The aromatic air travels with the wind.

Fairy Yuechan is in the middle of the airspace, walking on the white clouds, just like a fairy stepping on a Lotus flower.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, everyone was panicked, and even the greed was reduced a lot. For a time, it became the focus of the audience. It was extremely beautiful, touching, and even more sighing.

Fairy Yuechan's reputation has resounded throughout the entire Eight Wastelands, and she was born in a holy sect outside the territory, holding a supreme status.

"The Holy Fairy is here too, wow!"

Many people shouted for it, hoping to win the attention of the fairy among the crowd.

The fairy's footsteps slowly dropped to "three eight three", and then the mysterious man looked at each other from a distance.

"I haven't seen you for a few months. I really miss you. This time I traveled across multiple Realms just to see you." The mysterious man's voice changed and became very soft.

When Huanghao saw this, he knew in his heart that he could stand side by side with Fairy Yuechan. He believed that the mysterious man's status and strength were extraordinary.

"Where did you come from? How can you blaspheme Fairy Yuechan?" Many young people who didn't know what to do were indignant and shouted loudly when they found an opportunity.

"Shut up!" I saw the fire jumping, and it swept out in a flash.

The talkative man evaded again and again when he saw this, but it was still a little late.

After being swept by the fire, a piece of scorched earth was left behind. The red glow passed through the body and was instantly reduced to ashes, leaving no chance to scream.

However, this is just a look from the mysterious person, so powerful.

"These eyes have such shocking power..."

The strong men had to frown because they were too strong and harmonious.

Mysterious origin, mysterious aura, and incredible shocking power. I'm afraid the word "heaven-defying" is not enough to describe his power.

It seems that he is only a young man, but he is so terrifying to such an extent. His expression can make people stunned. It can no longer be measured by the previous eyes.

"You have a murderous nature and have not changed your demonic nature. Don't you think it's too much to run out and cause trouble at this time?" Fairy Yuechan reprimanded, and even used practical actions to stop him from doing evil.

"Whatever demonic nature, divine nature or Taoism, they are all the same. As long as you follow your true pursuit, what's the difference? Don't use those useless things to restrain me, okay?" The mysterious man's face was full of words. Indifferent, even that smile was cold and pale.

"That's your obsession, your partiality. If you continue to persist in it, you will fall into the Devil Dao. Do you really want to become the devil among the people in the city? The two words "indifference" are also written on Fairy Chan's face. Character.

"You are right. My demonic nature has not changed and my beliefs are paranoid. But how about you always stay by my side and chant the Heart-Cleaning Mantra for me, and help me get rid of the silent thoughts in my heart?" The mysterious man chuckled, and the boring intention was in progress. .

But as soon as the words came out, everyone who was shocked started to scold him with angry eyes.

How could Fairy Yuechan exist in their hearts, so how could she be tainted by the other party's dirty intentions.

"Is this a dispute between Zhengdao and Devil Dao? It seems that I have nothing to do, master!" Huang Hao was too lazy to pay attention to them, but he was also quite grateful in his heart, and he at least took half a stick of incense for leisure.

"What happens to them has nothing to do with me. I'm just worried about you. To be honest, sometimes you are still like a child and won't grow up." Cao Dian didn't know what to say for a moment.

"The battle between me and Huang Yi is just the beginning, and it's also a beginning. They have been eyeing each other since the beginning. It is estimated that the first battle should be fought between the two of them. It will be nothing if there are no disciples." Huang Hao snickered. .

In fact, Cao Ye felt melancholy in his heart, and there was actually a second option, which was to choose to erase Huang Hao's memory, forget all the pain and disasters from the moment they met, establish a new starting point, and walk a new path.

There are some things that Huang Hao doesn't know and the people at his feet don't know, but Cao Ye knows it very well. However, the final result is still on a path that is difficult to correct. It is destined to be unknown, and the invisible pushing hands behind him will always give a push at the critical moment.

"Don't forget, kid, you have another unique skill." Cao Dian reminded.

What he meant was the four Zhuxian Swords. Cao Ye traversed the eight wastelands with his sword skills. Huang Hao was his own apprentice and passed the Zhuxian Swords to his hands.

But Huang Hao used his own fist to prove that he was not weaker than Huang Yi, and he did not use the Immortal Killing Sword to kill the immortals and gods until the end.

Cao Ye knows that he has a stubbornness in his heart. He has a single code Return to Self code and must see everything clearly.

On the other side, the situation has reached a point of tense situation.

I saw the mysterious man as if he was a god descending to earth, and then he raised his hands and used magic skills to shine in his eyes.

As if he had mastered the method of the Six Paths, he then picked up a gust of wind. The vast gust of wind came out clearly and swept across, clearing many idle people out of the venue.

On the other hand, Fairy Yuechan, with her fluttering white clothes and graceful figure, outlined a graceful picture in this violent storm. Her peerless appearance and alluring appearance made people forget that the danger was approaching, but their hearts trembled. .

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