supreme's bones can't save him.

"Give it back, it belongs to me after all." Huang Hao said softly, standing where he was with a majestic look.

However, the opponent staggered and crawled on the ground. The two Supreme boys had already drawn a line at this moment. Which one is stronger and which one is weaker has been decided.

Huang Yi's pupils were flashing with light, and he stared at Huang Hao closely. The flashing symbols were bound to see through the person in front of him.

However, there is a mysterious aura about Huang Hao. Even if Huang Yi has an impressive talent and can see through everything, the scenes in front of him are extremely blurry.

It was like there was an artifact blocking his eyes and blocking out everything.

"Is your Supreme bone reborn?" He discovered some clues, followed by another sound, and he screamed in pain, unwilling to do so.

He now completely understood that he was wrong and should not look at the shadow of his former self from the commanding heights.

He originally thought that he could use the most cruel method to wipe out Huang Hao's life, but it was self-defeating and he shot himself in the foot. Now he has no ability to stand up.

Who would have thought that Huang Hao could break his bones and regenerate himself, bringing back his former Innate Talent to Nirvana. Looking at it this way, it was natural for him to lose.

Thinking of this, Huang Yi felt a lot of bitterness in his heart, because he had chosen a path destined to failure.

If he chooses to continue to use the power of his own eyes to fight to the end, the situation may be completely opposite, but now it is too late.

"Accept your own fate, this is your punishment!" Huang Hao said coldly, but every word was like a sharp sword, falling in his heart, and he vomited out a mouthful of blood.

Huang Yi felt that all his bones were broken, there was no part of his body that was not in pain, and he felt even more angry and humiliated in his heart. He was a Double Pupils admired by thousands of people, with a proud talent, invincible in the contemporary era, and was regarded by his peers. The myth of undefeated genius.

The messenger's face was also extremely ugly, but he was not worried about the final outcome, but that the two battlefields were smashed to pieces.

Gradually, another ancient and vicissitudes of battlefield emerged, replacing the previously ruined dust fragments.

The whole is neither black nor white, with a dark color, the Silver Moon Sword, and the power of the Star. The cornerstone of this arena is the Star fragment. The demon god rune depicted on it is obviously of a higher level.

"No, he can't fail. If he fails, what should we do? There must be a way to reverse the situation." The big Venerable of Demon Lake, the chaotic thoughts in his mind made him crazy. He couldn't accept it, let alone allow it. s failure.

0…please give me flowers…

The outside world is already in an uproar. If there is no accident, now is the time to draw the curtain. If the fight continues, Huang Yi will undoubtedly die.

There is no suspense, there is a miracle.

But both sides have created so many miracles that people feel it is no longer possible.

"Disciples of the Holy Religion from outside the territory will never fail. There must be something wrong, but where is the problem!"

Granny Hua's eyes were shining with a sharp light, and her eyes could not tolerate a grain of sand.


In the other corner of the world, an old man with white hair and a pair of golden lamps appeared. It seemed that the traces of time were very strong on his body, but his voice was buzzing like a bell.

"If we don't find his true identity, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do." The old man said.

"Is this a bit too much? It's obviously a fair competition, life and death are determined by fate!" Fairy Yuechan frowned, not satisfied with Granny Hua's approach.

"Miss, this is our business. Even if there is an accident, it has nothing to do with you." Granny Hua turned and left, coming to the corner of the world to talk to the old man.

However, I saw that the two of them were not moving their words, their eyes were flickering, and they were communicating in code words.

"Elder Wang, have you brought that thing? You should know that Huang Hao is not going to join us. If he lives, he will be our disaster in the future. We must seize it while there is still a chance now." said the mother-in-law.

"But this is a sky battlefield after all. We don't have any initiative. If there is a risk, we can't afford it." Elder Wang felt uneasy and slightly uneasy. .

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