Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 659 Geniuses From All Sides Gather Together

It was particularly lively today, and several groups of people took their seats before and after. They all seemed to be from outside, but they talked about the same topic at the same time, but they said different things.

"They say that chaos is coming to me, but there must be a source. I heard that they are looking for the source of the chaos. Maybe the source is right under my feet."

This man's words contained many layers of flavor, but no one could tell exactly what caused the disaster. Even if they were to find the root cause, they still had to smell it and look for traces. It seemed a bit abrupt to travel across mountains and rivers like this.

Huang Hao has been listening to their conversation, looking for something valuable.

Cao Ye continued to hold his breath and used the power of his own spirit to pierce through the many barriers, especially why were the people in the golden coffins or other creatures blocked at the entrance?

He constantly mobilized his full mental power to resonate with his divine power, slowly forming many small lines, and when two of them were combined, they could span space.

For a moment, it was as if he had traveled through the void, and the cause in front of him became clearer, but his eyes were bleeding and stinging, and his spiritual power was also operating to the extreme at this moment.

Behind the golden valley of light seemed to be connected to an ancient and strange Otherworld, vaguely, and then I saw the ancient battlefield, with bones and remains everywhere, as well as long-weathered weapons and armor. The huge battlefield was extremely gray, and the only thing... The colors that can be seen are the traces of decay and the black marks of dried blood.

As a strong wind swept across, everything in front of him instantly dissipated and turned into wisps of black ashes.

Immediately afterwards, the holy light surged forward, just like the Tongtian Shenqiao seen in Kunpeng's lair. The mysterious power flowed rapidly, and its traces could not be seen clearly.

On the other hand, a new guest was welcomed into the Heavenly Palace. The beauty from the Heavenly Realm that Huang Hao had seen before came with a group of followers.

This time he could clearly see that this woman was not a human race. The pair of jade feet on her head were like dragon horns, and the triangular mark on her forehead was like a method to seal some kind of power in the body, so as to transform into a human form.

Apart from some notable features, she is no different from a human girl, except that there is a strange light in her eyes.

There is only a thin line between Tianyu and Xuanyu. The two places are bordering each other. The environment and situation are roughly the same. However, Huang Hao's mother went to Xuanyu in the end. In the end, even his grandfather followed him. There was no news and his whereabouts are unknown.

For a moment, some of Huanghao's thoughts were triggered, and he urgently wanted to know the situation in the two places.

It's just that this girl was followed by more than a dozen people, all of whom were of extraordinary strength. It was obvious that this woman's status was extraordinary. They sat together in front of several tables, and then gathered together.

"Your Highness, didn't your cousin come with you? I heard that he has returned from his studies, and the war the previous year has been rumored. With his character, he must find someone to compete with. Sharpen the blade." "

Someone brought up the conversation, and some people on the side were shocked, while some were secretly happy.

The princess's cousin was once a leader in the Western sect and had studied for many years. He only heard about the news of going down the mountain a few months ago.

But wherever this person went, there were constant flames of war and the smell of fire. Most of the leaders of all sects died in battle or fell on their knees in front of him.

Rumor has it that this person has already cultivated the indestructible body of Vajra. He can push him all the way down, and it is rare for him to encounter an opponent. No one can walk under his hand and attack.

Among the Western forces, the Radiant Holy Sect and the Supreme Holy Sect are the leaders. This person was inherited from both sects and received the inheritance of Immortal, which shows that he has a strange Cultivation Technique.

The woman nodded slightly and said with a smile: "`~Actually, my cousin has been here a long time ago. It's so low-key."

The others were shocked after hearing this, thinking that once that lunatic appeared, some unlucky people would suffer, and then those sect proud men would brag about how great they were.

You will definitely suffer a big loss. 1

"It's just a madman in the rumors. He is really that powerful. The world is vast and there are countless geniuses. It's enough to show off one's power in front of one's own house. I'm afraid that won't work here." Someone said coldly.

The man spoke with an extraordinary tone. Although he looked ordinary and had nothing extraordinary about his temperament, and looked more like a human being, the lunatic Huga was known to tremble in one's eyes, but this man was ordinary ( Hao Wang Hao) responded calmly, sitting at a square table drinking and having fun.

When everyone's eyes were focused on this person, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It turns out to be the Feather Clan!"

This man has a pair of white wings on his back and a faint halo on his head.

This is the inheritor of Bloodline, the Emperor of the Feather Tribe, and this is a clear sign.

However, the influence of people from the Yu Clan extends both inside and outside, and is not limited to a special Realm.

However, their origins are already ostentatious. If they want to survive in this vast land, they must have unique skills.

It can be said that as long as they are members of the Yu clan, no one is easy to mess with. Everyone has outstanding abilities and is different from others. .

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