Huang Hao's eyes were always blank, and he almost fell down, as if his soul was bound, and he almost had his soul beheaded.

"It actually worked!" Granny Hua was overjoyed.

This is the foundation of the Holy Religion from outside the territory. The legislation it masters spans several time and space. Even in the sky battlefield, the methods are still the same.

"No way, is it going to be reversed again?" Everyone's eyes flickered, paying attention to Huang Hao's shadow.

At the same time, Huang Yi let out a wild beast's roar. They were extremely fast and had already used the final blow to kill him while he was sick.


Suddenly, Huang Hao stood up again, his eyes were clear, and he had already sensed that someone was doing something to him, and he was filled with murderous intent and anger that was compounded by fighting spirit.

At the same time, a halo of mysterious power filled the entire arena, protecting his body and soul. On the other hand, Huang Yi was once again played with by applause, and was actually immobilized.

"No matter what means you use, you will die today!"

Huang Yi was unwilling to give in. He tried his best to show the secret of eye power, but it was a pity that he had more than enough intention but not enough power.

There was a bang, and a pair of Huang Hao's fists swept over. Huang Yi's pupils were dripping with blood, and there was another snap, and one of his eyeballs popped out.


Huang Hao didn't hesitate at all. He killed with one strike. The power spurting out from his body was enough to destroy everything in front of him.

Several soul-killing needles in his hand flew out, fixing the soul and killing it.

The ending of Death cannot be changed, and nothing will be reversed. Huang Yi died in front of everyone. Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this. Now it is not just a question of who is stronger and who is weaker.

The long-awaited moment finally arrived, and the scene fell into a brief moment of silence.

The myths passed down from ancient times seem to be unable to continue their magic in this world. Huang Hao broke this myth by himself.


The next moment it was boiling, and the roar of people was like a tide sweeping across all directions.

"That eyeball is still shining brightly, how strange it is!" Some people noticed this scene, and as their eyes moved, more people noticed the eyeball.

Infinite light erupted in the entire arena, turning the rolling eyeball into a beam of electricity, which then struck Huang Hao's body in an instant, and the dazzling light that erupted in an instant was extremely dazzling.

Various rune symbols, as gorgeous as rain, seemed to be able to penetrate the void, but there was actually a bloody hole in Huang Hao's body.

Even if the genius boy dies, the power he bursts out in the end is still astonishing.

Only then did the battle finally come to an end, ending with Huang Yi being beheaded.

Then the sky battlefield slowly disappeared, and apart from the blood, there seemed to be nothing left behind.

After a moment of silence, everyone began to make noise again.

The news of Huang Hao's victory quickly spread throughout the world. Some people could witness it, but most of them could only wait for the news to come and were not lucky enough to watch this battle.

The entire Virtual God Realm was filled with endless voices, and people from all sides were shocked by Huang Hao's divine power.

"The Supreme boy was killed by his own Little Brother. He was truly a man of destiny."

"Huang Hao is still better, and the next era will be led by him. The human race will rise because of him, and in the future, it will definitely break out of the realm and sweep across the wilderness.

When the news spread back to the real world, the major human kingdoms continued to make noises. After all, not everyone could enter the virtual god world. "But the horn of victory swept across like a hurricane.

However, the sky battlefield did not usher in long-term silence. The stormy waves were still unfolding, and they were still very violent.

From a gray angle, there are countless extraterrestrial meteorites on the field, and demonic runes emerge one after another. Huang Hao is on top. Although he is stained with blood and has been hit repeatedly, the breeze is still there, and everyone's eyes are focused on him. There is a strong sense of awe in his body.

"You dare to cause destruction in front of me, you are really desperate!" The envoy was furious, which was undoubtedly a trampling on his majesty.

He came to the territory where the Demonic Lake was located, and covered the entire area with a single grab. The creatures there screamed in horror, and they were unable to parry the 033 pounding power.


The messenger in this Realm is capable of Shrouding the Heavens with one hand. She grabbed countless creatures and held them in her palms. As her five fingers slowly closed together, one after another exploding blood mist appeared in the sky.

The strong man from Demon Spirit Lake transformed into a human form. At this moment, his veins popped out and his eyes were red. He looked at his own people dying in pieces, but he could only grit his teeth and clenched his fists, looking helpless.

There is no place for them to be arrogant here. Anyone who dares to make noise will be killed.

However, Granny Hua's method was not noticed. It was obviously more clever. Huang Hao didn't know what method the other party used. Not only did it leave no trace, but he also didn't notice it immediately.

Although Huang Hao realized later that it was Granny Hua and those people who were behind the scenes, he had no choice but to give up for a while because he had no real evidence, but the strange feeling was really terrifying.

"Master, I win!" Huang Hao closed his eyes and transmitted the message. .

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