The book is taller than the mountain, and the leaves are like boats.

"This is the Fire God Tree in the Imperial City. Back in the day, it was also one of the Fire Nation's sacrifices!"

The old man on the side saw that the master and the disciple looked like outsiders, as if they had never seen the world, and immediately introduced them briefly.

This is indeed the case. Although it has become a thing of the past, this tree is a glorious creation that can make the entire Fire Nation proud of it. It is a symbol of its former glory.

"It's a pity. If the divine fire is not extinguished, at least it can grow for another Thousand Years." Someone else continued to explain.

Counting the history of the Fire Nation, it has been almost two Thousand Years. If "147" was not a sudden accident, it is estimated that this sacred tree has already become a spirit. Maybe in the next few hundred years, one It is impossible to say whether he will rise up to become a tree god.

Cao Ye was very interested in this and came forward to ask for advice and learn about the history.

Hearing this, gods and demons fought for hegemony in ancient times, and gods and men of power also participated in it. Those people were the ancestors of the human race. During that chaotic era, they also created a glorious period for the human race.

Strong men emerged in large numbers, and the most talented people were born in the sky. Before the Thousand Year, several prototypes of human kingdoms were created, among which the Fire Kingdom was the first and the earliest.

The Vermillion Bird officially took root in the ancestral land of the Fire Tribe at the same time as the Divine Tree. The two were equally powerful, and both were the bodies of enlightened gods. At that time, they could dominate either side, and their strength was self-evident.

In the Kingdom of Fire, the first Holy Emperor conquered all directions, made great contributions to the human race, and founded the current ancient city. Unfortunately, in that era, the human race's physique was not strong enough.

Suffering successive disasters, the Holy Fire was also destroyed at that time, and he was pushed off the altar from then on.

As soon as the sacred fire was extinguished, the Fire God Tree lost its spirit. When it was about to wither, Vermillion Bird reached out to help, and the scenery today was created.

Although the life of the mythical beast was extended, it eventually lost its spirit.

"He is the spiritual will of our people of the Kingdom of Fire. Although life is destroyed, our steps remain the same."

"Thank you to the Holy Ancestor for everything he left us, otherwise we would not be able to stand here. Although the holy fire can no longer be ignited, the fire in our hearts has been ignited and hope is still there."

The old man standing under the tree said passionately, as if he was deliberately showing his determination and attitude in front of outsiders.

Many people under the tree were talking and full of emotions, especially after hearing the old man's words, it was as if the once glorious scene had happened just now. Many people were regretting and cherishing it.

"The story is very exciting, but you are right or wrong, because there is another legend. However, no one chooses to believe it, so no one recognizes it, so naturally it will not be as widely circulated as the previous version."

At this moment, an old man organized an iron pestle and walked over step by step.

It seems that he is over a hundred years old. He can't open his eyes when he speaks. His face is covered with wrinkles, covering up the scars.

"Are there any other rumors?" someone asked.

"How could the God in your hearts leave so easily? For you secular people, this may be a way of Death, or it would be more appropriate to explain it as the son of Nirvana."

Nirvana is reborn.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

If this is the case, then when the sacred tree rises in the future, it will be a giant rising from the ground. Looking across the world, whoever dares to be an enemy of the Fire Tribe will be the ants' #1±0....

In the near future, the Fire Nation will be worshiped by all races, and its glorious years will be continued.

"In recent years, those guys from outside have been dealing with the Fire Emperor because of this legend!" The old man finally added, his eyes were bright, it seemed that the rumors were true.

But if you think about it carefully, it is true. Compared with other human kingdoms, the Fire Kingdom has the most frequent visits. As early as the Trial Land, it has permissions open to foreigners. It can be seen that the Fire Emperor has cooperated with the big sects outside. .

"It's just a legend. Just listen to it occasionally. Don't take it too seriously." Some people don't believe it. After all, there are some things that just saying it with words don't seem to prove anything.

"I have heard such rumors from my grandfather. Although they were mentioned occasionally, I have to believe it, just in case it is true." Someone confirmed the old man's statement, but it was just passed down by word of mouth, but May it be true.

"You guys just love to brag, especially in front of us, as if we voted for you. It's boring to just walk away." The people outside couldn't stand listening any more, and after saying hello, they followed their companions. Went to the teahouse next door for snacks.

But there are still many hovering palaces here, small sky cities, very grand and spectacular, but they are all arranged around this ancient tree.

Listening to their discussion, Cao Ye's heart moved, and there was an unusual color in his eyes. Naturally, he wanted to find out. Maybe it was really what the old man said.

Pavilions, pavilions, and ancient hanging palaces. During the cultivation period, a lot of manpower and material resources were spent. Now if I want to go up there to have a cup of tea, the seats are ridiculously expensive. .

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