After hearing this, Huang Hao's attitude was that anyone who touched his bottom line would be killed.

There was a hint of coldness in the corner of his mouth, and he said: "It seems that you are used to living a good life. You are only allowed to actively bully others and are not allowed to passively be beaten. The rules are all set by your family? I think you are looking for death. Stand on your own tomb!”

Many powerful people were shocked. Now Huang Hao is not limited to this. Granny Hua is a person close to Fairy Yuechan. It can be seen that her status is high, and she is walking in the Holy Religion outside the territory. People of the same generation must give her three respects.

However, the current situation is surprising and exciting. The old guys with ulterior motives also want to know what the people from the Holy Cult "507" can do and whether they can use their hands to harm both sides.

"What's going on? Why did they start fighting?"

More people are wondering. It is clear that most of the two sides are unable to fight, but there must be something strange in the sudden fight.

There is chaos in the wilderness, this is the best place to start. No one knows how powerful the Supreme Holy Religion is. No matter how many people try to curry favor, Huang Hao actually takes the initiative to sing the opposite tune.

It can be said that not only does he not have a strong background behind him, but he also does not have an expert to guide the country from behind. Even if he is a rare genius in Thousand Years, he will still be fighting alone after all.

The master behind Huang Hao, Sword God and Shenlong, never showed up on such an important day, which shows that the fate between master and disciple has also become strangers.

"I have no grudges against you, but you kill me. Do you want to take advantage of the chaos to suppress my sect? What else is it if you are not arrogant?"

Granny Hua's face was gloomy, holding a snake-head crutch in her hand, and angrily threw a cloud into the void.

"You are a shameless old witch. If I hadn't suddenly realized it, I might have been secretly plotted by you. Don't think that I don't know that you secretly intervened in the duel in the arena. You are the despicable, shameless, cunning and vicious old witch.

Hearing this, Granny Hua was very surprised, and her face became even colder.

"It's nonsense, do you have any real evidence?" Granny Hua argued hard.

However, Cao Ye's judgment is not wrong, the direction is right, and the changes in the void are all under his control.

Although he didn't know what those guys were doing secretly, a map of the sky battlefield had already been formed in his mind. Strange fluctuations and changes were marked in every place.

Even if the person who takes action is not Granny Hua, it will be difficult to escape the relationship.

"Stop talking nonsense to this old woman, it's not difficult to capture her alive and see her memory clearly." Fearing that the night would be long and full of dreams, Cao Ye once again instilled his divine power.

In an instant, Huang Hao turned into a stream of light and rushed toward Granny Hua at an outrageous speed.

Suddenly the void shook, the stars flashed, and the old demon woman was seen. She instantly disappeared into the void and completely disappeared, as if she had evaporated from the world.

"Time and Space Magical Item?"

"It seems to be a piece of leather. Could it be the time-space animal skin that I used to shoot Mai some time ago?" Cao Ye suddenly thought.

Huang Hao also suddenly realized that at that time, they were in the ancestral land of the Fire Nation, and at the same time in the Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom, a sky-high price treasure, a ferocious beast that mastered the law of time and space, appeared on its fur. With the blessing of the former and the latter, a sky-high price was paid at the auction.

At that time, he was photographed by a mysterious old man. Now it seems that he must be Granny Hua.

"It is indeed an expensive treasure, but how long can you escape? Sooner or later, I will settle the score with you and make you pay the price you deserve..." Huang Hao snorted coldly and said a harsh word.

call out!

At this moment, a golden light flashed out. In the golden light was a golden feather arrow, which sent out bursts of golden light fluctuations. The speed was extremely fast, already surpassing the thunder, but the target was exactly at Huang Hao's back.

"They really couldn't help it." Cao Ye said in a low voice.

Then he turned Huang Hao's body and turned into a stream of light, flying away at a speed parallel to the golden arrow.

But where that common sight passed, countless innocent people were in danger, penetrated one after another, and finally died violently.

Jiuqu Ilehang's movement method can be regarded as escaping the fatal blow, which shows how terrifying the opponent's power is.

Then there was a buzzing sound in the sky, and black clouds fell down, and the direction of the suppression was right above Huang Hao's head.

Like a huge paper umbrella, Shrouding the Heavens blocks out the sun, and is completely black. It is also like a lightless flower, falling piece by piece, covering the entire sky, and also locking Huang Hao tightly inside.

0.8 The black paper umbrella shook violently, and I saw streams of water falling down like a torrential downpour. The power of rune contained in the rain had countless weird and mysterious meanings. It fell on the body like a cold blade, with considerable lethality.

All those who fell under the black umbrella, except Huang Hao, suffered disaster. In an instant, ghosts cried and wolves howled, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, and they all died instantly.

Several major Venerables jointly took action, and it seemed that they were preparing to fight Huang Hao. Take advantage of this moment to see his illness and kill him, and then seize his treasures and opportunities.

The evil man could not resist the temptation after all, and finally showed his fox tail. .

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