Everyone's eyes were looking up and down, but they didn't expect that the nine-headed golden lion and the princess of the Fire Nation were old friends.

They were shocked, which meant that there were more secrets in the turkey country, which were not known to outsiders like them.

Huo Ling'er got Vermillion Bird Bloodline and even awakened its power. If there were nine golden lions on the side to help, it would be great.

The king in the continent, the overlord in the sky...

"The golden hairs are so enviable. It would be great if I could turn his abdomen into my mount." Someone secretly sneered at the side, but these words were already heard by those waiting to hear them. Get everything clear.

"Although this lion is related to Huo Ling'er, it must also have an inexplicable connection with Huang Hao. If we can tame it into a mount, we might be able to extract some useful information. Kill two birds with one stone." This person His voice was filled with endless mockery, and it was played very loudly.

Obviously, this was intended to humiliate the other party in front of everyone.

At this moment, the golden nine-headed lion turned its head fiercely, its body glowing with domineering golden light. Faced with the opponent's arrogance, it naturally had to fight back hard.

To say that others are just fine and to accept him as a mount is simply a trampling and insult to his dignity.

As the gaze turned more and more direct, the black mist filled the place, and there were several young and strong men standing in it. They were wearing black iron armor, their whole bodies were glowing with white light, and their auras were equally powerful.

As soon as the enemy appeared, everyone knew that they were deliberately looking for trouble. They were the cultivators of the Black Cloud tribe. Seeing that the elite forces had arrived, they obviously wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate and leave others alone.

Coupled with the rumors from the outside world, how could they not believe them?

"I don't want to cause trouble during the banquet, otherwise I will eat you alive." The golden nine-headed stone has grown to an outrageous level. A look in his eyes is like two golden swords piercing each other. When he speaks, his voice is like a roar of a wild lion. Generally, it is frightening, the whole body is filled with golden light, infinitely bright, and the aura is domineering and majestic.

But the cultivators wearing black iron armor were still walking in opposition to each other in the black smoke, making way for a way. Then the figures of two middle-aged men slowly appeared, their eyes locked on the golden nine-headed lion. On the body.

"No matter how lucky you are, no matter how good your fortune is, you will eventually become someone else's mount." A middle-aged man from the Heiyun tribe said coldly, even tearing his face in front of the debtor.

Compared with the past, the people of the Black Cloud tribe came to the foot of the imperial city several times to pay their respects, but all they received in return was indifference.

However, after they were repeatedly humiliated and trampled by a human teenager and a bird in Dongcheng District a few days ago, their attitude and patience were completely stretched to the limit. This time they just wanted to find a place to save face, and they were so soft. Then go straight in with your sword.

A few days later, the powerful men from the Black Cloud Clan arrived, and their elite forces were spread all over the place, so they naturally spoke with confidence.

"Since you want to die, just come here." The Golden Nine-Headed Lion Ten is very domineering. Now he also wants to try his current abilities. His immature face has also become mature. As the successor of the mythical beast Bloodline, he naturally has to maintain it. Dignity of self.

I heard a whoosh, and suddenly there was a strong wind, flying sand and rocks, and it seemed to be dark all day long. There were dark clouds overhead, and the black clouds were billowing, as if there was a demonic dragon causing trouble.

The strong men of the Black Cloud Clan took the lead and saw the shadows of people flashing in the black clouds, followed by a string of magical symbols densely scattered down.

0…Please give me flowers…………


The black reason was sprinkled on the golden lion's body, exuding an endless pressure, as heavy as a huge stone falling down.

The nine-headed lion stood in place, and then roared with a sound that resounded throughout the world, shattering the opponent's black mist in an instant. As if a divine beast was roaring, golden waves rose up violently, and the people around them covered their faces in unison. Both ears.

The roar of the wild lion resounded throughout the cave sky.

With a roar, it was as if the heaven and the earth were torn open, and the ground beneath his feet was shaking with overwhelming force, extremely vast.

The golden pot head emerged from the cracks in the cracked ground, forming a sharp contrast with the black clouds, one black and one gold confronting each other.

Everyone gasped. Unexpectedly, the power of the nine-headed lion was beyond imagination, and it shattered the opponent's black cloud light with just one blow.

How could anyone else have experienced this kind of momentum? Three Magical Items were cast out on the wall one by one, and they retreated one after another.

Those weaker disciples had already been so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, and some even fainted. They had never seen such a thrilling scene.


The nine-headed lion punched the black cloud, and a cloud of black mist was penetrated, and the owner of the black cloud was also shaken down.


The sound of screams came from the black cloud, and then the black cloud turned into a meteor and headed towards the Golden Lion. The figure transformed by the black mist was the person who had just escaped the attack of Dong Jinshi's minions.

Boy, I don't care what method you use, you must kill it, otherwise there will only be Death waiting for us. A roaring voice came from the black mist, carrying a strong murderous intent. .

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