In Cao Ye's eyes, Black Devil Elder seemed to have an invisible haze of light on his body. Unsurprisingly, he must have a particularly exaggerated killing weapon in his hand. At least he can't see the killing weapon yet. the true appearance of the device.

"Can you stop being annoying? If you can, just say a few words less, please?"

Huang Hao was angered by the other party's nonsense, so he took the lead to take action. With a wave of his finger, a pale golden light shot out, and then turned into a golden palm in the void.

On the golden halo, the sense of oppression falling from the sky echoed in people's hearts.

It's like the power of Kunpeng, transcending the air. Kunpeng's transformed form is not visible, but Huang Hao's speed, movement and strength have been stretched to the extreme.

Huang Hao also used his real skills to perform in front of everyone, what a real Supreme boy should look like.

The middle-aged man whose arm was cut off just stared, as if he had ushered in the end of his life, as if he had given up on using any means of resistance.

With a snapping sound, the light of the treasure that enveloped Black Devil Elder was instantly shattered in half. If he hadn't dodged in time, he would have been able to tear it into pieces under his golden palm.

The guys outside were completely shocked. The Black Devil Elder had a high status in the Black Cloud Clan, above the four major demon generals. But what he did just now was so incomprehensible that he was beaten so hard~

On the other side, the striker on the side was instantly thrown away because he could not withstand the pressure.

At the same time, Huang Hao stepped in the void and stepped on him mercilessly. The result was that his muscles and bones were shattered and his Cultivation Base was completely gone.

"The old man doesn't support the young man's nonsense. Today I will clean up the mess for your ancestors so that you can remember it." Huang Hao did not kill him, but he just felt uneasy. He always felt that there was a conflict between the two parties. There is something special involved.

The Black Devil Elder from the other side came in a roundabout way, and the flames of war broke out, especially when he destroyed the core disciples in front of his own eyes. This was not only a challenge to the family, but also a trampling on the majesty of death.

Qin Feng has been kicked to the ground and fell into the grass beside him. His Cultivation Base has been completely destroyed, and his nearly twenty years of practice has all returned to zero. This fear of cultivators has far exceeded the fear of death. .

There was silence, and everyone was shocked by Huang Hao's power, which was unrivaled and unparalleled in the world.

"This time not only the face was torn, but also the bones were broken. There is no room for recovery." Some people were frightened because they completely offended the other party and ruined all opportunities for recovery.

"What a talented young man from the human race. His courage at that time was simply invincible." Someone exclaimed in surprise.

Even the foreign geniuses who came to watch were filled with fear. If they were provoked, the outcome would be even more tragic.

Princess Tianyu, who had been entangled on the other side, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that the princess felt that because of a boring and reckless man, a human genius offended Death Mountain, so the deal was still not worth it.

"You actually cut off the roots of his spiritual practice!" The middle-aged man in the mountain of death yelled, shouting loudly with his hands: "You have completely declared war on us, right?"

Huang Hao's attitude was very normal and he said calmly: "People are already useless, can't you feel it? What's the use of talking nonsense to me?"

0...Please give me flowers...

"That's right, if you offend me, you'll be offended. Besides, it's you who provoke me again and again. It would be nice if you don't kill that bastard. Let's go have some fun." The big red bird continued.

Not only is the owner overbearing, but even the pet bird is so powerful.

The powerful ones among the Death Gods were speechless for a moment, but they did not dare to act rashly. After all, Granny Hua of the Supreme Holy Religion was brutally murdered, and this kid was not very courageous.

In this way, Huang Hao's thirst is not arrogance, but he already has such qualifications.

Outside the courtyard, the disciples of the Supreme Holy Religion fell in love with darkness.

"I don't know why, but there is an order from above not to get too entangled with you, but no matter what the reason is, you must apologize to us today and confess your guilt, and then follow me back to the mountain of death. Then big things will be resolved and small things will be gone. I believe you He is also a smart person and should make the right choice.

Huang Hao was not in a hurry to respond, but was waiting for his master's voice.

"This group of people really has something to do with my grandfather. Wouldn't it be bad if I pushed them too far?" he asked.

"You are no longer a child. You should have your own judgment. Cao Dian hesitated for a while and continued: "If it were me, regardless of whether there is that relationship or not, everything should be made clear and the responsibilities should be borne. No matter who it is. "

Huang Hao nodded and continued to shout to the other party.

"I said the fault is yours. If you still can't tell the difference, I don't mind waking you up with these hands." Although Huang Hao still has doubts in his heart, the initiative has always been in the hands of the other party. Right and wrong, the other party is more Clear begging. .

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