
Everyone was amazed. They didn't expect the artifact to be so magical. It could absorb the blood of the mysterious man on its own and increase the power of the artifact.

The envoy's expression was extremely ugly. He didn't expect the divine weapon to be so powerful. If he hadn't retreated in time just now, he might have turned into flesh by now.

What is the origin of this guy? Do all artifacts listen to him like this?

The messenger was confused. Although the artifact was not afraid of the weapon in his hand, it was afraid of being manipulated. It was really weird that this man could make the artifact cooperate like this.

At this moment, the messenger finally realized how terrifying the mysterious man was, but he could not escape. Otherwise, he would definitely be dead, and he would die at the hands of an artifact. He was not willing to face such an outcome.


The messenger shouted violently, and the weapon in his hand instantly grew several times larger, pressing against the ball of light like a mountain. His target was the artifact. As long as he destroyed it, he would be able to destroy the monster in front of him.


Rumble, rumble, rumble!

The light ball trembled violently, like a giant iron lump being smashed on it, making a deafening roar, and the light ball in the center of the light ball also became extremely unstable.

It seems ready to break at any moment.

But this state only lasted for a while and then disappeared.

Humph, you little ant dares to run rampant in front of me. You will definitely die today. The mysterious man said coldly, his voice full of coldness.


The weapon in the messenger's hand exploded violently, turning into a giant axe, and struck down at the mysterious man.

The mysterious man narrowed his eyes slightly, and a flash of light flashed through them. A ray of light suddenly lit up from his body surface, forming a layer of pale golden armor, blocking the ten axes.


The ax and the armor collided together, making a deafening sound, and the metals exploded and turned into debris.

The mysterious man was still uninjured, and the messenger's face turned pale. He had expected this situation a long time ago, but he still couldn't change the reality. He was no match for the power of God's order.

Now, it's your turn to die!

A sharp cold light shot out from the mysterious man's eyes. He grabbed his right palm and an extremely powerful force spurted out from his body.


The messenger flew thousands of meters away and fell to the ground.


The messenger spit out blood, his eyes full of resentment, but he knew that he was destined to die today. Even if he could escape, he would be chased by the mysterious man.

And he could only hide in the dark and watch the mysterious man fight with the power of God's order.

At this time, the mysterious man's eyes showed greed. He glanced at the power of God's Order in the distance, and a ferocious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The artifact can only be used by him!!

The figure of the mysterious man was as fast as lightning, spanning a thousand feet in one step, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of the power of divine order. He raised his right arm high and slapped it down hard.

(aeca) The mysterious man's palm is like a giant hammer falling from the sky, with endless power, which makes people feel awe.

The messenger looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help frowning. This man was really too powerful. His attack could actually hit Shattering Void. Such strength was simply unimaginable!

The moment closest to Death has arrived. The terrifying light and the chaotic energy in the sky have surrounded him. The six black lights coming out of the mysterious man's eyes are disintegrating half of his body.

In the blink of an eye, the messenger transformed into more than a dozen balls of light, but this time there was no way to rely on the power of God's order to gather them together.

At this moment, everyone already understood that the envoy had been killed, and the myth in their hearts was shattered.

They couldn't believe that what happened in front of them turned out to be true. The messenger disintegrated into more than a dozen groups of original imprints. As the light groups dispersed in the void, the order of God in Realm became very chaotic.

But at this moment, the people who should move had already started to move. Only a few figures were seen, flashing quickly. The mysterious man took back the artifact in his hand and began to look for what he had found.

The eyes of others also became excited. The heads and blood they had thrown away before finally brought an unexpected harvest.

The fairy on the other side couldn't sit still anymore and rushed towards the wreckage of the battlefield, looking for the scattered source of power.

What we see and do today naturally requires the enlightenment of the collapsed divine order. If we can capture a ray of it, it will be a great improvement in the future, an opportunity that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

In addition, the witch, who had already escaped the pursuit of her enemies, acted more decisively, using the secrets of the sect to block everyone's path forward and retreat.

From Half step to Venerable, they couldn't stand it anymore. After waiting and watching, they began to look for the original imprint left by the gods. In fact, with their talent, they couldn't find its essence, but as long as they could get one of them, they would step into a new era. Realm.

Huang Hao's body was also running, and his methods became more sophisticated. After a few rounds, he got several marks.

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