"Even if you are a young Venerable, the gap in Realm cannot be made up by your luck. You will definitely die today, and your debt will be paid with blood.

The old man of the flame python clan just wanted to take this opportunity to suppress the arrogance of the human race. He also wanted to be reckless to the end and directly eradicate the roots of the human race.

I saw the old man swinging his snake body and tail, and swept straight over. Suddenly there was a burst of red fire, strong winds, and endless heat waves.

Just hearing a bang, his tyrannical snake body smashed a terrifying big crack into the ground.

Huang Hao's condition was still dull. He just moved a few steps, and the long "three-seven-three" tail was slapped in front of his eyes, less than an inch away. If it were someone else, even if the power didn't hit him, the light would still be there. The impact was enough to shatter the bones of those onlookers.

As for Huang Hao's physical strength, he could not only face it head-on, but he was also able to survive without any damage.

It was so simple to block the arrogance of the deceased in front of him.

At the same time, the fire python old man waved his hand casually, and the swords in the clansmen's scabbards flew out and landed in front of them, forming a sword formation.

Then he quickly formed seals with his hands, one after another, the shadows of divine light fell into the sword formation, and merged with the Sword Qi formed by Sister Xi.

Brushing, brushing, brushing...

Then I saw four big flags falling in the center of the sword formation, and four haloes burst out, sealing the world within it, unbreakable by the thunder of all the armies, while there was already a sea of ​​fire and thunder clouds above my head.

The light shines directly into the sky.

When everyone saw this, they gasped. Unexpectedly, this old guy was not arrogant at all. He formed a formation as soon as he came up and trapped Huang Hao in it. He treated a junior like a formidable enemy. This shows the attitude of this old man. how.

"In order to kill you, I have made all preparations. Do you think I was just temporarily angered by you? I will kill you today, kill you, the so-called genius boy, haha." The old man laughed arrogantly .

As soon as he came up, he brought out his biggest trump card, and he will definitely not die today.

As the old man's words fell, the Four Elephants Formation was filled with a red fire. Looking carefully, it seemed like blood was burning. The bright red waves were blooming continuously, and then became calmer.

Huang Hao stood in the blood sea formation, resisting the scorching flames and the invasion of Blood Qi, constantly looking for flaws in the formation, preparing to kill it with ten strikes.

What kind of formation are you trying to break? It's not as good as my formation. Just wait and see. Huang Hao raised the corner of his mouth slightly and glanced at the old man contemptuously. Then his body suddenly trembled, and a golden brilliance rose from behind. Under his feet, a circle of golden lines appeared, and these golden lines were intertwined. A strange pattern was formed, slowly rotating under his feet, and golden rays of light continued to emit, covering the entire earth.

Golden light?

Seeing this strange scene, the old man of the Fire Python Clan couldn't help but frown.

Although he knew that Huang Hao was extremely powerful, he didn't expect that his formation was so powerful. He could even summon golden light. It was so powerful.

However, such a formation can resist the attacks of ordinary cultivators. For a Venerable, it is of no use at all. Moreover, he has four Venerables in charge. Even if they don't come to help, he can defeat this junior by himself. What's more, Forget about them.

go to hell.

The old man once again used his own killing move, and saw his giant tail draw mysterious arcs in the air, and whipped towards Huang Hao fiercely.

If this whip hits Huang Hao's body, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die.

When Huang Hao saw this, his expression did not change. The marks on his hands became knotted faster and faster, and the golden light gathered more and more. Finally, it gathered in the golden light formation at his feet, and then an even more terrifying wave spread out.

Huang Hao slammed his palm into the air, and saw a powerful force condensed instantly, forming a huge golden palm print in the air and facing the old man's whip.

At this moment, Huang Hao finally used his own killing move.

This move is called Heaven and Earth Return to Self.

With a punch, golden light filled the sky, and the power was as powerful as the earth shattering. In an instant, the old man's whip was shattered into pieces, turning into countless light rains floating in the air.

How can it be.

Seeing this scene, the old man couldn't help but widen his eyes in disbelief.

This move is his 5.7 killing move, his best move. Even some Venerables can't resist it. But this junior can catch this move easily. How strong is this kid?

The old man was shocked. Without any hesitation, he hurriedly launched his own killing move.

I saw him forming seals with both hands, and the spells in his hands flew out and fell into the middle of the four-image formation. The bloody light group instantly burst out with dazzling red light, and then a huge blood ball took shape in the old man's hands.

Among the blood cells, there were faint roars. The sound was very harsh, and it seemed to be expressing unwillingness, and it also seemed to be whining. .

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