"How about it? Doesn't it feel good to be imprisoned?"

Huang Hao's cold voice slowly approached her along with his heavy footsteps.

Then he closed his eyes tightly and looked for the shadow hiding in the void.

At this moment, the entire Void Territory was like a huge lake with no moving water. He was the only one who could walk. In this unique Realm, he was like a king, flying through the sky with the posture of a king.

Bang bang bang!

In a vague corner, Huang Hao directly took the old woman out, and did not recover until the imprisoned space was completely unsealed.

"You...what are you going to do to me?" Granny Hua asked in fear, now she was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"A member of the Supreme Holy Religion was captured alive. Oh my god, this is true." Someone was wiping his eyes, unable to believe that everything that happened before was true.


Huang Hao was speechless, but his movements were clean and agile, and he threw a dozen big 407 ear scrapers directly, causing Granny Hua to spit out blood and teeth.

The current situation is that Huang Hao could have killed her, but he used this method to slowly trample her so-called dignity in front of everyone in the world.

What a shame!

After one operation, Granny Hua was completely stunned.

She was born in the Supreme Holy Cult, studied hard, and finally got her own seat. Now she is accompanied by Fairy Yuechan, and has a great halo of glory. But now it is bad, she has been repaired until her body is completely damaged.

"You little bastard, how dare you hit me!" Granny Hua, who woke up from her dream, immediately became furious and cursed.

However, what faced him was still the ruthless Big-Eared Scratcher, who was neither light nor strong, and was just right, but that whisper had already lingered in the ears of everyone present.

After the last slap, the old woman's face was swollen like a pig, her eyes were glowing red, and the two purple-black stones looked so embarrassed, ugly, and ugly.

It was quiet everywhere, and people were terrified. They wanted to express something but were unable to do so. They could only choose to shut up and wait quietly.

They know that they are now in the middle of a storm, and the people of the Supreme Holy Religion have no face. If they, the small characters of these small sects, continue to persist in their stubbornness, they will probably have no chance of survival.

"Child, you have to be merciful and merciful. You won't force me so hard. Please let me go." At this moment, an old man suddenly appeared and begged.

Huang Hao glanced at the other party coldly. Today he will kill the chicken to show the monkey. When the wilderness is in chaos in the future, he can't tell who will be his friend and who will be his enemy. It's just a harmless holy sect, how big a wave it can make.

"Old dog, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business and get out of here."

We have to get things done today and don't care about offending a few more people. If a vicious person like this returns home today, there will be endless troubles in the future.

The old man's face was uncertain, but how could he face Huang Hao's power? He could only choose to be patient, and the anger that was constantly revealed was slowly extinguished.

"Let me go, I'm warning you..." Granny Hua has never suffered such a loss before. She was completely beaten by the other party. Today is considered a disaster. Even if she escapes today, she will not be able to wash away this in the future. A shame.

"You really take yourself for granted. If I don't serve you well today, how can I let you go?" Huang Hao sneered, pinching the other person's neck with one hand, and as he slowly exerted force with his five fingers, his whole body turned purple. green.

However, if the soft flowers are not enough, then hard flowers will be used. The mother-in-law squeezed out a few words of admiration from her teeth.

"How about if you let me go today, you can just write it off and pretend that nothing happened?"

"I heard you right, right? You asked me for mercy. I didn't hear you clearly just now. Can you speak louder?" Huang Hao asked.

Granny Hua roared in a low voice, with a fierce light in her eyes. She was really unwilling to humble herself in front of a junior, so she had already made a concession.

"If others hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have known it was you who used the curse to plot against me. What you want is my life, and you want to just walk away without anything happening? Are you kidding me? It's just you. Origin, supreme holy religion, ridiculous." Huang Hao said indifferently.

When thousands of people saw this, they were speechless. They only knew that the young man in front of them was too strong. In his eyes, it seemed that even gods could not put in one's eyes. He was a little too arrogant and lacked some thinking. A little less generous.

"Not bad, not bad, he is indeed the one I like, hahaha." The laughter of the mysterious man came from the sky. He was still able to fight with Fairy Yuechan with ease, not only paying attention to the situation in all directions, but also paying attention to Huang Hao's dynamic.

"I like your temper. If you fight well, you can relieve your anger. If you don't beat this kind of person down, it will always be a disaster in the future. I think it's time to kill her with one knife."

Fairy Yuechan was determined to save people, but she was unable to do anything, especially she scorned Granny Hua's actions.

She sighed and said that she was helpless and that all fate was determined by God. .

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