Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 610: The Mysterious Person Disrupts The Situation

"It seems they have ulterior motives..." Cao Ye, who was in the crowd, noticed a hint of terrifying arrogance.

Maybe this place is really going to be in chaos. After this good show comes to an end, a more powerful storm will usher in.

Seeing their greedy eyes, I guess they have been waiting for a long time.

At the same time, Huang Hao also reacted accordingly to this unfriendly atmosphere. His eyes flickered, paying attention to the actions of people with ulterior motives in the crowd. As long as they did anything evil, they would be greeted with death.

"Not only did you do it, you also proved yourself. This battle was really exciting." Cao Ye's voice appeared in Huang Hao's mind.

This has been a worry in my disciple's heart for a long time. Today, he probably won a good result and reached a new height.

"Master, please stop praising me. Look at them all eager to try. They might want to eat me."

Huang Hao was seriously injured and it was probably difficult for him to walk. After Huang Yi died, his will to fight was also reduced a lot.

He is slowly adjusting his breath, preparing to face greater challenges.

People have already remembered the names of the two deeply in their hearts. This battle is destined to enter the annals of history. Even if Huang Yi is dead, his name will be remembered forever.

Needless to say, Huang Hao is a true heaven-defying son, a genius, the idol and pride of countless contemporaries, and the guiding light for the future of the entire human race.

"I really don't want you to get involved in this turmoil, but after all, this path is your own choice." Cao Ye said in a message.

"Master, you have done enough for me. If something unexpected happens later, you can choose to give up on me. If you are lucky enough to escape from this storm

"What are you saying? As long as I am alive, I will protect you."

Cao Ye is already prepared for the mess behind him.

He is his own disciple, but he is not just a disciple.

Since ancient times, it has been difficult for the peerless geniuses to start well and end well. Eventually, there will be more heaven-defying existences that challenge their authority and then replace them.

"While they haven't made any small moves yet, hurry up and heal your wounds. The ammunition I want to give you in advance can also come in handy." Cao Ye gave a few more instructions, and then continued to observe silently, as if he had never been there Same.

A golden bead flowed into Huang Hao's body, and his body was like a huge furnace, soaking the golden liquid flowing from the golden pig into his blood vessels and nourishing his body.

At this moment, Huang Hao's entire body was glowing with brilliant golden light, and the Immortal aura protecting his body was also operating rapidly, restoring and releasing his potential.

With the master here, he has nothing to fear. The master is his greatest support when facing people with ulterior motives.

He has never been fighting alone, he has been growing slowly under the master's wings.

Everything is his own decision. Only by doing better can he live up to Master's long-term intentions.


After a long time, the Ninth Stage glow flashed on the horizon, and magical flames under the clouds burned across the entire sky, as if it was going to burn this airspace (aefh) into ashes. Even the sun, moon and stars were integrated into it, and they were nowhere to be seen. light.

What's this?

Everyone's vision changed and they raised their heads to the Nine Heavens clouds.

The scorching heat of the huge flame made everyone shudder, and their hairs suddenly stood up, already aware of the approaching danger.

"Is this a god-level arena that has been dusty for a long time?"

People were very surprised. The arena that had just been destroyed rose up from the ruins again, but this time there was one more person. He stood fighting against Huang Hao, and the endless flames just came from his The breath burst out, and finally condensed into a magical flame armor, wrapping him tightly in the center.

This man has no name, and no one knows when he came. He appears with murderous intent, and the aura of a strong man spreads across the entire scene, making people tremble with fear when they see him.

If you look closely, he doesn't seem to be a person, he is just in human form, and the aura he exudes seems to come from the body of a ferocious beast from ancient times.

The next moment I saw him stretch out his hands and grab them in the direction of Huang Hao, crushing them down like a golden millstone.

A very domineering power spread instantly, causing everyone to take a few steps to retreat.

Zhigang Zhiyang was so domineering that everyone's hearts were beating and blood seemed to burst out of their bodies.

"Are you okay?" Cao Ye asked.

"It's time for Master to take action now!"

Huanghao's sword eyebrows stood up, and he punched it, and it transformed into a huge golden furnace in a snap of his fingers. The hot rune that bloomed was even more violent, not inferior to the opponent in the slightest.

Everyone took a breath of air. They didn't expect that such a powerful enemy would appear just after the battle of life and death.

But now, the fighting scene has escalated, and people have to retreat several miles back, for fear that the hot fire will burn them to ashes.


The forces of both sides intertwined and exploded with vast and infinite power. .

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