In fact, when a crack appeared in the entire space, Fairy Yuechan and others, unable to take the initiative to teleport, could not wait to get out of the crack.

Nowadays, only the mysterious man is fighting against the order of God. He wants to escape from this place, but he is blocked by the chain of God.

After all, it was because of this person that the chaos began, and he was also judged as a sinner!


The light of chaos fell, the order of God, and the countless chains that fell were also blown away, but the subsequent power fluctuations became more violent and multiplied, and they were bound to kill the arrogant person at hand. .

I saw a force of Wang Yang slowly falling in the light ball, as if a pair of huge palms were grabbing him.

"It seems that this plan cannot be completed. There is no point in staying here now. Let's go."

The mysterious man seemed a little anxious. Although the development of the situation was far beyond his expectations, it made him unable to calm down.

At the same time, he used the spikes to cut his own chest and directly sacrificed his own heart blood. Everything he did was just to leave.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light flew out from the Chaos Disk, blasting directly through the void, opening up a path, a ray of light and shadow submerged into it, and then the entrance was also closed.

He came so quietly and left so hurriedly, leaving almost no trace. People standing outside were all panic-stricken and felt a bit inexplicable.

On the other hand, Huang Hao traveled all the way without paying any attention to what was going on behind him. He crossed countless areas just to return to the ruins before.

However, the mental will seemed to be out of control, and Huang Hao already felt that something was wrong. Looking back, he felt that the power was like a tsunami, sweeping towards him, and seemed to be killing people indiscriminately.

"It's none of my business that you didn't keep the person. I deserve these spiritual symbols." He said to himself, muttering in his heart, and at the same time prepared for the White Tower to find the right opportunity to use the other party's spiritual will. Physically persuaded to retreat.

"You want me to help? Then you have to give me some blood. You need treasures of equal value in exchange." Baita had already read his heart, and took the opportunity to make a small profit.

Before, both Cao Ye and Huang Hao knew that this guy was extremely greedy. As long as he was sealed in the tower, he couldn't even spit out his bones, which showed that the price paid was huge.

Ordinary treasures and materials will not be noticed by the tower spirit. If he guessed correctly, he must be eyeing the brand of God in his hand.

"I won't be too greedy, just give me half."

"You seem to have made the joke too big. Do you know how important this is to me?" Huang Hao's eyes revealed a hundred kinds of reluctance, all of which he had paid for with his life.

"Don't forget you owe me one more time?" Huang Hao spoke again.

"Don't tell me that I have forgotten. Did I take advantage of all the opportunities when I rescued you? Have you forgotten?" Baita said.

"It's your instinctive reaction, okay? What does it have to do with me? This doesn't count." Huang Hao shook his head, obviously there was no excessive request. It was after being stimulated that Baita chose to wake up on his own initiative. It had nothing to do with him at all. .

But Baita insisted that the opportunity had been wasted.

"How about we make a more ordinary transaction like the first time?" Huang Hao asked.

0...Please give me flowers...

"You always think of the problem too simply. Do you know how much was consumed in the duel with that stone plate? Even if tens of millions of ordinary treasures are not enough, there is no need to bargain. Calculating, you have already got a big bargain." Baita said righteously.

Time passed quickly, and Huang Hao continued to run forward.

If Cao Dian doesn't speak, there will be no feasible decision.

I don't know how long it took, but Baita finally couldn't help it anymore and said slowly: "It's better than this. This time is an opportunity for me to give it to you for free, but you must compensate me in large amounts in the future, you know the divine substance.


Huang Hao stuck out his tongue, knowing that this guy also had concerns in his heart. Otherwise, even if he had the power to reach the sky, it would just be a spirit body missing one soul. Without its owner, it would be like a broken jar. The light is shining, but there is no way to change the fundamentals.

"I knew you could bargain, so go ahead." Huang Hao sighed.

But when I think about the mysterious man, he can be driven by his own blood, or he can use similar sacrifices to sacrifice, and he can also do this. Then when he thinks about the white tower above his head, it seems to be a bit useless.

"It sounds like your level and attributes are no worse than the other's, but why is the actual gap so big? I feel like you are a special chicken thief!" Huang Hao complained.

"What do you know?"

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and what I choose is to make a fair deal with you. As for that boy, that may not be the case. Maybe both parties have already promised, or maybe they have other needs in the future practice. Please, don’t think of the problem too simply, let alone think of me too complicated.” Berta said to the king seriously. .

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