In his opinion, this is simply a heaven-defying existence. This kind of practice is probably not tolerated by heaven and earth.

Huang Hao was deeply shocked. He didn't expect that a small mist tree could transform into a spirit form, jump up and down, and even be able to practice independently and survive the Thousand Years.

"If I'm not mistaken, these are the legendary Spiritual Roots. Spiritual Roots with the ability to practice freely. If ordinary people are lucky enough to get it, it is possible to directly ascend." Cao Ye's words completely shocked Huang. Hao.

At this moment, Huo Ling'er saw this, dumbfounded, tugged at it, and quickly asked: "What did you see again?"

Huang Hao did not hide anything and told everyone about the living Spiritual Roots.

"I didn't expect that even the divine beasts of Heavenly Rank could only fall outside, but this small tree is guarded by hundreds of formations. It is indeed a heaven-defying existence. I am afraid it has surpassed the divine level. It is really not simple. , It’s simply terrifying.” Nine-Headed Lion said in shock.

Huang Hao also knew little about this and did not answer. He only knew that he was bound to get this thing.

The three different shapes displayed by the three flowers that just grew on the small tree also reveal a unique practice method, which is worthy of attention.

"There are three flowers growing on a tree, and its practice method is in line with the laws of heaven and earth, and it is one with heaven and earth. This seems to confirm something. It is getting closer and closer to the situation in Tianshen Mountain.

Not only Huang Hao, but also Yun Xi also saw what happened just now.

For a moment, I thought of an ancient tree in Tianshen Mountain.

Along the Ancient God Mountain, there are some steep mountains and this fairy mist. At the foot of the mountains, there are also many ancient temples, and the remaining ancient magic circles of the major racial sects are also a The next one seems to be in the same situation as here.

The only difference is that Tai Ancient God Mountain already has an owner and has been visited by future generations for thousands of years, and this is an uncultivated and mysterious land.

"You're not kidding, are you? You can't joke about this?" Nine-Headed Lion said.

"It's just that the situation is the same. However, the ancient tree in the mountain is not as energetic as this sapling. Let's say they are the same, but not exactly the same." Yun Xi continued to explain.

"Before, it was just a short story told by my ancestors. Later, when I approached the ancient tree, I didn't feel that deeply. But when I saw it today, it was very similar."

"In this way, this small sapling can be called the first living Spiritual Roots. Looking at the entire wilderness, I'm afraid I won't be able to find another one." Huo Ling'er nodded, feeling anxious in his heart, not knowing what to do. Sort out the excitement.

"It may not just be one living Spiritual Roots, but there are hundreds of such powerful magic circles guarding it. It is much more powerful than the ones in the sacred mountain. It may be beyond our imagination. It may involve a fight. Disasters are impossible to predict."

Yun Xi spoke very simply and her voice was very soft.

In fact, five Hundred Years ago, the Ancient God Mountain was not at peace. I don’t know how many strong men from outside infiltrated their own power into it, setting off an internal fight. In order to get the ancient Spiritual Roots, the clan Up and down, there were countless casualties.

The Tai Ancient God Mountain lineage has many branches, but most of them are at odds with each other. However, it was also because of that internal fight that made them understand the importance of unity with the outside world. [In the end, they were able to achieve peace and prosperity for the next five hundred years.

"I heard from my father before that when the ancient god of medicine died, there was a sacred grass accompanying him. However, Uncle Wang from the older generation also said that the ancient god of medicine died because of this grass. The involvement is not as simple as it seems on the surface." When Huo Ling'er was a child, he often listened to some magical stories told by his father and ancestors, but he never expected that they were all facts.

No matter which one of these two or three inferences came out, they were shocking enough. They no longer boiled with blood, but became silent.

It's like blessings and misfortunes come from twins, with a proud side and a miserable side.

But no matter how you say it, this is something that is hard to find in the world. Today, the true face of Lushan is revealed, and these young people, who are not afraid of tigers, must step forward to try their best to determine their luck after Hundred Years.

"Listening to what you said, I finally know what is the cause of the upcoming chaos. It should be the chaos caused by the emergence of similar divine objects one after another. I seem to have felt the breath of blood and the gaze of Death." Nine-Headed Lion Had a cold war.

Huang Hao was suddenly shocked. These mysterious things that suddenly appeared were too coincidental. Why did they suddenly rush together? Could this be the prelude to the chaos in the wilderness?

So far, he has nothing to explain, and he doesn't know what the answer is. But one thing he was extremely sure of was that this magical little tree definitely didn't belong here, but was the root of trouble that was planted thousands of years ago.

Of course, he also firmly believes in the principle of good fortune and misfortune, which has both risks and surprises.

"The more I think about it, the scarier it becomes. But do you think the god of medicine really died, or was he the one who planted these seeds? We can dig them out after Thousand Year matures."

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