"I really hope you can take these words to Huang Hao's face and say them again without missing a word.

Human Cultivator's tone was low, because they had to admit that Huang Hao had indeed heard nothing.

The two words made me a little dumbfounded. Huang Hao felt embarrassed for a while, and he didn't know whether he was praising himself or deliberately sarcastic.

But at this moment, Huang Hao no longer cared about other people's voices, because the Master's spiritual thoughts were very strong at this moment. Although he was in the elegant room aside, others did not know his true identity, but his A piece of spiritual willpower kept the master in the spiritual ocean in a tacit understanding, as if he also saw the secret under the Vulcan tree.

Just what I touched was bounced away by an infinite force, and then there were repeated tests, but the result was still the same, as if my own strength was not up to the level, and I was isolated by an invisible door.

"Are you all that boy's dogs? Now you are standing in front of us and shouting. If you have the ability to stand up for your master and compete with us, let me see the power of your human race." Really, this is a The boy from outside the territory stood up.

What's more coincidental is that after repeatedly contacting him to no avail, Huang Hao walked out of the private room boredly. In fact, he was not targeting anyone. He just saw that the master was not coming out. He was bored in every possible way and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to express his gratitude to that day. I would like to ask the girls in Xuanyu for advice and see if they can find out anything about Xuanyu.

There was only a window between the outside and the inside, so he happened to bump into the young man again, and it happened that Huang Hao was a human being, so he was misunderstood as a provocation by the other party.

This person just slapped the table and stood up to shout, and someone from this person immediately came out to challenge. It was a naked coincidence.

"I thought the human race was so weak. It was just words, but there were actually people who dared to take the attack. Not bad, not bad." This guy was full of murderous intent and repeatedly wanted to fight to the death. His face was even more sinister and terrifying. It was obvious that he was in trouble.

"Hey, there's something wrong with your ears. Don't your eyes also work well? Go to whoever talks to you, don't block my way." Huang Hao glanced at him and had no time to talk to him.

Faced with this kind of strength, the young man definitely couldn't get off the stage. The big guy, who was as strong as an ox, immediately mustered up his courage. He patted his chest and looked like he was dominating others.

"Okay, you're arrogant enough. I like your temper. Come on." The boy from outside the territory suddenly became angry, and the feet on his head, like iron horns, immediately manifested their original shape.

In addition, there are more significant characteristics, a fiery bull temper, coupled with a fire attribute rune, which is hot enough and fits well.

When Huanghao saw this, he shook his head. He had no time to pay attention to such a small character, so he walked towards the girl in Tianyu.

"I'm talking to you, don't you hear me?" I saw this foreign boy, like an old cow covered in fire, with a gloomy face, reaching out to grab the vegetables and fruits on their shoulders.

"Shameless, I'm looking for a beating." Before Huang Hao could take action, he saw a small bird on his shoulder suddenly widened its round eyes, saw two black wings, and flapped twice. Two big fans slapped him.

The two seemingly indifferent actions contained infinite power. The loud slaps made the stupid cow even more confused.

For a moment, everyone was stunned. It was just a black crow. It had such power, and in front of so many people, it undoubtedly slapped everyone in the face.

0…please give me flowers…

"I'm warning you not to tease me, or I'll slap you to death." The little red bird said arrogantly, but the little heart was still beating wildly. Fortunately, he practiced kung fu regularly and slapped you accurately. The opponent was beaten with teeth all over the floor.

"Damn it!"

The foreign boy, who was as strong as an ox, finally came to his senses. When he saw that his ears were red after being hit by a bird, he suddenly lost his temper again and became furious, making his whole body tremble.


Before he could take a few steps forward, the little red bird flapped its wings and flew up, towards that big red face, and with two more blows, it came and went without a trace, and with infinite strength, it fanned it out. outside the door.

"Where did you learn such a skill? The force is even and the precision is very good. It's amazing." Huang Hao gave a thumbs up and praised.

In an instant, all the clamoring guys shut their mouths. They didn't know who the human race boy in front of them was. He was raised differently and was so strong. Not only did he have spiritual wisdom, but his strength was also unparalleled.

"This is my instinct. If you hadn't been there, I would not have given them face and would have knocked their teeth out!"

The words of the little red bird made everyone present petrified, staring stiffly at the black crow dancing around.

Just now, they deliberately mocked the human race for being unmanned, but now they all have a bird under their hands. They are so powerful, which makes their brains confused. They don't know whether they are going crazy or can't find the place.

It’s been extremely awkward!

Everyone present was wondering, who is the young man and what is his origin?

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