The huge Kunpeng wings behind him suddenly grew longer, like black wings, and whipped up strong winds, causing the ball of animal skin to stop.

But this did not stop him. Kunpeng's method was extremely fast, and he was almost there in the blink of an eye. He grabbed the hide and held it in his palm.

This series of actions was almost instantaneous and dizzying. It felt like a movie shot. It was so fast that people couldn't capture the scene at all, as if they were acting.

The crowd not far away stared blankly, feeling as if they were in a dream, and couldn't believe their own eyes.

But all of this is real, and they all know that it is a real thing and is definitely not a dream.

The piece of animal skin was indeed taken away, but it did not have any impact on the animal skin. It was still suspended in the air without moving at all.

What's going on? Why is the animal skin still there? Huang Hao was stunned and panicked. He didn't expect that he couldn't take over this treasure. This was really bad.

This thing should not belong to this world, but to the upper world. Cao Dian frowned, was silent for a while, and said: Don't worry, maybe we can try how to conquer this treasure.

After hearing this, Huang Hao nodded quickly. Now he can only believe in Master Own. No matter who the opponent is, he will fight hard and cannot give up.

Then why don't we test whether this animal skin can be refined into a divine weapon, or whether this treasure can be integrated into my Cave Heaven Treasure Book.

His words reminded Cao Ye that he could try to integrate these runes into it. If he could succeed, he would make a lot of money. After all, this artifact is comparable to the artifact.

Okay, then you give it a try and see if you can succeed. If not, I won’t force it.

Then let's take off the patterns on the animal skin first so that we can collect it easily.

Huang Hao nodded and immediately activated the Cave Heaven Book to cover the animal skin.

This move has no effect on the animal skin, because it is not an entity, but a rune, which cannot be carried by the physical body at all.

Is it because I don’t have enough Cultivation Base?

Huang Hao murmured in his heart that his current Realm was still too low. If he broke through to the Holy Emperor Realm, he might be able to completely collect this animal skin into the cave, but it's a pity.

His Realm is too high, and now he can't even reach the realm of the Holy Emperor.

Do we really have to rely on my master to take action? Huang Hao was a little depressed.

He looked at Cao Ye and found that the other person was also frowning, obviously in trouble.

Not to be outdone, Huang Hao activated the Cave Heaven Book and released the powerful Cave Heaven power, covering the animal skin and then squeezing it towards his Cave Heaven.


There were roaring sounds in the cave. Although the animal skin was taken into the cave, it was not completely crushed. Instead, it exerted terrifying energy, making Huanghao's cave violently (aeef ) trembles, as if ready to collapse at any moment.

This kind of energy was so terrifying that even Cao Ye was seeing it for the first time and couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect that Huanghao's cave could be so powerful.

But after all, Huang Hao is still too young, and the Cultivation Base Realm is too low. If this continues, sooner or later the cave will collapse, and his Immortal Cave will also be crushed. By then, he will die completely, and even his soul will be annihilated.

I can't hold on any longer. Please help me quickly.

Huang Hao gritted his teeth and insisted. His forehead was sweating and his body was trembling slightly, as if he might collapse at any time.

Seeing his appearance, Cao Ye immediately gritted his teeth and used the power of the cave to strengthen the cave barrier, then separated his soul and integrated it into Huang Hao's Immortal Cave. This could relieve some of the pressure and prevent him from completely collapsing. .

This is…………

Seeing this scene, Huang Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes with a look of surprise on his face. This was his own soul, and it was actually separated and integrated into his own cave. It was simply incredible.

But at this moment, his spirit was condensing rapidly and became even bigger, ten times bigger than before. It looked hundreds of times bigger than before, which was very scary.

This made Cao Ye feel envious, thinking that if he could combine his soul with the cave sky, his power would be greatly enhanced.

Of course, he just thought about it for a moment.

He doesn't have the courage. If the cave sky is shattered, the whole person will disappear and die cleanly.

I wonder if my Cave Heaven Treasure Book can withstand such a powerful force?

Cao Ye secretly thought that although this animal skin looked small, it contained very terrifying power. If he could really collect this animal skin, his strength would definitely be greatly improved.


Cao Ye's spiritual thoughts surged and merged into the Cave Heaven Treasure Book.

Immediately, he felt that there was a connection between his own soul and the Cave Heaven Book, and their qi energy merged with each other. .

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